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Yasuaki Madarame @madarame

アサド政権も酷いが、今の自由シリア軍やシャーム解放戦線(旧・ヌスラ戦線)の方がもっと酷い、との談。 要するに、全勢力が酷くて救いがない現状。 → <シリア>トルコ軍・武装諸派の攻撃続く北西部アフリン(6)「町が制圧されたら きっと殺される」と住民青年(写真3枚) asiapress.org/apn/author/syr…

2018-02-27 23:20:45
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

Following a Regime chlorine gas attack in #Shyfuniat city in #EasternGhouta, one child was killed and widespread suffocation occurred among civilians including 2 @SyriaCivilDefe volunteers. #SaveGhouta pic.twitter.com/W2n10KGfbf

2018-02-26 05:26:12
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

Statement by the #SyrianCivilDefense on the decision of Security Council 24\2\2018 #Syria pic.twitter.com/RrgZUyCwGz

2018-02-26 04:14:48
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

Scenes from #EastGhouta during the systematic bombing campaign. The @SyriaCivilDefe rescued children from rubble of a building destroyed by aerial bombardment. #Saqba city. #SaveGhouta pic.twitter.com/oVUAjwEMZ7

2018-02-27 18:01:26
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

Two @SCDrifdimashq volunteers were injured in suffocations while rescuing civilians, after Assad used chemical weapons (Chlorine gas ) in #Shyfunya city in #easternGhouta pic.twitter.com/05p25Ffbp3

2018-02-26 05:53:15
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

When the bombs rain down, The #WhiteHelmets rush in but few know about the courageous women in @SyriaCivilDefe saving Syrian lives every day. pic.twitter.com/4tnsd05Xl2

2018-02-27 16:17:35
The Syria Campaign @TheSyriaCmpgn

"For the agony of the people of Syria to come to an end, this must be forcibly stopped. The perpetrators of these colossal crimes against humanity must be halted, once and for all." nybooks.com/daily/2018/02/…

2018-02-27 22:49:22
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

4 civilians were killed, and many others injured after aerial bombardment on residential neighborhoods in #KhanShikhon city in #Idlib countryside. @SyriaCivilDefe teams working to continue their rescue operations. pic.twitter.com/SVg27IcosV

2018-02-28 02:26:07
60 Minutes @60Minutes

The emergency response was coordinated by the famed White Helmets. Mustafa al-Haj Yousef supervised their efforts. He counted the bodies of more than 30 children. pic.twitter.com/EQrGlDdqGQ

2018-02-26 09:11:32
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

The @SyriaCivilDefe teams rescued a baby girl alive today, from under the rubble after renewed aerial and artillery bombardment of the civilian neighborhoods in #Douma city in besieged #EasternGhouta. #Syria 25 Feb #SaveGhouta @SCDrifdimashq pic.twitter.com/YEDsU42Pko

2018-02-25 23:27:19
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

There is only terror and confusion for these small children. Their home is in rubble and their only question is where is Mom? The @SyriaCivilDefe have no time to answer as they hurry the children to a safer place. A Regime double tap can come at any moment. #SaveGhouta #Syria pic.twitter.com/Q9zpByBJLX

2018-02-27 07:11:58
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

The @SyriaCivilDefe teams pulled 5 civilians out of the rubble and many other injured, caused by brutal air raids after midnight targeting their home in #Misraba city in #EastGhouta. #SaveGhouta #Syria pic.twitter.com/jIxvDAyrru

2018-02-27 20:19:41
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

Continued aerial bombardment during @SyriaCivilDefe teams working to evacuate the injured civilians in #Otaya city in #EasternGhouta. #SaveGhouta #Syria pic.twitter.com/IPwfYNK1PZ

2018-02-26 18:19:32
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

Another direct hit struck the civilians and @SyriaCivilDefe volunteers during their rescue operations. After working more than 6 hours, the rescue teams recovered 9 civilians and many other wounded, after 4 airstrikes targeted #Douma city after midnight #SaveGhouta #Syria pic.twitter.com/q7fzIbQpct

2018-02-26 16:54:42
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

Meanwhile the @SCDrifdimashq working to rescue and recover civilians, they find themselves hit by a secondary Regime air strike in #Haza city in #EasternGhouta, deliberately trying to wipe out rescue works, it's the double tap mechanism. pic.twitter.com/SVYFB5LFEa

2018-02-26 04:22:58
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

After six hours of work, @SyriaCivilDefe teams pulled two children out of the rubble, caused by brutal air raids targeting their home in #Duma city in #EastGhouta. #SaveGhouta #Syria 26 Feb pic.twitter.com/rJaFUIx7eO

2018-02-26 21:48:28
Harumi Suzuki @goharumix

私が住んでいた内戦前のシリアは、本当に美しい国だった huffingtonpost.jp/lama-younes/sy…

2018-02-27 23:18:35
パレスチナ情報デスク🇵🇸 @palinfo_jp

News: 「#シリア#パレスチナ 難民のための行動グループ」の最新報告書によると、パレスチナ人女性数十人が政府に強制連行され行方不明。政府治安部隊の手から解放された女性たちは、拷問や性的虐待を経験 Via PIC @PalinfoEn english.palinfo.com/32389

2018-02-27 23:07:03
パレスチナ情報デスク🇵🇸 @palinfo_jp

News: 「#シリア#パレスチナ 難民のための行動グループ」などが最新の年次報告書を公表。2017年に死亡したパレスチナ人は205人でうち12人は政府による拷問死。政府に投獄されたパレスチナ人の総数は1,644人で、475人は既に死亡しているとみられる Via PIC @PalinfoEn english.palinfo.com/32409

2018-02-27 22:58:13
J. Slowhand Garcia @SlowhandTokyo

北の国、核も毒ガスも。。。毒ガスも使用されたのだから、核だって危ないな。。。。 #不条理 U.N. Links North Korea to Syria’s Chemical Weapon Program nytimes.com/2018/02/27/wor…

2018-02-27 22:56:53
古井戸。 @furuidolabo

少し前まで、日本より治安が良いのではとまで言われていた、今や伝説の観光地です。あっという間に戦場になることもある。ぼんやり生きていてはなりませんな。。 m.huffingtonpost.jp/lama-younes/sy…

2018-02-27 22:41:30
竹内明 Mei Takeuchi @nygangsta0327

「北朝鮮がシリアの化学兵器製造を支援」と国連の報告書(NYT)。北朝鮮は民間人殺害の共犯者ということか。 nyti.ms/2F6cKBQ

2018-02-27 22:40:51
はるみ🏳️‍🌈 @harumi2015

私が住んでいた内戦前のシリアは、本当に美しい国だった huffingtonpost.jp/lama-younes/sy…

2018-02-27 22:37:04
風吉🎩 @fuukich

アメリカが外堀を埋めはじめた? U.N. Links North Korea to Syria’s Chemical Weapon Program nyti.ms/2sWL4KX

2018-02-27 22:32:17
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