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Alexandria Villaseñor @AlexandriaV2005

Thank you @BarackObama! The #ClimateStrike will continue. We won't ever give up! twitter.com/BarackObama/st…

2019-04-23 04:45:32
Barack Obama @BarackObama

And in the U.S., 13-year old @AlexandriaV2005 of New York, 13-year old @havenruthie of Denver, and 16-year old @israhirsi of Minneapolis are some of the young people leading the fight at home. I hope more of us will follow their example. nationalgeographic.com/environment/20…

2019-04-23 04:40:10

アースディ関係 Today is Earth Day

Earth Hero @EarthHeroOrg

Spring is in the air. Welcome to the world little ones. pic.twitter.com/GaMcTl1zTM

2019-04-20 21:26:30

Today we launch a major voting mobilization campaign worldwide -- #VoteEarth asks you to examine the platforms of candidates and to vote for the candidates with clear, ambitious and convincing plans to protect our planet. Get involved, get informed, and Vote Earth. #EarthDay pic.twitter.com/6XTQhHRsWC

2019-04-22 19:15:00
The Green Party @TheGreenParty

This #EarthDay19 we’ve been busy standing up for climate justice. If you share our vision for a better world, and want to do all you can to avoid climate breakdown, then join us. join.greenparty.org.uk twitter.com/jon_bartley/st…

2019-04-23 00:43:09
Jonathan Bartley @jon_bartley

I’m with @CarolineLucas and @sianberry at Marble Arch and we’re supporting @ExtinctionR’s call for politicians to engage. This is a #climateemergency and we need action now! pic.twitter.com/gdebeqCdIW

2019-04-22 19:21:00
Chris Nelder @chrisnelder@mastodon.energy @chrisnelder

Earth Day was the product of the 1970 zeitgeist. There’s nothing wrong with it, but maybe it’s time for a rebranding appropriate to today, or declaring a new day of climate action. twitter.com/jeffgoodell/st…

2019-04-23 01:40:04
Jeff Goodell @jeffgoodell

#Earth Day is nice. But this is a war, not a feel-good PR campaign. rollingstone.com/politics/polit…

2019-04-23 00:58:21
Public Citizen @Public_Citizen

-A coal lobbyist runs the EPA -An oil lobbyist runs the DOI -A Monsanto exec runs US Fish & Wildlife -A BP oil attorney is the nation's top enviro lawyer -A fossil fuel lobbyist is the EPA's air pollution chief -A big energy insider regulates our power grid Happy #EarthDay

2019-04-23 02:01:32
Chris Nelder @chrisnelder@mastodon.energy @chrisnelder

Same here… although I generally do not expect fossil fuel companies to be among them (save perhaps a few exceptions like Shell). twitter.com/Stphn_Lacey/st…

2019-04-23 02:09:13
Stephen Lacey @Stphn_Lacey

15 years ago, I picked up a copy of "Natural Capitalism" from @PaulHawken, @AmoryLovins and @hlovins. It changed my life, and it strongly influenced my career. I remain convinced that businesses, with the right incentives, play a central role in solving climate change. twitter.com/AnandWrites/st…

2019-04-23 02:05:03
New York Times Opinion @nytopinion

"It's no time for celebration. You totally screwed my generation," Zayne Cowie, a 9-year-old climate activist, turned the table on adults last month. Watch his video Op-Ed this Earth Day. pic.twitter.com/vPv8E7xBT4

2019-04-23 02:10:10
Rep. Ilhan Omar @Ilhan

Climate change is expected to force more than 100 million ppl into extreme poverty by 2030 Half of all plants and animals are at risk of extinction UN says have 12 years to avert catastrophe You cannot discuss #EarthDay without acknowledging the greatest threat to the earth.

2019-04-23 02:35:50
Kate Margaret ✊ @MargaretKate27

Don’t just be environmentalist on Earth Day. Be an environmentalist every day. #EarthDay

2019-04-23 04:31:05

"We came all this way to explore the Moon, and the most important thing is that we discovered the Earth." - Bill Anders, Apollo 8 Anders' iconic Earthrise photo taken in 1968 helped spark the first #EarthDay. Can you see why? #PictureEarth pic.twitter.com/r5PlnS8H1t

2019-04-23 04:39:35
grist @grist

How does Trump celebrate Earth Day? He pats himself on the back for the U.S.’s “strong market economy.” buff.ly/2IPwYRV

2019-04-23 05:11:47
Christiana Figueres @CFigueres

What I want for my two daughters, I want for every child (...) From now on, either we all lose or we all win TOGETHER! #EarthDay @womenintheworld #GlobalOptimism @GlobalOptimism #WITW2019 #StrongerTogether youtube.com/watch?v=K1kBnz…

2019-04-23 06:34:06
Climate Reality @ClimateReality

It's #EarthDay and we're celebrating the young activists who are making a difference on the climate front bit.ly/2vfSGGy #LeadOnClimate pic.twitter.com/OqsHfiycAh

2019-04-23 06:58:02
ThinkProgress @thinkprogress

Earth Day founder thinks we’re close to political breakthrough on climate bit.ly/2GzFXoy pic.twitter.com/RHNL3Km1KR

2019-04-23 07:00:52

米国で In US

Bill McKibben @billmckibben

Am grateful to @Macleans magazine for the chance to explain to Canadians why I think the tarsands pipeline to BC is an idea from the past, not the future we so badly need macleans.ca/society/enviro…

2019-04-21 04:30:16
Art Berman @aeberman12

Oil-price collapses of 2014 & 2018 caused mostly by non-OPEC+ production growth. Non-OPEC+ increase almost three times that of OPEC+ 2010-2014. Non-OPEC+ increase was three times more than of OPEC+ 2016-2018. #OOTT #oilandgas #oil #WTI #CrudeOil #fintwit #OPEC pic.twitter.com/ZoRP8e3VdJ

2019-04-22 05:28:58
Chota Takamine 高嶺 朝太 @tctnews

米国は22日、イラン産原油を輸入している全ての国に対し、近く輸入を停止するよう求め、停止しない場合は米国の制裁の対象となることを発表する方針だ。 reut.rs/2IyqvLP

2019-04-22 16:09:49
二太郎 @2tarou

温暖化で使えなくなる原発・下 2019;03;20原発フォーラムより:畑のたより、環境・核篇:So-netブログ ow.ly/cHda30ouWJ2 pic.twitter.com/TFdJBgq03k

2019-04-22 21:50:04
Charlie Jiang @charlieyj12

"Placing real constraints on coal, oil and gas companies is the only way to ensure we can reach our climate goals." 🔥🔥🔥 from @KateAronoff on why we need to say #NoToFossilFuels in the #GreenNewDeal inthesetimes.com/features/green…

2019-04-22 22:27:51
Commodity Insights Oil @SPGCIOil

UPDATE: US to end Iran sanctions waivers in May; Iran threatens to shut Strait of Hormuz | #crudeoil #OOTT | @BrianJScheid + @meghangordon story: plts.co/mEai50rbYkS pic.twitter.com/kUYZjZTluG

2019-04-23 00:07:33
Kenji Shiraishi @Knjshiraishi

最近、ガソリン価格が上がってきてガロン4ドルを突破した。これでもまだ日本よりは安いんだけど、多くの地域で2ドル台なんだなあ。これはSUVやピックアップトラックが売れますわ。 gasbuddy.com/GasPriceMap?z=… pic.twitter.com/PqB4xoE5Lv

2019-04-23 02:42:57
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