DevRelCon London 2017

Tweets related for DevRelCon London 2017. DevRelCon London 2017のツイートをまとめました。
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Dr Laura Cowen @lauracowen

Enjoyed #devrelcon today. And going back for more tomorrow! #longcommute

2017-12-07 05:35:22
Jessica West @jessicaewest

Hey #DevRelCon London! Join us for karaoke in 30 minutes Lucky Voice 173-174 Upper St, Islington, London N1 1RG, UK +44 20 7354 6280…

2017-12-07 06:03:13
La 🇪🇺🚲🌱 @Moinmoinapfel

#DevRelCon = second conference in a row where I have met at least two other natives of Central Pennsylvania. Here we demonstrate the hand signal of the keystone brother-sisterhood. cc @ryguyrg

2017-12-07 06:21:56
Arlemi @arlemi

#DevRelCon is an amazing conference. I learnt so much today.

2017-12-07 06:43:39
Bæla @baelathefox

Hanging out with wonderful hoomans after some rad @devrelcon-ning in London 😊💜 #devrelcon @uveavanto @ThisIsJoFrank

2017-12-07 06:49:28
Brandon West @bwest

Very sad to have missed #DevRelCon London this year, but excited to see the videos later 😎

2017-12-07 07:05:40
Rebecca Amir @RebeccaAmir

Great day at #DevRelCon . Topping off the day watching Goggle Box in my hotel room #winning !

2017-12-07 07:12:46
Not the Don you were looking for @DEGoodmanWilson

To all my #DevRel friends, old and new, thank you for such an amazing day and evening. #devrelcon FTW 🙌

2017-12-07 10:05:33
Jochen Bartlau @jbartlau

Heading back home again. Thanks to the folks @hoopyio and @devrelcon and of course to all the speakers for making #DevRelCon London 2017 such a great experience.

2017-12-07 10:08:18
Jessica West @jessicaewest

So pleased with the fun turnout for karaoke and after party shenanigans for #DevRelCon! Until next time, friends!

2017-12-07 13:16:54
Atsushi@MOONGIFT @goofmint

I got some new stickers on my laptop! #devrelcon Looks like DevRelCon freaks 😆

2017-12-07 14:15:00
zan @zmarkan

Impressive sticker haul from yesterday's #DevRelCon 🎏💯🤘🚀

2017-12-07 16:03:27
Matthew Revell @matthewrevell

Thank you to everyone who was a part of #DevRelCon London yesterday! What a wonderful day. @cbetta and I are running our #devrel training sessions today and we’ll have more to say about #DevRelCon once we’re back in the office.

2017-12-07 17:14:00
James Thomas @thomasj

#DevRelCon was awesome. Easily one of my favourite events of the year.

2017-12-07 19:24:48
Anthony Roux @AnthonyRoux_

Thanks #DevRelCon for this great conference! Amazing speakers and great people. See you next year

2017-12-07 20:57:50
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