
米国国会議事堂から2.3kmほど離れたホワイトハウス近くの公園(the Ellipse)でトランプ大統領が演説をしている最中に、国会議事堂へ暴徒が乱入。元空軍兵士の女性が射殺されました。
Serge Kovaleski @sergenyt

Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises nyti.ms/QUbcrg

2012-10-07 21:03:19
Tim O'Brien @TimOBrien

Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises nyti.ms/R2EbfO

2012-10-08 01:47:31
Rick Hasen @rickhasen

ELB: “Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises”: Must-read Adam Liptak NYT article. goo.gl/fb/zTa1s

2012-10-07 12:42:36
関 泰久🌗 @Campaign_Otaku

ペンシルバニア州のカソリック教会で300人以上の聖職者が1000人以上の児童に性的虐待を行い、長年に渡り組織的に隠蔽していたことが判明。 最早カソリックの年中行事。司祭になるためには生涯独身、自慰行為禁止…これが問題に関係するなら聖職者全員去勢する他ないのでは。 pic.twitter.com/A4rrHeabfx

2018-08-16 13:22:59

More than 300 'predator priests' molested at least 1,000 children, Pennsylvania grand jury finds ti.me/2BcMp4a pic.twitter.com/QyEe5nRRy0

2018-08-16 09:30:58
Buzzybuzz @Buzzybuzz3

New post (How Hackers Can Target Voting Machines | NBC News Now) has been published on BuzzyBuzz - buzzybuzz.info/news/how-hacke… pic.twitter.com/9azMMWsS2q

2019-08-13 22:27:34
Happening Now 🐦 @HappeningNow__

BREAKING: man critically injured at Dallas riots It appears he attempted to defend a shop with a large sword Looters ran at him, then he charged rioters They then beat him with a skateboard and stoned him with medium sized rocks pic.twitter.com/asL68iQGjM

2020-05-31 12:10:49

One of the better stories I've seen. This guy put his entire life savings into owning a bar in Minneapolis only to have it destroyed His gofundme now at 880k gofundme.com/f/scores-bar-m… pic.twitter.com/HHpCa2NPwQ

2020-06-01 05:22:46
Josh Breslow @JoshBreslowTV

#VIDEO: "Some coward fired shots at officers and now we have 4 in the hospital." St. Louis Police Chief John Hayden gets emotional while discussing his officers shot overnight after protests turned into riots. @WKRN pic.twitter.com/7zAexApPY5

2020-06-02 21:47:14

"A protester shot my sister. It was not the police. Because of you, I lost my sister." 4 were shot, 2 killed pic.twitter.com/TX0UH6tXPn

2020-06-03 00:31:09
Anything & Everything Cannabis @DanJohn32967045

Anger erupts across America as protests spread | ITV News youtu.be/9srccSTB49Q via @YouTube If I Was a Business Owner I Have A Huge Deep Basement Trap So When They Break In My Store They Fall In It Now Way Out I lets Them Starve In There !!!

2020-06-11 02:19:43
Conor Martin @CMartinForMO

Yesterday, while praying for peace and unity in our city and the protection of the Saint Louis statue, Black Lives Matter protesters started to harass, berate, and assault the Catholics that were peacefully praying. We did nothing in retaliation (Thread with documentation) 1/8 pic.twitter.com/3jLDZUwDvY

2020-06-29 02:55:31
Tim Pool @Timcast

"Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises" NYT Oct. 6, 2012 Ok so maybe the NYT was wrong in 2012 right? Or... maybe they are wrong now? Take your pick! nytimes.com/2012/10/07/us/… pic.twitter.com/ZvRvu8cGeE

2020-08-04 02:23:10
AFPBB News @afpbbcom

FB、トランプ氏支持の米国人装ったルーマニアのアカウント閉鎖 afpbb.com/articles/-/329… 「組織的な偽情報の拡散」を阻止する取り組みの一環で、フェイスブックのアカウント35個とページ3件、インスタグラムのアカウント88個を閉鎖したという。

2020-08-08 02:30:04
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