Happy Birthday to Norman Reedus! 2018

Message to Norman Reedus for his Birthday! 2018.1.6
yukikobds @yukikobds

@wwwbigbaldhead Happy Birthday 3"D" #nrbdj18 Norman!! We Japanese fans miss you and your brother SPF!! and TBS III ... anyway, congratulations on your engagement!! May happiness and joy always be yours. <3 pic.twitter.com/4b6mqC9kkx

2018-01-06 23:01:20
mio@発言を差し控えない猫 @sakura_mio

@wwwbigbaldhead Happy Birthday 4 "N" #nrbdj18 I hope you’re having a lovely time on your special day!! <3 pic.twitter.com/AAEvWQ7Ofu

2018-01-06 23:02:16
✮⋆hal⋆✮ @hal907

@wwwbigbaldhead Happy Birthday 5 "O" #nrbdj18 Wishing you a great year!!!!🎉🎂🎉 pic.twitter.com/HxA0T0GUZY

2018-01-06 23:03:15
kore @CL93

@wwwbigbaldhead Happy Birthday 6 "R" #nrbdj18 Remember Japanese fans please. We love yoooou! pic.twitter.com/qkDwlz3H8C

2018-01-06 23:05:12
ya tknuc @bambootakeko

@wwwbigbaldhead Happy Birthday 7 "M" #nrbdj18 Happy Birthday Norman!!!! I hope that there is happiness to you. With love from Japan. Also, please do come to Japan! pic.twitter.com/8H6WlThbt8

2018-01-06 23:05:40
小野ユーレイ_Yourei Ono @naoesdoodle

@wwwbigbaldhead Happy Birthday 8 "A" #nrbdj18 Hope ur having a great B-day!! ur the Best Norman xxx :)) pic.twitter.com/H2qAWSfmyK

2018-01-06 23:06:32