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neko海堂 @zeakradion

@Yonge_Finch 銃の扱いと政治ってそんなに関係なくね

2017-11-14 12:59:51
Venezuelan Power @haokuishibare

@Yonge_Finch @M16A_hayabusa If he's such a renowned soldier why is he so obsequious to Kim Jong-un?

2017-11-14 14:12:18
spark @Yonge_Finch

@haokuishibare @M16A_hayabusa As a true soldier he knows exactly what will happen if a war breaks out. As a leader, you can't let millions of innocent people die and the prosperity built over last 70 years reduced to rubble.

2017-11-14 15:08:11
Venezuelan Power @haokuishibare

@Yonge_Finch @M16A_hayabusa Oh boy ur president can't say it to the face of Kim Jong-un. u stated it right; Moon drops guards before Kim because he's so scared. What kind of soldier is that? Yet, u Kors r bitching at Americans. Tell me who started the Korean War. Who has developed the nukes and threatens u?

2017-11-14 16:24:49
청풍명월 @pjk0625

@Yonge_Finch @looottt 시방새들~~ 저상태로 실탄사격 시켜보고 싶다. 저런 대가리로 안보,안보 하는데 군대 안갈려고 기쓰고 도망다니던 놈들이 더 발악하는갑다.

2017-11-14 18:50:43
たぬたつ╰( •̀ε•́ ╰)nonsensical tweetman. @tanutatsu

戦術の才能はあっても、戦略の才能がないのならば、文民統治である国家のトップは不向きである。 twitter.com/Yonge_Finch/st…

2017-11-14 19:38:59
盧•문파 ! @js353

@Yonge_Finch わはは、 本当ほに おもしろい. ㅋㅋ

2017-11-14 21:06:34
hirax @hirax

「空を見ることで瞳孔を小さくし照準しやすくする」というロジックに落ちこぼれた(私が十分理解することができていない)ので、軽くメモしてみた。 「ライフルで照準前に空を見る動作…それが何で狙いを正確にするのか?」 hirax.net/diaryweb/2017/… twitter.com/Yonge_Finch/st…

2017-11-14 21:43:02
週刊山開拓📛 @y96kawa

むしろドットサイトの方が空より暗いんだから、見辛くなりそうなもんだけどな twitter.com/Yonge_Finch/st…

2017-11-15 12:28:06
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