tweets are collected around 2011-11-03T11:30+9:00 with hashtag gi2011, then removed RT/duplication. Meeting page is; http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/info11.shtml . remained free to edit so please append posts or tag. Posts aggregation for day2 is also available as http://togetter.com/li/209986 .
BF Francis Ouellette @bffo

hashtag for CSHL Genome Informatics 2011: #gi2011 All in favor?

2011-11-03 00:06:13
Iddo Friedberg 💔𐤅‎𐤉𐤃‎‎𐤏‎ @iddux

On my way to CSHL genome informatics to talk about Critical Assessment of protein Function Annotation http://t.co/Nn945cf5 #gi2011

2011-11-03 00:34:44
Iddo Friedberg 💔𐤅‎𐤉𐤃‎‎𐤏‎ @iddux

Seem to be to many hashtags for cshl. Genome informatics. I favor #gi2011 because 1. It is short & 2. @bffo said so.

2011-11-03 00:40:15
Genome Research @genomeresearch

#cshlgi has also been suggested by @genetics_blog @dgmacarthur RT @bffo: hashtag for CSHL Genome Informatics 2011: #gi2011 All in favor?

2011-11-03 01:37:55
Stephen Turner @strnr

Alright CSH genome informatics tweeps, I'm behind #GI2011 - short and easier than #CSHLGI or #CSHINGO11.

2011-11-03 05:27:13
Stephen Turner @strnr

Lots of next-generation sequencing pipelines and analysis suites in the #gi2011 program #bioinformatics

2011-11-03 06:38:50
SGD Project @yeastgenome@genomic.social (bsky too) @yeastgenome

Aye - SGD'ers are in. RT @bffo: hashtag for CSHL Genome Informatics 2011: #gi2011 All in favor?

2011-11-03 06:39:04
Stephen Turner @strnr

Nice lineup for #gi2011 first session, transcriptomics, alt splicing, gene predictions. Most talks tweetable.

2011-11-03 08:31:40
Stephen Turner @strnr

1st up gunner ratsch - read mapping and transcript identification and quantification #GI2011

2011-11-03 08:32:40
BF Francis Ouellette @bffo

so far, 1st session genome informatics on transcriptomics 6/8 twitable, good start  for a CSHL meeting #gi2011

2011-11-03 08:35:59
SGD Project @yeastgenome@genomic.social (bsky too) @yeastgenome

#gi2011 underway. We'll be passing on analysis tools and pipelines that might be useful for the yeast community.

2011-11-03 08:40:15
Stephen Turner @strnr

GR: rQuant simutaneously estimates transcript abundance accounting for RNA-seq biases http://t.co/7ySruFnS #GI2011

2011-11-03 08:41:45
Stephen Turner @strnr

GR: read mapping not fully solved yet. lots of work on this front being presented later at #gi2011

2011-11-03 08:56:04
Stephen Turner @strnr

`On that note, talk 2: Thomas Wu speaking on accurate mapping of RNA-seq data, analysis of alt splicing and gene fusion #gi2011

2011-11-03 08:58:10
Will Spooner @wspoonr

Gunnar Ratsch highlights need for variant aware aligners. #gi2011

2011-11-03 09:02:49
Stephen Turner @strnr

T. Wu talking about GSTRUCT for accurate gene structure inference from RNA seq data. Can't seem to find it with Google #gi2011

2011-11-03 09:03:24
Will Spooner @wspoonr

I'm a fan of Gunnar's work at Max Planck, so nice start to #gi2011.

2011-11-03 09:05:05
Mario Caccamo @mcaccamo

At Genome Informatics #gi2011 transcriptomics session (T Wu talking about GSNAP)

2011-11-03 09:07:54
Nakazato T. @chalkless

RGASP: RNAseq Genome Annotation Assessment Project - http://t.co/wD4u9XZ2 #cshlgi #gi2011

2011-11-03 09:09:36
BF Francis Ouellette @bffo

TW on GSNAP to find genes http://t.co/peZwqmGJ #gi2011 (argh "highly homologous" bad expression)

2011-11-03 09:10:44
Stephen Turner @strnr

GSTRUCT attempts to infer main isoform (path with greatest number of splices), then find differences (not all possible combinations) #gi2011

2011-11-03 09:12:40
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