quick memo for genome assembly workshop

quick (and dirty) personal memo of genome assembly workshop, with the hashtag #gaw, until 2011-03-18 02:xx JST.
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BGI Group @TheBgiGroup

DJ: PACBIO likely to be great for small genomes, but currently impractical for large genomes as can cost 10X more. #assemblathon #gaw

2011-03-16 02:58:10
Dawei Lin @iGenomics

ALLPATHS-LG will not work on capillary sequence data. #gaw #assemblathon

2011-03-16 03:01:11
Genome Research @genomeresearch

Genome assembly using short sequence reads and reduced representation libraries http://genome.cshlp.org/content/20/2/249.abstract #gaw

2011-03-16 03:02:01
Dawei Lin @iGenomics

Have you evaluated conservative markers across different genomes and different assemblies? #gaw #assemblathon

2011-03-16 03:03:40
The Assemblathon @assemblathon

Daniel Zerbino from UC Santa Cruz is up next: “Columbus: Templated assembly of partially mapped reads” (keep forgetting hashtags! #gaw)

2011-03-16 03:05:50
Dawei Lin @iGenomics

ALLPATHS-LG is designed to look forward to use the new recipe not retrofit to legacy sequence data. #gaw #assemblathon

2011-03-16 03:06:57
Deanna Church (she/her) @deannachurch

Up next, Daniel Zerbino to discuss Hybrid de novo and mapped assembly of short reads. #gaw

2011-03-16 03:07:48
Dawei Lin @iGenomics

Daniel Zerbino: hybrid de novo & mapped assembly of short read genomics data. #gaw #assemblathon

2011-03-16 03:07:59
Dawei Lin @iGenomics

Two churches for sequencing individual: mapping vs. de novo #gaw #assemblathon

2011-03-16 03:08:42
BGI Group @TheBgiGroup

Up now is Daniel Zerbino (UCSC) on a similar theme: "Hybrid de novo and mapped assembly of short read genomic data" #assemblathon #gaw

2011-03-16 03:08:52
Dawei Lin @iGenomics

Mapping: many tools avalable, assembly: no reference needed, can find novel variant. #gaw

2011-03-16 03:09:30
Dawei Lin @iGenomics

A reference -assisted de Bruign graph to reduce ambiguity. #gaw

2011-03-16 03:11:23
GigaScience @GigaScience

Following Daniel Zerbino at #Assemblathon, the Columbus module within Velvet is available here: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/~zerbino/velvet/ #gaw

2011-03-16 03:13:24
Genome Research @genomeresearch

Zerbino and Birney algorithms for de novo short read assembly using de Bruijn graphs http://bit.ly/dPjCvy #gaw

2011-03-16 03:13:33
Dawei Lin @iGenomics

Columus: preserve reference structure, use alignment data, allow de novo assembly options. #gaw #assemblathon

2011-03-16 03:14:08
Dawei Lin @iGenomics

Fusion event confirmed by Berger et al, 2010 Genome Research #gaw #assemblathon

2011-03-16 03:15:26
Deanna Church (she/her) @deannachurch

DZ: Using the reference structure and de bruijn graphs to capture de novo pieces. #gaw

2011-03-16 03:15:56
BGI Group @TheBgiGroup

DZ: Relating to the current talk, bit of a write up about the Columbus module within Velvet here: http://ow.ly/4f5lM #gaw #Assemblathon

2011-03-16 03:16:46
Dawei Lin @iGenomics

Columbus did have longer length than velvet. read mismatches went down because respects difference sin reference genomes #gaw #assemblathon

2011-03-16 03:17:17
The Assemblathon @assemblathon

Lots of talk about new/different assembly file formats at this meeting. Clearly a need for something which is better than just FASTA #gaw

2011-03-16 03:19:09
Dawei Lin @iGenomics

Zack Sanbord: breakpoint reassembly, use VC format to report structural variation. #gaw #assemblathon

2011-03-16 03:19:37
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