Aaron Patterson tweets about "草"

日本のwwwは他のㅋㅋㅋやlolと違い冷笑的、嘲笑的、侮蔑的な意味が含まれている(特に草は偶然に中国でも)ことを表明する点が違うようだ。 〇また、中国ではよりひどい意味になるので使わない方がよい。
Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

I learned a new slang in Japanese today: 草生える. I will now explain it

2017-09-12 09:08:17
Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

Job: @Shopify Opinions: Mine PGP: 4CE9 1B75 A798 28E8 6B1A A8BB 9531 70BC B4FF AFC6 Partner: @ebiltwin and cats. he/him @tenderlove@mastodon.social


Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

@unak 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🤦🏻‍♀️

2017-09-12 10:44:38
usa @unak

@tenderlove BTW, 草 often (but not always) has derisive implication. I don't know about lol. Is the same about it?

2017-09-12 10:50:43

ところで、草はしばしば (しかし必ず) は冷笑的な意味を含みます。 LOLはよくわかりませんが、同じですか。

Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

@unak I didn't know that! It depends, "lol" can be used sarcastically but more commonly is not derisive

2017-09-12 10:53:17


Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

@unak Usually "lol" just means "that's funny!" But that can be used in a derogatory statement.

2017-09-12 10:54:28
Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

@unak Usually "lol" just means "that's funny!" But that can be used in a derogatory statement.

2017-09-12 10:54:28


Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

This thread seems to be much more popular with Japanese speakers than English speakers. 🤦‍♀️ 草生える twitter.com/tenderlove/sta…

2017-09-13 00:27:52
フック' @F__eqaul__kx

外国の方の本気の解説に草生える pic.twitter.com/AhEGCLxTae

2017-09-13 15:46:00
Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

I just arrived in Japan and so far only 1 in 4 people tried to switch the conversation from Japanese to English (I persisted in Japanese)

2017-09-14 16:44:32
Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

@schuchert Not sure I understand. We could understand each other, just two langs in one conversation. (We do that at home frequently)

2017-09-15 02:55:06
Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

@wichor Probably not obvious from my tweet, but I was making a joke. Thank you though!

2017-09-15 07:41:03

Similar Expression

ギャビン - Gavin @Glasgow_Gavin

@F__eqaul__kx @payopayo84 昨日、それを習いました! 草生える。 でも、インターネットの日本人は「草」だけと言いました。

2017-09-15 17:41:52
ぱよ @payopayo84

@Siegmont90 @F__eqaul__kx Yeah, "草"is shortened form for "草生える". Threre's also variation "大草原" which literally is stronger expression of "草". They are slung anyway.

2017-09-15 18:15:36
María Paula @BlackFlyNight

@F__eqaul__kx @harudolo Really??? For real real oxo??? Now I understand a lot of things oxo! ... Really oxo?????????

2017-09-15 12:05:29
María Paula @BlackFlyNight

@harudolo @F__eqaul__kx HAHAHAHA, wow!! Didn't know xD! My japanese sensei is old enough to be my father, so he doesn't know too xD. Lol! Wait! Wwwwwwwwww xD

2017-09-15 12:20:46