Adam Lambert Twitter Parties

Last updated: 5:22 August 10, 2013 JST (Timestamps are in JST, Japan Standard Time, UTC+9) (Click "残りを読む" button at the end of the tweets to read more)
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ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@boredwallflower aww. Very happy. And feeling way creative.

2011-04-25 09:14:24

@adamlambert Who's your fave from this season of Idol?

2011-04-25 09:12:44
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@GlamIntoIt haha no. Y'all gotta let that one go. I have.

2011-04-25 09:11:00
Kaylee Monet @GlitzyGlamLove

@adamlambert When's the next time you'll be in New Orleans boo? :)

2011-04-25 09:08:46
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@cocooyau Rick Owens! One of my favorite designers.

2011-04-25 09:08:32
Cᴼᴄᴼᴼ @cocooyau

@adamlambert I love your wedge boots, did you get them from Paris?

2011-04-25 09:07:08
🧛🏻‍♀️🦇 Dawn 🐈‍⬛☠️ @atomicboop

@adamlambert when will you wear the outfit The Blonds have been making for you? :)

2011-04-25 09:07:09
Juju @juliaxxrawr

@adamlambert Have you ever done anything really embarrassing while ~under the influence?

2011-04-25 09:07:09
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@rather_sail no- but getting right back to work when I return to LA

2011-04-25 09:07:06
suilruin @suilruin

@adamlambert whoa! are you working on your album while you're in new york?

2011-04-25 09:04:47
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