2011年3月26日、ロンドン、UK Uncutデモ(数十万人規模)

2011年3月26日、ロンドン中心部でのUK Uncutのものすごい規模のデモ(緊縮財政を理由とした予算削減の一方で、企業の「節税」がそのままにされていることへの抗議)についての現地ジャーナリストらのツイートを、あとから自分で読むために1ページにまとめたものです。 日本語でのご報告と、現場にいたエジプト人(タハリール広場経験者)のご報告&お笑いも含めてあります。
Paul Lewis @PaulLewis

What anti-cuts activists plan to do to Hyde Park on #26march or #march26 http://bit.ly/id8s77 It will look a bit like a #climatecamp

2011-03-22 21:30:09
Paul Lewis @PaulLewis

I got a mention today on list of most powerful examples of #Twitter in journalism http://bit.ly/i1Y6AT (as did @AlexiMostrous + @acarvin)

2011-03-22 21:34:51
Marc Vallée @marc_vallee

The "Andrew Lansley Rap" http://youtu.be/Dl1jPqqTdNo by Sean Donnelly aka @NxtGenUK << Well worth taking a look. #NHS #26March

2011-03-24 19:05:29
Marc Vallée @marc_vallee

The "Andrew Lansley Rap" by Sean Donnelly aka @NxtGenUK makes it on to the @guardian website, http://tinyurl.com/5r47go9 #NHS #26March

2011-03-25 17:41:20
Marc Vallée @marc_vallee

Met Press Bureau number for #26March demo, 07917 556824. For journalists who encounter problems on the ground with the police. #NUJ

2011-03-25 19:16:40
Marc Vallée @marc_vallee

"Anti-cuts march: police prepare for violent minority", http://gu.com/p/2z2av/tf / via @guardiannews #26March

2011-03-25 21:28:06
Marc Vallée @marc_vallee

"Extremist groups are planning violence at TUC march", http://tinyurl.com/5scrbgp written by Andy Hayman forme… (cont) http://deck.ly/~eyInJ

2011-03-26 01:44:13
Paul Lewis @PaulLewis

On the anti-cuts march tomorrow? Got an iphone or blackberry? Sent us your video: http://t.co/GaSbWbT

2011-03-26 04:47:56
Laurie Penny @PennyRed

talk about why I am marching, why this matters to me. I'm sitting in front of a blank page at the moment. I'll keep you posted.

2011-03-26 06:58:59
Laurie Penny @PennyRed

Meanwhile, read this brilliant article by P.Gopal in the guardian: http://bit.ly/exuMDH

2011-03-26 07:03:00
Laurie Penny @PennyRed

@MAB4UANDB I'm not interested in Labour's bloody economic plan. It's the same, slightly diluted. More for the rich, less for the poor.

2011-03-26 07:03:54
Richard Seymour @leninology

Protest march against coalition cuts expected to attract 300,000 | Society | The Guardian http://t.co/s2yDbtH << a conservative estimate

2011-03-26 09:22:37
Marc Vallée @marc_vallee

On my way to cover #26March protests. I will be live tweeting throughout the day. #demo2010 #March26 #26Mar #

2011-03-26 17:45:55
yvonneridley @yvonneridley

Welfare not Warfare - meet on the Embankment for 11am today - London march

2011-03-26 18:06:55
Laurie Penny @PennyRed

Just round the corner from malet street. Heading down with the edu-anarcho-student bloc. Hope we don't get kettled. #march26

2011-03-26 18:43:27
Marc Vallée @marc_vallee

Outside ULU on Malet Street for the "unofficial" education feeder march. #26March #Demo2010

2011-03-26 18:46:58
Marc Vallée @marc_vallee

Around 500 (so far) outside ULU for the Education Bloc feeder march. #26March #Demo2011

2011-03-26 19:26:32
Laurie Penny @PennyRed

On malet street, about a hundred anarchist flags, students from everywhere. The noise is incredible #march26

2011-03-26 19:34:57
Asa Winstanley @AsaWinstanley

According to Twitter, the entire country is descending on London for the #26March demo. But I'm stuck at home with a draft manuscript. bah

2011-03-26 19:41:29
Laurie Penny @PennyRed

March lining up. When they say cut back...#march26

2011-03-26 19:43:10
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