
以下の一次まとめの中から、必要に応じて集めました。 ピークオイル、地球温暖化、自然エネルギー&省エネEVその33ーCOP24の前後」 2018/11-12 togetter.com/li/1292882 ピークオイル、地球温暖化、自然エネルギー&省エネEVその32」 2018/10-11 続きを読む
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Laurence Tribe 🇺🇦 ⚖️ @tribelaw

I’m with @Ocasio2018 on climate change. I have four grandkids, two living on each coast. Two live not as far as I’d like from California’s wildfires. They’re still young but they’re smart enough to know that raking leaves won’t do it. twitter.com/AOC/status/106…

2018-11-26 01:43:09
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC

People are going to die if we don’t start addressing climate change ASAP. It’s not enough to think it’s “important.” We must make it urgent. That’s why we need a Select Committee on a Green New Deal, & why fossil fuel-funded officials shouldn’t be writing climate change policy. twitter.com/cnnbrk/status/…

2018-11-24 05:35:10
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC

1. Aspirational Goals: Push the limits of what’s possible. 2. Nuts + Bolts: Our lives are on the line. We shouldn’t let the planet be destroyed because it’s “too expensive” to save. 3. Supporters: Many 4. Opponents: Fossil fuel industry 5. Beyond Energy: A Federal Jobs Guarantee twitter.com/thehill/status…

2018-11-26 02:10:33
The Hill @thehill

Five things to know about Ocasio-Cortez’s "Green New Deal" hill.cm/bLVcM9v pic.twitter.com/2A6IQE0G6m

2018-11-25 20:31:05
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC

Two weeks ago, we took a risk to support @sunrisemvmt‘s demand for Dems put climate change at the top of our agenda. We were criticized, called naïve, & told “this isn’t how things are done here.” Today, @USATODAY reports that climate change will now be a priority. #GoodTrouble pic.twitter.com/f7aGekDeN0

2018-11-28 00:59:56
Katie O'Reilly @KatieOWrites

What Is This Green New Deal Anyway? .@Ocasio2018 hasn’t even taken office yet and she’s already working on the most ambitious climate change legislation in U.S. history. sierraclub.org/sierra/what-gr…

2018-11-29 02:55:35
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Climate change is not an issue we can afford to ignore any longer. On Monday night I'm hosting a national town hall with @billmckibben, @Ocasio2018, @VanJones68, @shailenewoodley and more on how to tackle this crisis. Tune in: facebook.com/events/3269822… pic.twitter.com/DRIt4BWU3g

2018-11-30 05:39:34
Devyn Powell @DevynFromOregon

Crying watching this #GreenNewDeal press conference: @Ocasio2018: "Serious credit to @sunrisemvmt, because it was freshman orientation, and I did NOT want to protest." @RashidaTlaib: "I did!" 💖😭😭 pic.twitter.com/EMtdpJRWAq

2018-11-30 23:43:38
Sunrise Movement 🌅 @sunrisemvmt

Thank you to our latest supporters @RepSpeier and @MikeLevinCA for joining our movement and fighting for a #GreenNewDeal! Here's the full list of supporters so far, we're at 18! Help us get more leaders on board: sunrisemovement.org/gnd pic.twitter.com/jVKbY04f7X

2018-12-01 01:10:53
Sunrise Movement 🌅 @sunrisemvmt

Months ago pundits and politicians told us that they'd been working on climate change longer than we'd been alive and this wasn't possible, but we've proven them wrong.

