JS.Geo 2015 まとめ

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Erik Friesen @erikfriesen

@billdollins but are they willing to hire remote Jr devs? #jsgeo

2015-10-09 09:37:37
Bill Dollins @billdollins

The whole #jsgeo crowd should be flocking to the precision ag door of @Spatial_Punk

2015-10-09 09:44:06
Scott Mencer @smencer

@cbley Good coverage of the #jsgeo conference today. Looks like it was a good experience.

2015-10-09 10:03:08
Spatial Trouble Maker 🏳️‍⚧️ ☠️🌻🌻🌻 🇺🇦 @Todd_Effin_Barr

@billdollins #jsgeo come to beautiful Fort Myers, see Gator Roadkill on your commute, help me build a an AgGeoDataScience Ibiza

2015-10-09 10:06:04
Amy Lee @amyleew

Mapping the Pope!! Purposeful (and lightning fast) cartography by @laurenancona #jsgeo slides 😇 twitter.com/laurenancona/s…

2015-10-09 10:22:36
auntie histamine @laurenancona

@amyleew haha well I think Tom's are already online, complete with speaker notes in the console. mine are at laurenancona.com/jsgeo

2015-10-09 10:11:38
Jake Wasserman @jwass2000

Back at parents house after #jsgeo. Dad: "Where were you? A manufacturing expo?" What!??

2015-10-09 11:11:19
Anne @AnnieGitUrGun

my sincere thanks to the organizers, sponsors, and, of course, the presenters of this year's #jsgeo conference. great job!

2015-10-09 11:59:12
David Puckett @BrightRain

Super thrilled to be a part of #jsgeo. Great event once again. ht @briantimoney and @cwhelm See you next time in...

2015-10-09 12:08:40
auntie cistamine @laurenancona

Rereading my notes from #jsgeo today & remembered that @tmcw sent a shoutout to my printer #postscript

2015-10-09 12:15:33
alperdincer @alperdincer

@briantimoney is there any chance to access all presentation and videos (if there is) of #jsgeo ?

2015-10-09 14:33:11
Patrick Stotz @PatrickStotz

Hey #jsgeo folks, are there any conference videos or slides online?

2015-10-09 18:10:24
Bill Dollins @billdollins

For the record, I'm still not hungry after the #jsgeo sammich. @briantimoney

2015-10-09 21:40:32
Andy Anderson 🗺 @GeoObservatory

For the record, my eyes are still full of amazement from the awesome #jsgeo feast of technologies! @billdollins @briantimoney

2015-10-09 23:26:55
alperdincer @alperdincer

@normanbarker is it possible to share your #jsgeo presentation?

2015-10-09 23:57:23
patricio gonzalez vivo @patriciogv

Thanks #jsgeo for the warm welcome and fantastic feedback. Here is link to my talk github.com/mapzen/present… cc @mapzen

2015-10-10 01:22:44
alts @lou@jawns.club or louh@cohost @saikofish

Unfortunately I had to miss #jsgeo but I was with you in spirit! So glad we got a chance to show this to you twitter.com/patriciogv/sta…

2015-10-10 01:32:19
Matthew Amato @matt_amato

Here are the slides from my #jsgeo talk, loaded with additional notes and content that didn't fit into 15 minutes: cesiumjs.org/presentations/…

2015-10-10 02:39:50
Geoawesomeness @geoawesomeness

So did any of you #Geogeeks attend the recent #JSGeo event in US? Would love to hear about your experience. #JavaScript #Geo

2015-10-10 05:44:40
Javascript Digest @nodenow

So did any of you #Geogeeks attend the recent #JSGeo event in US? Would love to hear about your experience. #JavaScript #Geo

2015-10-10 05:56:45
Dave Bouwman @dbouwman

@pachetra Thanks for the shout-out, but I think you meant @webslingerm :) Glad #jsgeo was awesome & bummed to have missed it!

2015-10-10 06:28:10
Cesium @CesiumJS

Once again amazing job by @briantimoney keeping #jsgeo entertaining and moving yesterday!

2015-10-10 06:39:43
Jason Dalton @jasonrdalton

#jsgeo seemed like a good event. I'll have to make it next time. Anyone know if talks were videoed for posting?

2015-10-10 10:42:37
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