【2011/05/14-24】ハイチ 26【新大統領できたよー】

 5月14日から24日まで。  新大統領Martelly氏は就任演説の大部分をフランス語ではなくクレオール(現地語)で行った由。多分同内容と思われる文章が本人アカウントから投稿されている。  大統領就任式典中にいきなり停電したらしいあたりが流石。  また、TwitterとFaceBookを使いネット中継で有権者の質問に答えるなど一貫してネット選挙活動を行ってきた新大統領にならって、ファースト・レディもツイートしているのを今更ながら追加。 続きを読む
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Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

"@HaitiXchange: Journalists straining to get a picture of Bill Clinton. http://twitpic.com/4xi22p"

2011-05-14 22:29:59
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Both their teams are here. But no sign of either @presidentmicky or #Preval. Delegates still arriving though. #Haiti #inauguration

2011-05-14 22:30:16
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Trying to decide if it's me (considering I wore black) or is it just today is a really hot day, even for #Haiti #inauguration

2011-05-14 22:34:52
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Is it just me or does this seating arrangement seem unsafe? http://yfrog.com/hs4o0xjj

2011-05-14 22:34:55
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Why hasn't Haiti's crumbled national palace been torn down or rebuilt? Sat mostly untouched for 16 months.

2011-05-14 22:54:41
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Power outage reported at Presidential swearing in. Ugh. #Haiti

2011-05-14 23:02:25
Carel Pedre @carelpedre

Michel Martelly fenk finn prete sèman nan blackout!

2011-05-14 23:03:59
Carel Pedre @carelpedre

14 mai 2011 a 9:06 am, Michel Martelly est devenu le 56e président d'Haiti #viktwapoupepla

2011-05-14 23:06:45
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Inaugural blackout? 1st presidential act: Martelly ought to fire the dude in charge of the generator.

2011-05-14 23:08:43
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