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350 Action @350action

We're keeping tabs on every candidate's climate leadership positions (#NoFossilFuelMoney pledge, #GreenNewDeal, commitment to #KeepItInTheGround). And if you see someone who needs a nudge (*cough*☝), the #ClimateTest2020 makes it easy to let them know: 350action.org/2020-tracker/

2019-04-20 04:56:11
Sunrise Movement 🌅 @sunrisemvmt

msn.com/en-us/news/us/… "Climate change is at the center of American politics. Before it was somewhere in the margin. It's a huge shift from a few months ago and certainly 2016." That wouldn't have happend with all of you. #GreenNewDeal

2019-04-20 05:06:42
grist @grist

And as a bonus: implementing New York City's #GreenNewDeal will keep the city in line with the Paris Climate agreement carbon emission reduction targets. Read the full explainer here ⬇️ (8/8): grist.org/article/new-yo…

2019-04-20 05:07:15
Sunrise Movement 🌅 @sunrisemvmt

"The time to take bold, decisive action is now. No city is too small," Local leaders understand the dangers their communities face and have tremendous potential to address the climate crisis. citiesspeak.org/2019/04/18/cli…

2019-04-20 05:31:21
grist @grist

Climate change was already worrying enough — now a report from the U.S. central bank cautions that rising temperatures and extreme storms could eventually trigger a financial collapse. buff.ly/2GprIRZ pic.twitter.com/KBlkbBVM73

2019-04-20 06:07:01
Sierra Club @SierraClub

BIG NEWS -- #Nevada Legislature just unanimously passed #SB358, a bill that sets a goal of 50% renewable electricity statewide by 2030 & 100% clean energy by 2050! sierraclub.org/press-releases… #ReadyFor100Action #BeyondCoal #cleanenergy #BREAKING #BreakingNews

2019-04-20 06:26:31
US Youth Climate Strike 🌎 @usclimatestrike

Senator @MikeGravel is now the second candidate to come out in full support of our #climatedebate. We’re going to turn the pressure up on, @PeteButtigieg, who has said he will “try to” support the climate debate, and @BernieSanders, the primary’s current front runner. pic.twitter.com/i2PNsEQFVJ

2019-04-20 06:47:26
Kenji Shiraishi @Knjshiraishi

米国北東部州の排出量取引市場RGGIに、南部の州としては初めてバージニア州が加入か。あとは州知事の決定のみ。 twitter.com/bstorrow/statu…

2019-04-20 06:56:08
Ben Storrow @bstorrow

Virginia regulators vote 5-2 to join RGGI, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. Now up to @GovernorVA to decide whether VA will become first southern state to do cap and trade.

2019-04-20 03:58:09
Sunrise Movement 🌅 @sunrisemvmt

“Six months ago no one was talking about the climate crisis. And together with all of you and @AOC we made the #GreenNewDeal something everyone is talking about!” @VarshPrakash #Road2GND

2019-04-20 07:54:58



Jeremy Leggett @JeremyLeggett

Fair point. But I can't help get a bit grumpy as I contemplate the stakes, and all the "lost years". I'll try to leave it at that..... twitter.com/Renewables_UoE…

2019-04-18 19:43:19
Renewables ExeterUni @Renewables_UoE

@JeremyLeggett You were good at looking forward in 1989, why look backward today? What will it achieve?

2019-04-18 19:39:24
Mike @citation_needed

@JeremyLeggett The best time to mitigate the crisis was in 1989 - when we could’ve taken the slow and gentle road. That road is closed to us now; it’s too late. And the fast and bumpy road is rapidly sliding past. Don’t apologise for being grumpy; I’d be worried if you weren’t.

2019-04-19 08:05:40
Professor Mark Maslin 𝕏 🙄 @ProfMarkMaslin

#Climatechange just one issue 7.6 billion humans & growing 3 trillion trees cut down 1000s of species extinct 37% of land used for farming Nitrogen fixation doubled Micro-plastics in all oceans Atm CO2 up 45% Atm CH4 up 150% Global temp. up > 1 Deg C 'Welcome to #Anthropocene' pic.twitter.com/UDipmbAdRe

2019-04-19 05:17:40
Laurie Laybourn @LaurieLaybourn

But is it enough? twitter.com/ukenergywonk/s…

2019-04-19 05:54:31
Richard Howard @UKenergywonk

As @ExtinctionR continues to rage in London - it's worth noting that March 2019 saw the highest ever monthly renewable power output in Britain at 40%! Wind hit a new monthly high of 28%, whilst coal languished at <2%. Hard to argue that government is doing nothing about carbon. pic.twitter.com/DcYuDwK9Uh

2019-04-18 18:54:53
FoE Japan @FoEJapan

Rare species of coral have been spotted around the area that is to be reclaimed and the construction work will pose further threat to their survival. President TRUMP: Save the democracy and coral reef of Okinawa ! - - "NO" to the new U.S. base at Henoko chng.it/q2XH6yYh

2019-04-19 08:34:45
秋本まさとし @akimoto_chiba9

石炭火力はゼロを目指すべき。可能な限り依存度をって原発にそっくりな問題の先送り的表現は止めた方が良い。産業界の代表とやらはG20や国際会議で総理に恥をかかせるつもりなのか。日本の石炭火力に対する姿勢は世界の流れに全く取り残された化石的な姿勢だ。 tokyo-np.co.jp/article/politi…

2019-04-19 08:37:31
Adam McGibbon 🌍 @AdamMcGibbon

Lovely to run into Japanese Prime Minister @AbeShinzo outside the Japanese parliament - caught him reading the open letter from organisations from around the world (including @Global_Witness) calling on Japan to stop funding coal. The world is watching, Mr Abe! pic.twitter.com/U2OIVd3sQo

2019-04-19 14:25:37
小森敦司 @komoriku_n

止まらぬ石炭火力発電 「事業者はリスクに気付いて」:朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/articles/photo…

2019-04-19 15:04:33
小森敦司 @komoriku_n

再エネ普及へカギ握る送電線 欧州で「脱・資源争奪戦」:朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/articles/ASM1S…

2019-04-19 15:17:14
WindEurope @WindEurope

Which European countries invested the most in new wind energy capacity last year? 🇬🇧, 🇸🇪 and 🇧🇪. Read more in our new wind energy finance report: bit.ly/windfinance pic.twitter.com/NpE8DtTdOR

2019-04-19 16:45:00
脱原発・新しいエネルギー政策を実現する会 @eshift

まもなく案が提示される2050年に向けた気候変動長期戦略。 石炭火力の全廃は自明にもかかわらず、産業界委員が強い反対、依存度の低減という表現にとどまったとのこと。。パブコメが呼びかけられるはずなので、準備しましょう。eシフトからも呼びかけます! amp.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/politi…

2019-04-19 21:12:33
Susanne Wong @susanneir

Today, JBIC approved a $1.2 billion loan agreement for the Van Phong 1 coal plant demonstrating @AbeShinzo's complete failure to lead on climate. It's time to band together and turn up the pressure. Join us at nocoaljapan.org. #nocoaljapan marketforces.org.au/media-release-…

2019-04-19 23:11:49
FoE Japan @FoEJapan

温暖化、石炭全廃の座長案消える 産業界反対で大幅後退、懇談会 | 2019/4/18 - 共同通信 this.kiji.is/49158141970289…

2019-04-20 00:21:13
SustainableJapan @SustainableJPN

【国際】国連人間居住計画、政府の気候変動適応計画に「人間居住」を組み込むガイダンス発行 ow.ly/r72O30otyTZ #CSR #ESG #Sustainability

2019-04-20 06:00:40
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