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Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

Protests have not taken place in Jordan because of a law that criminalises those who speak out against their allies ow.ly/Q18I30mQbuX

2018-12-04 02:02:07
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

It all starts in one foreboding evening in a taxi🚕... ow.ly/ex6k30mQkoG

2018-12-04 01:45:06
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

Could Netanyahu be replaced in the next election? ow.ly/mWps30mQjO1

2018-12-04 01:30:19
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

The head of the UK's MI6 intelligence agences has said he is "perplexed" over why the UAE, a close British ally, chose to sentence a British student to life in prison on accusations of spying ow.ly/RxbK30mQtU8

2018-12-04 01:24:35
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

The decision on whether to charge Netanyahu rests with Israel's attorney-general ow.ly/8l1E30mQe7q

2018-12-04 01:15:06
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

Israel has been accused of pressuring ill Palestinians into collaborating in exchange for a permit to leave Gaza for medical aid ow.ly/xkR830mQnMs

2018-12-04 01:05:04
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

UAE passport holders can enter 167 countries without obtaining a visa prior to arrival🌎🚁 ow.ly/6nUh30mQrY0

2018-12-04 01:01:28
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

"A 2017 Save the Children report estimates that 130 Yemeni children died every day as a result of the Saudi war and blockade. Do these children not "compare" to a critical journalist?" | Nada Elia ow.ly/6wtY30mQ9H2

2018-12-04 01:00:55
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

The UAE’s passport has been ranked as the most powerful in the world according to an online index that measures passports on their ability to provide visa-free travel ow.ly/XnzK30mQrLo

2018-12-04 00:59:03
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

"And as I write this on Thanksgiving Day in North America, I can only reflect on how the indigenous people of this land are told to "get over it" by the very same people who proudly boast "Never Forget, Never Forgive" | Nada Elia ow.ly/9nwf30mQjit

2018-12-04 00:45:04
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

Amnesty International says it believes Saudi Arabia used NSO technology to spy on one of the rights group’s staff ow.ly/9Jrw30mQdP1

2018-12-04 00:30:23
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

The sentences are unrelated to the botched undercover raid by Israel last month ow.ly/GLcR30mQnBz

2018-12-04 00:20:04
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

"Palestinian rights will never be realised outside the framework of a unitary state with equality for all its citizens. This is the only way forward" Haidar Eid ow.ly/zRLK30mQowS

2018-12-04 00:19:50
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

【入管法改正】技能実習生への聞き取り調査資料の手書き複製にに苦しむ野党議員の皆様【移民政策】 - Togetter togetter.com/li/1294123 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-12-04 03:00:25
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

「ゴミ清掃芸人」が見た格差社会の強烈な断面 記事に、「現場で働く人の話はおもしろいよね」「貧乏だからなのか こういうゴミ出し傾向の人格だから貧乏なのか 誰か研究してくれ」など感想ツイート - Togetter togetter.com/li/1294139 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-12-04 03:00:19
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

「F-35、100機追加するってよ」からの諸反応ダイジェスト - Togetter togetter.com/li/1294161 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-12-04 03:00:13
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

書籍雑誌への軽減税率は憲法違反なので対象外となった - Togetter togetter.com/li/1294176 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-12-04 03:00:07
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

ドイツには“死んだおばあちゃん”という料理があるらしい「しかも別名“交通事故”」「味はいいです」 - Togetter togetter.com/li/1294235 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-12-04 02:57:03
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

「私は奴隷だった」使い捨てられる外国人技能実習生 - Togetter togetter.com/li/1294281 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-12-04 02:54:57
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

外国人技能実習制度の問題点 - Togetter togetter.com/li/1294286 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-12-04 02:54:53
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

「中絶か、帰国か」妊娠した外国人技能実習生の過酷な実態 - Togetter togetter.com/li/1294289 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-12-04 02:54:47
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

外国人技能実習制度は、日本の最悪の部分を凝縮している - Togetter togetter.com/li/1294300 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-12-04 02:54:42
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

ただの田舎がシリコンバレーに生まれ変わったきっかけ「大学の研究と産業を繋げる」地方創生のヒントになるのでは?日本の各地域の現状と可能性について考える - Togetter togetter.com/li/1294343 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-12-04 02:54:31
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