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Kenji Shiraishi @Knjshiraishi

これが背景か。 U.S. to end all waivers on Iran oil imports, crude price jumps reut.rs/2IJQrDv

2019-04-23 02:46:20
Christiana Figueres @CFigueres

On #EarthDay, great to see UN Special Envoy for Climate Action @mikebloomberg provide an additional $5.5 million to @UNFCCC. By filling the gap in federal funding, he’s ensuring U.S. climate leadership continues, no matter what happens in Washington. bloombg.org/2UsAFz0

2019-04-23 03:32:02
Gregor Macdonald @GregorMacdonald

Geo-political driven rallies in oil eventually visit a terrible revenge on the market, especially when the supply-demand landscape is sanguine. You can see how this movie ends, given the spare capacity growth in OPEC. #OOTT iea.org/newsroom/news/… twitter.com/JavierBlas/sta…

2019-04-23 04:00:28
Javier Blas @JavierBlas

BREAKING: The White House confirms that U.S. President Donald Trump won’t extend the waivers on Iranian #oil exports — and says #SaudiArabia and #UAE are committed to ensure “global oil markets remain adequately supplied” | #OOTT #OPEC 🇺🇸 🇸🇦 🇦🇪 pic.twitter.com/ejQ9fX6rJi

2019-04-22 21:41:23

"The decision is a major blow — the latest of many — to the Trump administration's efforts to expand fossil fuel production." via @EENewsUpdates eenews.net/stories/106019…

2019-04-23 04:33:56
Carbon Tracker @CarbonBubble

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will donate $5.5 million to the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, the second year in a row he has provided funding to make up for lapsed commitments under the Trump administration. #EarthDay thehill.com/policy/energy-…

2019-04-23 04:46:15

Virginia joined the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative to address climate change, making it the first southern state to cap carbon! But the @GovernorVA needs to veto budget language that would cripple the program. Learn more: on.nrdc.org/2vmuHp3

2019-04-23 05:00:22
Alex Steffen @AlexSteffen

Critical to note the difference between a) the claim that too sudden an onset of bold climate action could destabilize markets (which could be true), and b) the claim that climate delay makes us better off in the end than rapid action would (which is a lie). twitter.com/AlexSteffen/st…

2019-04-23 05:06:34
Alex Steffen @AlexSteffen

Some concepts stun people when they get 'em. In my experience, one of those is that predatory delay (blocking climate action to maintain short-term profits) not only doesn't benefit the economy, it actually ensures catastrophic economic losses. Delay buys society nothing. twitter.com/AlexSteffen/st…

2018-09-28 04:00:03
Bioneers @bioneers

Grist recently partnered with the Peoples Climate Movement to host a live webinar to discuss what the Green New Deal means for communities of color. bit.ly/2PnUKW7

2019-04-23 05:14:24
Treehugger.com @Treehugger

There are so many reasons why kids are not car-obsessed, but perhaps an important one is that they can see what's coming down the road. buff.ly/2VjL44z

2019-04-23 05:19:00
Sierra Club @SierraClub

In 13 years, Washington DC will be powered by 100% renewable electricity -- including the White House. "It's doable, it works, it's not some pie-in-the-sky idea." - @SierraDC chair Mark Rodeffer. sc.org/2Zpn1jQ #ReadyFor100

2019-04-23 05:30:07
Alex Steffen @AlexSteffen

The point right now is not legislation, it's political momentum. “Everybody recognizes that in this Congress you can’t bring it over the finish line... focus on robust debate about what policies should come forward if you have a new administration...” thehill.com/policy/energy-…

2019-04-23 05:30:39
DeSmog @DeSmog

Movement to Build National Support for Green New Deal Starts in Boston, ‘City of Revolutions’ desmogblog.com/2019/04/19/sun… #GreenNewDeal #ActOnClimate

2019-04-23 06:08:05
Ed Markey @SenMarkey

The #GreenNewDeal isn’t unrealistic or naïve, it’s just what has to be done to avert catastrophic climate change. On #EarthDay, let’s promise to be bold and fearless in our fight to make this beautiful planet a livable planet for future generations. nytimes.com/2019/04/20/opi…

