
Risti ⁷ 🧨 ⟭⟬⟭⟬ 🐳 @ristispeaks

No, this is why Canadians like myself are quick to point out we're NOT American RT @DA4Real: Why u should love (cont) http://tl.gd/9nef95

2011-04-08 02:27:28
Risti ⁷ 🧨 ⟭⟬⟭⟬ 🐳 @ristispeaks

@DA4Real #toosoon? To what, suggest innocent people in a hard situation should be thankful u don't blame them for something they didn't do?

2011-04-08 02:34:21
Lawg0d (parody) @shoshpd

@DA4Real That was 70 years ago. We're so forgiving!

2011-04-08 02:44:26
Lawg0d (parody) @shoshpd

LOL I see I missed a lot of stupid. At least he didn't use the "I was hacked" defense? idek

2011-04-08 02:50:28
Lawg0d (parody) @shoshpd

Black people are so great! Even though we enslaved them for hundreds of years, they still entertain us w/ sports and rap music!

2011-04-08 02:51:29
Lawg0d (parody) @shoshpd

@heynovelized oh idk, deleted stuff still shows up in my iPhone feed if I've loaded it already. He said how great US was for helping ...

2011-04-08 02:55:39
Lawg0d (parody) @shoshpd

@heynovelized ... Japan even though they attacked Pearl Harbor. *facepalm*

2011-04-08 02:56:12
Daniel Allen @DA4Real

Dang #gotsomehaterZ & if u ever leave ur PC unlocked (@work) they will change ur desktop & Internet browser to a diff language. #kindafunny

2011-04-08 02:57:03
Lawg0d (parody) @shoshpd

@yrnotabadger Kris adjacent people are making me think I should unfollow them. What a day!

2011-04-08 02:57:04
Daniel Allen @DA4Real

@HP just quoted sum high tech servers 4 US DEPT OF DEFENSE. they wouldn't reveal any details or shiptoaddress #notgunnalie I feel like #BadA

2011-04-08 03:05:42
Lawg0d (parody) @shoshpd

@krinjas I'm shuddering at the thought of one of Kris's friends playing such a joke. (Whether that's really what happened to D or not.)

2011-04-08 03:07:45
LC @LeighCay

@DA4Real one of the most tasteless and awful things you could have possibly said. sincerely hope you own up to it and apologise

2011-04-08 03:10:02
buffyloverlori @buffyloverlori

@KrisAllenHK I think Daniel, has foot in his mouth disease, how can he be kris's brother. Can't understand that at all.

2011-04-08 03:14:41
KrisAllenHK.com @KrisAllenHK

So, does Daniel's complaining about the haters mean he actually agree with the first tweet???

2011-04-08 03:15:18
KrisAllenHK.com @KrisAllenHK

@buffyloverlori And after all that he still thinks his co-workers are funny and he complains about the haters... (c)

2011-04-08 03:17:28
KrisAllenHK.com @KrisAllenHK

@buffyloverlori ...Makes me think he actually agrees with the 1st tweet (re: Pearl Harbor)... O_O

2011-04-08 03:18:13
Ritz @p_eleph

@DA4Real That was the most saddest tweet...ever...for me :'''|

2011-04-08 08:50:54
T.Richardson @TRichardson42

@KrisAllen hey broski when we jamming again? @DA4Real u should tell your bro #TrueRadio is where its at! #JustSaying

2011-04-08 14:39:53