ブレガの戦略的重要性に係るリビア人のツイート( #Libjp )


1- From the perspective of Gaddafi, taking Brega was of crucial importance; provides many advantages for him & problem for revolutionaries.

2011-05-01 02:05:53

2- Brega allows Gaddafi to get reinforcements & supplies from both the south & the west.

2011-05-01 02:07:22

3- Brega has multiple roads, some paved, some desert, that allow Gaddafi to circumvent Ajdabyah & send convoys to attack eastern cities.

2011-05-01 02:09:22

4- Brega is so close to the main eastern cities that Gaddafi's presence there forms a continuous source of pressure & anxiety.

2011-05-01 02:11:11

5- There are almost no cities or towns between Brega & main eastern cities. This allows Gaddafi convoys to sneak withou getting caught.

2011-05-01 02:15:20

6- For all these reasons, even ignoring the oil facilities, Brega is a very important city.

2011-05-01 02:15:59

7- I hope that revolutionaries can somehow get more firepower & heavy NATO strikes on Brega and take over the city.

2011-05-01 02:21:01
地方の会計屋(note始めました) @Meisou_AK


2011-05-01 02:34:40
地方の会計屋(note始めました) @Meisou_AK


2011-05-01 02:39:13
地方の会計屋(note始めました) @Meisou_AK


2011-05-01 02:41:15