JS.Geo 2015 まとめ

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Andy Anderson 🗺 @GeoObservatory

#jsgeo Event Stamp JS.Geo JavaScript for mappy things. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 2015-10-08 jsgeo.com

2015-10-11 00:44:57
Brian Timoney @briantimoney

Here are links to #JSGeo speaker decks, etc.; we'll add to it as they come in docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…

2015-10-13 02:47:19
Map/ @vtcraghead

//post-#jsgeo record-keeping: var tweepsIFinallyMetIRL = [];

2015-10-13 05:26:31
Map/ @vtcraghead

tweepsIFinallyMetIRL.push(@PetersonGIS,@morganherlocker,@BrightRain,@CRVanPollard,@briantimoney,@cwhelm,@mapadelphia,@billdollins); #jsgeo

2015-10-13 05:26:42
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