2018-12-15 08:00:59
Emma Vigeland @EmmaVigeland

.@Ocasio2018’s #GreenNewDeal has redefined what’s politically possible. Two years ago, Obama wouldn’t even try for a carbon tax. Now, the #2 Senate Republican is advocating for it as an alternative to the GND. Bold progressivism shifts the goalposts. Democrats, take notes. pic.twitter.com/SUY2X3qQtE

2018-12-27 06:10:43
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

The Optimistic Activists for a Green New Deal: Inside the Youth-Led Singing Sunrise Movement newyorker.com/news/news-desk… ニューヨーカー誌によるサンライズ運動の紹介記事。

2018-12-28 07:35:00


小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

#3「何を食べものと決めるかは社会ではなく自分」。ビーガンに風当たりの強い日本で、私が肉を食べない理由|「世界は気候変動で繋がっている」。若き環境アクティビストのリアルな声。by 350.org beinspiredglobal.com/series-350-org… @BeinspiredGさんから

2017-12-30 06:25:31
尾形慶子 @ogatakeiko758

2018年は、食べる肉の量を減らすことを誓います。その理由は? 肉を食べないだけでも温暖化対策になるから。secure.avaaz.org/campaign/jp/me… 月曜日は、肉を食べない。Meat Free Monday 緑の党は、今年、ミート・フリー・マンデーを提唱します。

2018-01-17 23:10:12
Senator Jeff Merkley @SenJeffMerkley

Catch-22: Trees are absolutely critical to mitigating carbon pollution – but climate chaos is attacking the world’s forests. We need to stop this vicious cycle before it’s too late. #TodaysClimateFact grist.org/article/the-la…

2018-03-21 02:00:00
Svein Tveitdal @tveitdal

What is the true cost of eating meat? theguardian.com/news/2018/may/… As concerns over the huge impact on the environment, human health and animal welfare grow, what future is there for the meat industry, asks @bibivanderzee pic.twitter.com/Da2scqkWFF

2018-05-07 15:25:08
New Scientist @newscientist

Rich nations restore their own forests but trash those elsewhere bit.ly/2IAX9vZ pic.twitter.com/uOiQuDSUNf

2018-05-15 19:39:53
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

ペルーのアマゾン、森林破壊が加速度的に進行中 環境当局│AFP afpbb.com/articles/-/317…  環境省の森林保全計画を統括するセサル・カルメット氏はAFPの取材に対し、農業、畜産、違法伐採、鉱物違法採掘、麻薬密売などが森林破壊の主な原因となっていると語った。 #環境正義

2018-05-09 17:22:13
地球温暖化伝説 @Legend_of_AGW

激減する熱帯林 衛星データで判明 - Asahi Shimbun GLOBE dlvr.it/Qfk4hn

2018-08-13 20:02:11
グリーンピース・ジャパン @GreenpeaceJP

8年前にメーカー各社が「森林破壊ゼロ」を約束したのに、熱帯雨林の破壊のスピードが止まりません。なぜでしょう?「森を壊すパーム油は使わない」という約束がまだ守られていないことが明らかになりました。 act.gp/2NuMPZm #DropDirtyPalmOil

2018-09-23 13:00:18
Caroline Lucas @CarolineLucas

More great analysis from ⁦@MollyMEP⁩ - agriculture has key role to play in combatting climate change fwi.co.uk/news/environme…

2018-10-09 16:18:50
長野智子☆データが導く「失われた時代からの脱出」(河出書房新社) @nagano_t

家畜が温室効果ガスであるメタンを大量に排出する上、放牧地を確保するための大規模な伐採によって森林が破壊されたり、大量の水が使用されたりする。。→気候変動対策に肉の消費減が不可欠、「欧米で9割減」提言 研究 afpbb.com/articles/-/319… @afpbbcomより

2018-10-12 09:07:13
Svein Tveitdal @tveitdal

Tropical deforestation now emits more CO2 than the EU news.mongabay.com/2018/10/tropic… If tropical deforestation were a country, it would be the third-biggest emitter globally – ranking just below the U.S. and significantly higher than the EU. @RainforestNORW pic.twitter.com/qvadaPXWUq

2018-10-20 17:03:10
KASUGA, Sho @skasuga

最後。ガーディアンのコラムニスト等として著名なモンビオがベジタリアンになった理由。畜産をやめないと地球環境が持たない。 / “george_monbiot_ending_meat_dairy_consumption” htn.to/tcnTVj

2018-11-30 23:40:48
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