【2011/05/14-24】ハイチ 26【新大統領できたよー】

 5月14日から24日まで。  新大統領Martelly氏は就任演説の大部分をフランス語ではなくクレオール(現地語)で行った由。多分同内容と思われる文章が本人アカウントから投稿されている。  大統領就任式典中にいきなり停電したらしいあたりが流石。  また、TwitterとFaceBookを使いネット中継で有権者の質問に答えるなど一貫してネット選挙活動を行ってきた新大統領にならって、ファースト・レディもツイートしているのを今更ながら追加。 続きを読む
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Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

The #redcarpet is now being rolled out after #BillClinton arrived. #Preval personal security chief already here. #haiti #inauguration

2011-05-14 21:43:18
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Best quote so far, one reporter telling a fotog: respect yourself. That's journalism speak for MOVE!

2011-05-14 21:47:27
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

#Haitian journalists, debating election round 1. Arguing about whether intl community wanted or didn't Jude #Celestin. #Haiti #inauguration

2011-05-14 21:49:14
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

#Haitian journalists debating red carpet color. "That is a Duvalieriest carpet. #Tetchaje! #haiti #inaguration

2011-05-14 21:51:01
Haitifeed.com @Haitifeed

Former pop star to be sworn in as Haiti’s president – CNN International http://bit.ly/k92elx #haiti

2011-05-14 21:52:51
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

The deputies are wearing white. Except for the one doubling as a journalist 2 day. He's in black. #Haiti #inaguration

2011-05-14 21:56:11
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Michaella Jean of Canada has just arrived. Rushing past us. #haiti #inauguration

2011-05-14 22:01:40
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

The deputies are wearing white. Except for the one doubling as a journalist 2 day. He's in black. #Haiti #inauguration

2011-05-14 22:02:38
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

#Haitian journalists debating red carpet color. "That is a Duvalieriest carpet. #Tetchaje! #haiti #inauguration

2011-05-14 22:03:18
Carel Pedre @carelpedre

The First Ceremony Just Started. It will be up in any minute http://bit.ly/jEt0IG

2011-05-14 22:08:17
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Former President Truillot just arrived making sure she walk the red carpet. #Haiti #inauguration

2011-05-14 22:11:02
Carel Pedre @carelpedre

Heading to the National Palace. We got swag for an historic day. http://twitpic.com/4xhyu4

2011-05-14 22:14:43
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

@presidentmicky will walk in parliament building as #Haiti pdt elect. He'll walk out as President after oath, passing of sash. #inauguration

2011-05-14 22:18:53
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

‎​#Haiti history fact: # JBA 1 had the 'mandat' delivered to Truillot at the inauguration. She refused to accept.

2011-05-14 22:21:22
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

"@bhatiap: And now they're rolling up the red carpet. Preval, Martelly not here yet. Wish I'd had my coffee this morning."

2011-05-14 22:21:48
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