Talking in English about Anime, Game, Manga or Japanese culture

Talking in English about Anime, Game, Manga or Japanese culture with a Japanese, a Chinese, a German, British and Canadians
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☆★☆ Shiroi ☆★☆ @ShiroiChanUK

@itobun @darkjedi188 I can't really remember because it was quite a while ago :3

2011-02-12 11:27:41
boone @itobun

Please honestly tell me how ill he is speaking of Japan ♪ ... (*^-゜)v, RT @yossiexcharmy: @itobun @DarkJedi188 my history teacher

2011-02-12 11:29:01
boone @itobun

What a relief! Please say "hello" and "I love you" to her even "Marry me!" is still O.K. if you like. RT @yossiexcharmy: @DarkJedi188

2011-02-12 11:38:15
☆★☆ Shiroi ☆★☆ @ShiroiChanUK

@itobun @darkjedi188 ok <33333 the people in my class were the horrible ones :(

2011-02-12 11:40:08

@darkjedi188 I see you talked to @Itobun he is awesome isn't he? It's nice to find like minded people in this world.

2011-02-12 11:44:33

@Walking_Glitch @Itobun Yes, you're both good conversationalists who are naturally immune to the WhatDo Syndrome. Spread those genes.

2011-02-12 11:47:08

@DarkJedi188 Yeah, i wish that i could there aren't many people like you or @itobun where i live which is a shame.

2011-02-12 11:54:02

@Walking_Glitch @Itobun Thank goodness for the existence of the Internet.

2011-02-12 11:59:43

@DarkJedi188 @Itobun I know, even my friends aren't as much fun to talk to. No disrespect to them it's just we have got similar intrests.

2011-02-12 12:03:34
☆★☆ Shiroi ☆★☆ @ShiroiChanUK

@itobun I'm off to sleep now bye bye :3 oyasumi nasai :3

2011-02-12 12:08:12
boone @itobun

Good night・:*:・゚'★.。・:*:・゚'☆♪ RT @yossiexcharmy: @itobun I'm off to sleep now bye bye :3 oyasumi nasai :3

2011-02-12 12:52:24
boone @itobun

Wow, sorry for my absence. I was so glad but I have to say I don't deserve such words of praise! ヾ(^-^;) RT @walking_glitch: @DarkJedi188

2011-02-12 12:56:31
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