
以下の一次まとめの中から、必要に応じて集めました。 ピークオイル、地球温暖化、自然エネルギー&省エネEVその33ーCOP24の前後」 2018/11-12 togetter.com/li/1292882 ピークオイル、地球温暖化、自然エネルギー&省エネEVその32」 2018/10-11 続きを読む
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Caroline Lucas @CarolineLucas

Outrageous that UK Gov't supports drilling for oil and gas in the Arctic. Evidence is clear that fossil fuels must stay in the ground. Glad to join MPs in calling out Ministers for pouring fuel on the climate crisis in this way. independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-n…

2018-11-29 20:29:18
Keiichiro SAKURAI @kei_sakurai

高村:現在既に存在する化石燃料資産をすべて使ってしまうと、3℃以上の気温上昇になってしまう。すなわち2℃以下に抑えるに当たっては、現在存在する化石燃料資産は座礁資産化する危険性がある。まして今後の計画をや。 #1201東大フォーラム

2018-12-01 16:21:41
350 dot org @350

Despite the #IPCC report calling for a quick coal phase-out, coal development companies are still attracting billions for the most climate-damaging form of power production. Find out who’s bankrolling and investing in coal: bit.ly/2AV04cH #BanksVsParis #COP24 pic.twitter.com/IaeJZ13IXx

2018-12-05 19:00:59
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

温暖化により激化した異常気象や、大気汚染によって人の命を奪っている石炭火力発電に、みずほ、三菱UFJ、三井住友が世界トップレベルの投資をしているという報告。⇒ 石炭火力発電への投資、みずほ世界1位 日本の銀行突出|朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/articles/ASLD5… #環境正義 #気候正義 #気候変動 twitter.com/Beyond_Climate…

2018-12-06 16:23:45
気候変動の向こう側 #FreeAlaa #SaveAlaa 💉😷🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

#パリ協定 の目標を達成するために化石燃料の使用を削減すれば、大気汚染が改善されて100万人以上の命が救われるとWHO(世界保健機関)。⇒ Save millions of lives by tackling climate change, says WHO|The Guardian theguardian.com/environment/20… #気候変動 #環境正義 #気候正義 #COP24

2018-12-06 16:13:55
木野龍逸 (Ryuichi KINO) @kinoryuichi

世界的に廃止の方向にある石炭火力発電所を、日本政府はこれから35基も増やす計画。ほんとに環境後進国。あとで莫大な費用がかかっても、その時には今の責任者はいない。 →(be report)裁判で問う気候変動 対策求めて国や企業を訴え:朝日新聞デジタル ow.ly/ATH730mWfw3

2018-12-11 15:14:47
Danielle Meitiv @DanielleMeitiv

Extracting the fossil fuels in the already developed pipeline shoots us far beyond any acceptable climate limits. To have a 50-50 chance of saving ourselves, we need to #KeepItInTheGround & not build any more fossil fuel infrastructure. ⁦@PriceofOil#climatechange pic.twitter.com/vKfoBKGLvn

2018-12-13 22:23:37
Ploy Achakulwisut, PhD @climateploy

“Additional investments by the fossil fuel industry or licensing by governments to develop new fossil fuel reserves are incompatible with keeping #globalwarming below #1o5C” -@kellyatrout @OilChangeUS #AGU18 #CarbonLockin priceofoil.org/SkysLimit pic.twitter.com/fDATAjKt8t

2018-12-13 22:25:21
Kelly Trout @kellyatrout

.@KassieSiegel breaks down why it's #climate "madness" for US gov't to continue lease sales of federal lands & waters for fossil fuel extraction when we need to phase out fossil fuels. #KeepItInTheGround #AGU18 #AGU2018 pic.twitter.com/X8AxKcXyrh

2018-12-13 23:11:59
Mark Hand @MarkFHand

Scientists in D.C. for #AGU18 throw support behind Green New Deal and praise @sunrisemvmt and @Ocasio2018 for their focus on equity and equality in fighting for a comprehensive bill to fight climate change. thinkprogress.org/climate-scient…

2018-12-15 06:40:14
Bill McKibben @billmckibben

Somewhat amazes me that in 6 years the fossil fuel divestment has gone from celebrating tiny Unity College's divestment to reaching $8 trillion mark. Very grateful that big oil now considers it a 'material risk' to its business theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

2018-12-17 03:54:02
Bioneers @bioneers

Divestment by itself is not going to win the climate fight. But by weakening – reputationally and financially – those players that are determined to stick to business as usual, it’s one crucial part of a broader strategy. @billmckibben @350 bit.ly/2ULrpY2

