
WWW2011のWorkshop Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2011)のハッシュタグまとめ http://events.linkeddata.org/ldow2011/
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Raphaël Troncy @rtroncy

Sam Coppens is proposing a 6 star for supporting datetime conneg and a 7 star for publishing provenance at #ldow2011 #www2011

2011-03-29 13:29:16
Erik Wilde @dret

6 stars linked data: supporting datetime conneg, 7 stars linked data: publishing provenance information #ldow2011

2011-03-29 13:29:44
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

2番目。 Publishing Provenance Information on the Web using the Memento Datetime Content Negotiation / Sam Coppens #ldow2011

2011-03-29 13:29:55
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

Memento Datetime Content Negociationは時間メタデータをつかったcontent negociation. Prvenanceの公開をつかってcontent negociation. #ldow2011

2011-03-29 13:32:45
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

提案(joke?):6-star はdatetime content negociation, 7-starはprovenance publishing. #ldow2011

2011-03-29 13:33:22
Hugh Glaser @hughglaser

@rtroncy absolutement. And speakers keeping to the timing that allows it - very helpful. #ldow2011

2011-03-29 13:33:24
Cornelia Davis @cdavisafc

Heavy use of content negotiation in #ldow2011 second paper on provenance of linked data http://t.co/gFWmTvf

2011-03-29 13:38:26
Juan Sequeda @juansequeda

I guess @rtroncy and @dret are my main sources of #ldow2011. Not a lot of people tweeting :(

2011-03-29 13:42:38
Thomas Steiner @tomayac

Nice idea for delivering diff. versions of a dataset: use an HTTP req. “dateTime” header to conneg to the desired ver. #WSREST2011 #LDOW2011

2011-03-29 13:45:14
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

3件目。 Augmenting the Web of Data using Referers / Hannes Mühleisen (Free Univ. Berlin) #ldow2011

2011-03-29 14:11:12
Erik Wilde @dret

second #ldow2011 talk in a row talking about using HTTP-level information. very nice to see people embracing interaction more.

2011-03-29 14:16:57
W3C - Chapter São Paulo @w3csp

Muito interessante a apresentação da equipe Archipel no #ldow2011 URIs com metadados para versionamento http://migre.me/48y8C

2011-03-29 14:17:50
Thomas Steiner @tomayac

Using log files w/ #HTTP referers to create links (A has referer from B. If B contains info on A => useful). #LDOW2011 @hfmuehleisen @anjeve

2011-03-29 14:24:50
Markus Luczak-Roesch @MLuczak

our #usewod dataset as the basis for a submission by @hfmuehleisen for the #ldow2011. topic: creating backlinks using referers. #www2011

2011-03-29 14:26:19
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

http refererをつかってlinkの情報を得るというアイデア。相手のURIを dereference。そしてバックリンクをつくる。バックリンクの属性は?(1)対象属性ならそのまま、(2)反対属性があるならそれ、(3)それ以外はトリプルをコピー。 #ldow2011

2011-03-29 14:26:44
Raphaël Troncy @rtroncy

Did @timberners_lee say that #tabulator sends referer headers? Privacy issues as well #ldow2011 #www2011!

2011-03-29 14:28:15
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

Dbpediaを使って実験。500程度の新リンク。 [感想:いいアイデアだけど、意外に新リンクはなかったようだ。でも referer利用はいろいろ使えそう] #ldow2011

2011-03-29 14:29:17
Erik Wilde @dret

next: RESTful writable APIs for Linked Data using relational storage solutions (A. Garrote, M. Moreno García) http://bit.ly/hYKIhm #ldow2011

2011-03-29 14:32:42
Raphaël Troncy @rtroncy

Very interesting discussion at #ldow2011: the p defines the semantics. Do NOT build system that distinguish the s and the o (s,p,o) #www2011

2011-03-29 14:32:57
W3C - Chapter São Paulo @w3csp

Começando agora na #ldow2011 RESTful writable APIs for the web of Linked Data using relational storage solutions http://migre.me/48A94

2011-03-29 14:33:59
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