Windows 10のBluetooth MIDIについてマイクロソフトの人に聞いてみた

Windows 10のMIDI over Bluetooth LE(BLuetooth MIDI または BLE-MIDI)がいまだにまともに動いてないので、マイクロソフトでそのへんを担当している人に直接聞いてみました。 英語のやりとりはほぼGoogle翻訳頼み。うまく伝えられる気がしない。ちゃんと通じてるか不安。英語が得意な方、Windowsプログラミングに通じてる方、助けてください。
Pete Brown @ Microsoft::Windows @Pete_Brown

@linclip Been working with the team, and also spent all night testing here. Main finding: when using the BLE MIDI API, your Sysex buffer must contain no more or less than one F0/F7 pair. So when parsing a Sysex file, need to break on F7 and send as a message. 1/2

2019-07-18 16:16:45

SysExメッセージは1つ以下のF0/F7のペアで送信する必要がある。F7でブレークしろという。自分でParseしろということらしい。BLE-MIDIでSysExを扱うなら、UWP MIDI APIのTypeプロパティは実質使えないということか。あと、また、送信の話をしている。これには以下のように返信。


@Pete_Brown It's a transmission problem, not about real-time reception, right? I checked the Rawdata of the message received by the C # program. In long Sysex messages, the first few received data is fine, but then different data is received.

2019-07-18 19:15:52



Pete Brown @ Microsoft::Windows @Pete_Brown

@linclip Not sure if that is what you're running into. Once I changed my app to adhere to that, all is good. (BTW, also learned that half the BLE MIDI interfaces sold don't work with iOS or Windows.) mi.1 and Yamaha are most reliable. 2/3

2019-07-18 16:18:03

彼のアプリでは、上記のアプローチでうまく動いたという。また、世にあるBLE MIDIデバイスの大半はiOSやWindowsではまともに動かないとも。んなこたあないだろう。と思い、以下のように返信。



@Pete_Brown It's a misunderstanding that many BLE MIDI devices don't work on iOS. They just don't work on Windows. I hope that the BLE MIDI device for iOS works the same with Windows.

2019-07-18 22:54:12

先方からのメッセージ 3/3。

Pete Brown @ Microsoft::Windows @Pete_Brown

@linclip Keep in mind this behavior is different from normal USB MIDI, which is more forgiving. However, the approach used for BLE MIDI also works with USB MIDI. If you can test this, please do, and LMK. 3/3

2019-07-18 16:28:14

これまでのUSB MIDIデバイスとは違う方法になるが、上記のやり方はUSB MIDIデバイスでも問題がないとのこと。

そりゃそうだろうけど、デバイスごとに違うプログラミングしなきゃいけないの? APIってそのへん吸収してくれるもんじゃないの? という思いで以下のように返信。


@Pete_Brown Your suggestion seems very difficult to me. Can't the UWP MIDI API handle those things automatically and handle them like USB MIDI? Shouldn't the API be handled the same regardless of the device?

2019-07-18 18:36:30


Pete Brown @ Microsoft::Windows @Pete_Brown

@linclip Can you email me with the exact scenario? Pete dot brown at Microsoft dot com

2019-07-19 02:28:48


Windows 10のBLE-MIDIのおかしなところを、私が証明しなくてはならなくなったようだ。