2018-12-18 05:13:38
Greenpeace Canada @GreenpeaceCA

Many cities face rising costs from climate change. That's why in 2019, we'll be working on a toolkit for local gov'ts considering legal challenges to fossil fuel companies over these costs. Interested? Get in touch! #cdnpoli #bcpoli #onpoli #topoli #nspoli ctvnews.ca/canada/b-c-cit…

2018-12-22 02:07:48
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

化石燃料関連企業への投融資撤退を表明した団体が世界で1000を突破。総額は900兆円超。|350 Japan world.350.org/ja/1000divestm… 一方で、石炭火力発電への貸付を行う金融機関の世界ランキングで、みずほフィナンシャルグループ(FG)が1位、三菱UFJFGが2位、住友三井FGが4位。倫理観の欠如が浮き彫りに。

2018-12-22 14:32:43
350 Boorloo Perth @350Perth

“The New Zealand government will grant no new offshore oil exploration permits in a move that is being hailed by conservation and environmental groups as a historic victory in the battle against climate change.” #auspol #fossilfree #nzpol #climatechange theguardian.com/world/2018/apr…

2018-12-27 13:26:34


Kenji Shiraishi @Knjshiraishi

リザーブ(ソフトフロア)を取り入れたカリフォルニアの排出量取引、今のところ価格のコントロールに成功している。トン当たり15ドルを超えていて、EUの排出枠より高い。日本政府内でもこうした制度は検討したが、実際に機能していると説得力がある。 twitter.com/cleantechnica/…

2018-03-09 03:55:04
CleanTechnica @cleantechnica

California’s Success With Reserve Prices For Auctions Of Emission Allowances Could Encourage Adoption In EU cleantechnica.com/2018/03/08/cal… pic.twitter.com/xqR9nNRDOy

2018-03-09 03:31:52
Kenji Shiraishi @Knjshiraishi

一方、こちらは東京都の委託を受けて推定された排出枠価格の推移(超過削減量の方)。トン600円まで落ち込んでいる。 pic.twitter.com/SgRaJGvjLQ

2018-03-09 04:06:17
外務省資源安全保障室 @MofaJapan_Intls

二酸化炭素の排出に課金し抑制するのが #カーボンプライシング #ETS #排出量取引#炭素税 があります🔥 世銀報告では、2017年は総額330億ドルの政府収入で前年より5割増。経済の原理で排出削減する動きが世界で広まっています。データや分析も豊富で有益。無料ダウンロードできます🌏 twitter.com/WBG_Energy/sta…

2018-06-10 11:50:46
World Bank Energy @WBG_Energy

Did you know that in 2017, governments raised about $33 billion in #carbon pricing revenue, a 50% increase from 2016? Learn more in the new "State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2018" report: wrld.bg/bjp730k7XcY #PriceOnCarbon pic.twitter.com/AXngZoaz1z

2018-06-10 07:50:04
Indigenous Environmental Network @IENearth

Tom Goldtooth and Chief Ninawa Huni Kuin are here to challenge carbon pricing and carbon market schemes. These mechanisms do not do enough to stop #climatechange. We must keep oil in the ground if we are to survive the climate crisis. #RiseForClimate pic.twitter.com/TeZym61O0c

2018-09-09 01:58:00
Anya Frances VerKamp @AVerCampo

“Direct taxes on carbon or price based policies put the weight on consumers. Carbon caps redistribute the right to emit equally, providing a social floor under an ecological cieling.” - @r_mastini #teqs pic.twitter.com/xryLQ7KbPE

2018-09-19 21:30:15
New Scientist @newscientist

Economics Nobel Prize given for putting a price tag on climate change bit.ly/2Qz7NUf pic.twitter.com/PQrcFlMHmx

2018-10-09 16:54:27
Climate Reality @ClimateReality

Hurricanes are hitting harder and droughts are lasting longer – all while polluters make billions. Something needs to change bit.ly/2SNua9u #PriceOnCarbon pic.twitter.com/ktP33WsYhN

2018-12-18 04:52:02
Governor Phil Murphy @GovMurphy

Proud to announce that @NewJerseyDEP is steering New Jersey’s re-entry into RGGI. Today’s proposals are an important first step toward restoring our place as a leader in the clean energy economy & keeping us on a path to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. nj.gov/governor/news/… pic.twitter.com/aNWUD3EHes

2018-12-18 04:27:38


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC

People are going to die if we don’t start addressing climate change ASAP. It’s not enough to think it’s “important.” We must make it urgent. That’s why we need a Select Committee on a Green New Deal, & why fossil fuel-funded officials shouldn’t be writing climate change policy. twitter.com/cnnbrk/status/…

2018-11-24 05:35:10
CNN Breaking News @cnnbrk

A massive federal climate change report that was due next month is out today. It warns of devastating health and economic costs to the US. cnn.it/2BuEOMD pic.twitter.com/mpydp9tmRd

2018-11-24 04:13:22
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