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rei ft. 🔕 @blepepp

Dictionary, vocabulary practice with SRS (Space Repetitive System) equipped and assistance for reading play.google.com/store/apps/det… pic.twitter.com/8rKpVtgJi9

2017-05-28 02:37:48
rei ft. 🔕 @blepepp

SRS is only available if you buy pro version and the app can be confusing to navigate. However, free user can practice vocabulary for free

2017-05-28 02:39:38
rei ft. 🔕 @blepepp

from HSK 6 to 1. User is also allowed to create and import their own flashcard

2017-05-28 02:39:47
rei ft. 🔕 @blepepp

Google Translate app for easy to use and probably the most updated(?) OCR play.google.com/store/apps/det… pic.twitter.com/I7NoxAe97K

2017-05-28 04:22:55
rei ft. 🔕 @blepepp

hellotalk.com and lang-8.com for Grammar practice. Write a sentences and a native speaker will correct it, sometimes

2017-05-28 04:25:06
rei ft. 🔕 @blepepp

even explain why. HelloTalk feels like LINE message while Lang8 feels like journal/blog, but both fuction are the same!

2017-05-28 04:25:34