【2011/05/14-24】ハイチ 26【新大統領できたよー】

 5月14日から24日まで。  新大統領Martelly氏は就任演説の大部分をフランス語ではなくクレオール(現地語)で行った由。多分同内容と思われる文章が本人アカウントから投稿されている。  大統領就任式典中にいきなり停電したらしいあたりが流石。  また、TwitterとFaceBookを使いネット中継で有権者の質問に答えるなど一貫してネット選挙活動を行ってきた新大統領にならって、ファースト・レディもツイートしているのを今更ながら追加。 続きを読む
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Carel Pedre @carelpedre

La Ceremonie d'investiture sera disponible ici -> http://bit.ly/jEt0IG

2011-05-14 20:36:45
Michel J. Martelly @MichelJMartelly

L'investiture sera disponible en direct ici: livestream.com/martelly ou http://on.fb.me/hLXsLs"

2011-05-14 20:38:27
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

At the parliament structure near the old US embassy building. #Haiti #inauguration

2011-05-14 20:39:17
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Outgoing President Rene #Preval's security just arrived in advance of him. #Haiti #inauguration

2011-05-14 20:41:45
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

They called it a tent, but this looks like a building to me, newly constructed and big. #Haiti http://yfrog.com/h2e2kblj

2011-05-14 20:45:28
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

#Martelly's pink posters have been replaced w/red/blue billboards saying "the victory's the people." And "look ahead." #Haiti

2011-05-14 20:53:50
Michel J. Martelly @MichelJMartelly

"Ce n'est pas vous qui m'avez choisi, dit le Seigneur, c'est moi qui vous ai choisis, je vous ai mis à cette place... http://fb.me/Qsnc1LeX

2011-05-14 20:54:06
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Discussion about keeping the press out of the building and keeping us outside. So what's the purpose of the accreditation? #inaguration

2011-05-14 20:56:59
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Who decided to put police in charge of press access? This isn't going 2 bpretty. Police saying we'll have to stay out. #Haiti #inaguration

2011-05-14 20:59:57
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Diginitaries are beginning to arrive, and well..blasts from the pasts. Brazil ambassador and Jacky Nau are among those here. #Haiti

2011-05-14 21:09:04
Carel Pedre @carelpedre

Il y aura 2 ceremonies: 1) 8h30: Prestation de Serment devant le parlement - 2) 10h30: Discours Officiel au Palais National [heure d'Haiti]

2011-05-14 21:09:21
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

UNDP head Nigel Fisher has arrived, waiting to go in. #Haiti #inauguration

2011-05-14 21:09:58
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

"@HaitiXchange: Let the events begin. At place d'italie where ceremonies are about to begin."

2011-05-14 21:13:47
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

UN envoy Edmond Mulet, who departs #Haiti this week has arrived. After returning 2 head #MINUSTAH after quake #elections" was his goal

2011-05-14 21:17:28
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

"@HaitiXchange: Witnessed a CNN team getting hassled about coming in without a camera. Space is limited. #Haiti #inauguration"

2011-05-14 21:18:09
CBC News Alerts @CBCAlerts

Michel Martelly to be sworn in as Haiti's president today . http://bit.ly/jaoRB0 #Haiti

2011-05-14 21:21:38
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

PM Bellerive just arrived, almost running out of the SUV.

2011-05-14 21:33:37
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