2017ヨーロッパ選手権と各国ナショナル 自分用まとめ

Ashley Wagner @AshWagner2010

Maybe Raf will forget about my cheated double axel after this program💁🏻 #USChamps17

2017-01-21 13:15:35
Ashley Wagner @AshWagner2010

Ugh. I can't. It had to be the lace. It had to be.

2017-01-21 13:17:43
Ashley Wagner @AshWagner2010

I can always find Jordan by looking for his pants while he is skating ❤

2017-01-21 13:21:37
Ashley Wagner @AshWagner2010

Yaaay such a hard spot to skate in and he's delivered so far👊🏻

2017-01-21 13:22:16
Winter @Winter026

「(シャツ(と顔その他も?)が背景と同化してるけど)滑ってるジョーダンのパンツさえ見失わなければいつでも彼を見つけられるわ♡」ってだれかやつをとめてくれー twitter.com/AshWagner2010/…

2017-01-21 13:24:15
Ashley Wagner @AshWagner2010

I love the way Ross skates. Classic men's skating #straighthandsfordays

2017-01-21 13:27:43
Ashley Wagner @AshWagner2010

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Surreal honestly. twitter.com/realdetective/…

2017-01-21 13:28:33
J.j. @realdetective

@AshWagner2010 what was it like, you and @rossminer knowing alexander hamilton personally, now that he's a pop culture sensation

2017-01-21 13:27:06
Josh Ellis @Jellisosu

TBH I genuinely missed seeing @Adaripp skate in this event. #USChamps17

2017-01-21 13:35:21
Ashley Wagner @AshWagner2010

Boys brought it. Can't wait for the long. I'll be live-tweeting for @JohnWilsonBlade FOLLOW. FOR. SASS.

2017-01-21 13:39:06
Ashley Wagner @AshWagner2010

I give credit where it is due. @icenetwork You almost brought it more than the men tonight👍🏻

2017-01-21 13:40:08
Ashley Wagner @AshWagner2010

Great event. @Adaripp and his bare shoulders were sorely missed. Next year 🔥🔥🔥 #USChamps17

2017-01-21 13:41:02
IceTalk Podcast @IceTalkPodcast

OMG, @AshWagner2010 is saying nice things about us on Twitter. We need to go lay down. twitter.com/AshWagner2010/…

2017-01-21 13:41:07
Ashley Wagner @AshWagner2010

And you thought you needed a pillow for that dream. This is real and it happened. #blessed twitter.com/icenetwork/sta…

2017-01-21 13:42:17