2019-04-23 06:18:35
Julian Brave NoiseCat @jnoisecat

.@350action built the (beautiful) 2020 scorecard the movement deserves. it includes: - candidates' positions on Green New Deal, Keep It in the Ground, No Fossil Fuel $ - polling and analysis w/ @DataProgress showing popularity - transparent research - toolkit for activists twitter.com/350action/stat…

2019-04-23 07:04:51
350 Action @350action

Since it's #EarthDay, probably worth talking about how climate change is the biggest threat humanity has ever faced. Our next president needs to take this crisis seriously. So we gave every. single. candidate. the #ClimateTest2020. Here's how they score: 350action.org/2020-tracker/ pic.twitter.com/cVOxxeSqPz

2019-04-23 06:53:49
Ro Khanna @RoKhanna

The Secretary of the Interior should protect the environment, not work for the oil and gas companies that are destroying it. Bernhardt’s confirmation shows why it's so important to close the revolving door between lobbying firms and government. theguardian.com/us-news/2019/a…

2019-04-23 07:31:00

その他 Others

木野龍逸 (Ryuichi KINO) @kinoryuichi

30年前に戻ってる。 前向きになるのを拒否してる後進国が、先進国の集まるG20でなにをまとめるのやら。 →政府、国連に「原発推進」の戦略案提出へ 温暖化対策で:朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/articles/ASM4M…

2019-04-20 17:26:20
dadajiji39 @dadajiji

エクソルが太陽光パネル1枚から導入できる住宅用太陽光発電システム「ジャストコンパクト」を発表。太陽光パネル3枚を設置する場合の予想実売価格は、工事費込みで税別39万8000円。 急激に進展している。 そろそろ、危険な電力会社と縁を切るときが来ました。 pic.twitter.com/CniLAtqza8

2019-04-21 22:28:24
関根奉允 @tomosekine

18日、ロイター・コラム「気候変動問題、中央銀行が強力な助っ人に」jp.reuters.com/article/climat… 世界の主要中央銀行や国際機関など34の組織が参加する「NGFS(気候変動リスクに係る金融当局ネットワーク)」は、地球温暖化を金融安定への脅威と扱い、監督体制に組込む計画を示した|再生可能エネに繋がる

2019-04-22 01:01:32
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

Truth Under Siege: Climate Knowledge in an Age of Transparency, Skeptici... youtu.be/GZ4VHa95EZ0 @YouTubeより これは凄く教育的な価値がある科学史の紹介。ピアレビューや監査がどのように妨害のためのツールとして使われてきたか?そのそれぞれの結果をまとめています。

2019-04-22 18:41:35
Naomi Klein @NaomiAKlein

So sad to hear of the loss of Polly Higgins. She devoted her life to changing broken laws that have failed so miserably to protect the natural systems upon which we all depend. Her work will live on. twitter.com/ExtinctionR/st…

2019-04-22 19:55:10
Extinction Rebellion : XR Global @ExtinctionR

It is with deep regret and sadness that we announce the passing away of Polly Higgins of @EcocideLaw. Our thoughts are with their loved ones. pic.twitter.com/uDXZ7MUawr

2019-04-22 04:18:59
International Energy Agency @IEA

Coal emissions continued to rise last year, driven mostly by power generation in Asia. To date, coal emissions are responsible for around 1/3rd of the increase in global temperatures since pre-industrial times - the single largest source of this growth bit.ly/2XoJdbV pic.twitter.com/RwRdf6JngL

2019-04-22 20:35:01
Keiichiro SAKURAI @kei_sakurai

2019年4月19日ニュース「地球温暖化を抑えれば洪水と干ばつのダブルパンチが減る」 | SciencePortal scienceportal.jst.go.jp/news/newsflash… #jstscn #サイエンスポータル

2019-04-22 21:31:13
Green European Journal @GreenEUJournal

As we transition from fossil fuels to renewables, rare metals become the next ‘black gold’. @GuillaumePitron busts the myth that ‘green tech’ is a silver bullet. Read here or listen to the podcast ➡️ bit.ly/DirtyRareMetals #EarthDay

2019-04-22 23:55:05
Stir to Action @StirToAction

What If? Unleash your imagination with Rob Hopkins, cofounder of the Transition Network. Join our Playground for the New Economy festival in July! bit.ly/2uEM4RT pic.twitter.com/uO6Yudektb

2019-04-23 02:45:15
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