米朝会談を前に注目されるNPT準備会合直前のICANミーティング 2018.4.21・22 ジュネーブ

北朝鮮の核開発中止発言を受け注目が集まるNPT準備会合は4月23日より開催されますが、同会議に参加予定の核兵器廃絶NGOの代表がICANのミーティングに集結しています。4月21日にはジュネーブでICANキャンペーナー会議が行われました。2日目は若手メンバーPax for PeaceとAmplifyを中心にセッションが行われました。
Amplify @amplifynetwork

A great turnout of young people at the Maison des Association. So nice to see so many interested in learning how to make this a safer world without nuclear weapons. @PEACInstitute @PAXforpeace #NuclearBan pic.twitter.com/l1zybbmT4L

2018-04-23 02:31:15
たいがあ@英語で世界~総理ウィーンに行きましょう @Taigaa001

#yesICAN ICANミーティング2日目のセッションには核時代平和財団のリック・ウェイマン氏(一枚目の写真の右端)、SGI国連事務所のHayley R. Jones氏(三枚目の写真左)も参加しました。2人はともにアンプリファイの副会長を務めていました。 twitter.com/amplifynetwork…

2018-04-23 10:19:00
Amplify @amplifynetwork

Such a pleasureto see our former Co-Chairs Rick and Hayley ❤️❤️❤️#NuclearBan pic.twitter.com/jGT7MgURXD

2018-04-23 02:07:40
Amplify @amplifynetwork

Such a pleasureto see our former Co-Chairs Rick and Hayley ❤️❤️❤️#NuclearBan pic.twitter.com/jGT7MgURXD

2018-04-23 02:07:40
Amplify @amplifynetwork

Best way to kick off the day (excuse my laughter at the end, but Phil Jennings from UNI Global Union is funny as well as awesome!) Thanks for making us feel empowered! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 #nuclearban pic.twitter.com/7waykKSSi0

2018-04-22 17:19:34
Amplify @amplifynetwork

Phil Jennings, UNI Global Union: #nuclearban (best empowering dose of the day! It’s up to us! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼) pic.twitter.com/MOhFKrxc35

2018-04-22 17:30:44
Amplify @amplifynetwork

Breakout Session: Digital Campaigning & amplifying each other’s work with Lucero. #NuclearBan pic.twitter.com/UEec29c3CM

2018-04-22 18:53:04
Amplify @amplifynetwork

Co-Chair Selma from @PAXforpeace with the beautiful and awesome women from PAX. ❤️❤️❤️ #nuclearban twitter.com/susisnyder/sta…

2018-04-22 17:23:51
Amplify @amplifynetwork

What a wonderful group of young people interested in the Nuclear disarmament process ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks, @PAXforpeace, for bringing them 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 #nuclearban pic.twitter.com/1ue6B9rYMP

2018-04-22 04:19:14
Amplify @amplifynetwork

Breakout Session: Digital Campaigning & amplifying each other’s work. Everyone working hard to get the message out there 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 #nuclearban pic.twitter.com/hQrOHDPfK4

2018-04-22 19:31:42
Amplify @amplifynetwork

Breakout Session: Digital Campaigning & amplifying each other’s work. We were divided in small groups to try to see what works and what doesn’t in social media. This is one of the opinions from @PEACInstitute #NuclearBan pic.twitter.com/HrloCa4uip

2018-04-22 18:57:25
Amplify @amplifynetwork

Breakout Session: Digital Campaigning & amplifying each other’s work. So many amazing ideas, it’s difficult to keep track! #NuclearBan pic.twitter.com/YyzSCGLdIh

2018-04-22 19:00:14