バニさんによるアメリカ農民の格差社会のはなし:農民の上位10%が農務省の補助金の77%を得るシステム ~ イルハン・オマルの映画がエミー賞 よくわからんけど 他英語のやつ

八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

USDA: United States Department of Agriculture アメリカ合衆国農務省 - Wikipedia ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2…

2019-05-06 05:50:26
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

This is obscene: while the top 25 hedge-fund managers each take home an average of $850 million a year, nearly half of college students have to skip meals for the crime of pursuing an education. We must ensure tuition-free college for all, funded by a tax on Wall Street greed. twitter.com/nytimes/status…

2019-05-06 01:27:29
The New York Times @nytimes

In the coming weeks, thousands of college students in the US will walk across a stage and proudly accept their diplomas. Many of them will be hungry. nyti.ms/2GTZBdM

2019-05-02 22:30:08
Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders

While corporate profits soar in agribusiness, thousands of family farmers are forced off their land every year. Today, I am announcing a plan to revitalize rural America: berniesanders.com/revitalizing-r… pscp.tv/w/b58HhzMyNzU3…

2019-05-06 01:32:08
Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders

We can no longer tolerate farm bankruptcies in the Midwest being at their highest level in a decade, while the CEO who controls Smithfield Foods got a $291 million compensation package in 2017. Let me be clear: We need more family farms in America, not more factory farms.

2019-05-06 02:13:48
Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders

If you paid 1 cent in federal income taxes last year, you paid more than John Deere – a company that made a $2.2 billion in profit last year. pic.twitter.com/Nv4QDwnOe4

2019-05-06 02:33:44
Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders

We must end a system where the top 10 percent of farmers get 77 percent of subsidies from the USDA. Our job is to help family farmers who are struggling. Not to make billion-dollar corporations even richer.

2019-05-06 02:56:15
Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders

Farmers have some of the highest uninsured rates in America—41% of dairy farmers lack health insurance. If we are going to truly stand with rural American we must guarantee health care as a human right through Medicare for All.

2019-05-06 03:07:07
Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders

Today, 39 percent of Americans living in rural areas lack Internet access. This is the year 2019. We need to expand high-speed Internet access and broadband services to every American.

2019-05-06 03:32:26
Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders

Are you ready for something truly insane? Farmers aren’t allowed to repair their own tractors without paying an authorized John Deere repair agent. I think the person who bought that machinery has a right to fix that damn piece of machinery. pic.twitter.com/Ld4omeULVC

2019-05-06 03:46:14
Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders

It is a disgrace that 400,000 people are in jail for the crime of being poor. I applaud Larry Krasner and city councilors for working to eliminate the cash bail system in Philadelphia. When we are in the White House, we will end cash bail nationally. philly.com/opinion/editor…

2019-05-06 05:16:46
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

#ケチって火炎瓶 みたいな本性丸出しの表情 Trump Gave the Japanese Prime Minister a Break on Trade | Time time.com/5580589/donald…

2019-05-06 05:19:33
リンク Time Trump Gave the Japanese Prime Minister a Break on Trade, For Now It could mean Abe won't face a tricky decision before his country's elections 174
Ilhan Omar @IlhanMN

Congratulations @NorahShapiro, it’s incredible achievement and I can’t wait to celebrate with you and the team soon! twitter.com/timeforilhan/s…

2019-05-05 11:14:43
Time For Ilhan Doc @TimeforIlhan

We are proud to share that #TimeforIlhan Director/Producer @NorahShapiro has won a #DaytimeEmmys for Outstanding Direction for the film! Congratulations to Norah and the production team for this honor! 🏆🎬🤩 @IlhanMN pic.twitter.com/NZJulytm5V

2019-05-05 10:46:28
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

Filmmaker Knew 'Right Away' Ilhan Omar Was a Political Star - GV Wire gvwire.com/2019/03/14/fil…

2019-05-06 05:44:50
八百屋長兵衛🍡OSAKA @rook0081

Filmmaker Norah Shapiro explained how and why she made “Time for Ilhan” recently during Fresno State’s Cineculture series. Director Norah Shapiro on 'Time for Ilhan' - YouTube youtube.com/watch?v=J0XoN_…

2019-05-06 05:44:22