20110306 many police in china (by @TomLasset )

tweeted by TomLasset
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

My story, posted overnight: China wants better image, but not at the risk of security | http://bit.ly/ehEvEm

2011-03-05 20:06:31
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

RT @limlouisa: FT article on China's next leaders judged so offensive it's been eviscerated from weekend magazine http://on.ft.com/gQodh9

2011-03-05 20:57:21
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

NPC picture: Wen on the big screen, delegates with speech on their desks http://yfrog.com/h7qhvljfj

2011-03-05 22:31:23
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

Another picture of police truck on Tiananmen today http://yfrog.com/hs23cwej

2011-03-05 22:37:15
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

NPC picture: Guard on stairs of Great Hall of the People http://yfrog.com/hsnhsfjj

2011-03-05 22:40:24
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

In which plainclothes security tried to rip Wen Jiabao's speech away from us at petitions office yesterday. Seriously. http://bit.ly/ejvnJi

2011-03-06 10:18:50
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

About to listen to: @JoshGartner's New China Policy Pod: China and the New Middle East, w/ @BlakeHounshell http://bit.ly/erhQwk

2011-03-06 10:21:04
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

Reading smart, concise post by @GraniteStudio: Google is the new opium: There are days when the state media in China... http://bit.ly/dOxECz

2011-03-06 10:25:30
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

As China vows to halt corruption, inequality, troubles continue http://bit.ly/ejvnJi

2011-03-06 11:16:13
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

RT @taniabranigan: Google deals in information like British East India Company dealt in opium, says People's Daily Online http://cmp.hku.hk/

2011-03-06 11:51:22
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

Went to Xidan today. First police officer told me no problem as long as i wasn't reporting. The second one suggested I leave.

2011-03-06 17:44:48
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

Plainclothes security who followed all the back to the metro station waved off a third set of officers, said we'd already been taken care of

2011-03-06 17:46:20
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

At Xidan, rows of police and plainclothes on street, in mall, everywhere.

2011-03-06 17:46:53
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

Document at NPC presser today re: agriculture: "We will ... crack down hard on those who maliciously drive up prices by fabricating stories"

2011-03-06 17:51:52
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

Document at NPC presser today re: agriculture pricing: "We will strengthen the guidance of public opinion"

2011-03-06 17:53:19
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

During past 2 days have been told by a police officer that it was OK to be somewhere, and then told by another officer/security to leave

2011-03-06 17:56:29
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

@JoshGartner Actually, police I spoke w/ today, and the officer yesterday were all very polite/professional.

2011-03-06 18:00:43
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

@JoshGartner Only real problem was plainclothes yesterday at the petitions office.

2011-03-06 18:01:13
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

Am wondering -- just how many police were deployed in China today?

2011-03-06 18:34:43