2011年5月20日、Musica VivaによるBrentano QuartetのTwitter Interview(英語)

Musica Viva主催でオーストラリアを訪れているBrentano QuartetのTwitterインタビューが行われました♪(インタビュアー:Carl Vine) Brentano Quartetの歴史、ハイドン・モーツァルト・ベートーヴェンの四重奏曲、四重奏においての役割、ipodで聴く音楽、こんな楽器の奏者になりたい、などの話をちょこちょこと。雰囲気良さげで今までのMVのTwitterインタビューのうちで一番読んでて楽しかったかも・・・(ツイート取り残しあるかもしれません)
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

One more day till our #asktheartists Q&A on Twitter with the Brentano String Quartet! 5pm EST on Friday.

2011-05-19 13:01:18
Chamber Music NZ @ChamberMusicNZ

Follow @MusicaVivaAU's ‘Ask the Artists’ session with the Brentano SQ from 7pm (NZ time) today. Use hash tag #asktheartists

2011-05-20 09:05:38
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

Only three hours to go till our #asktheartists live Q&A session with the Brentano String Quartet which we'll be transcribing on Twitter!

2011-05-20 13:03:06
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

Announcement: our #asktheartists session with the Brentano String quartet is now starting 10 mins early at 4:50pm EST. Please RT.

2011-05-20 15:09:48
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

15 minutes to go - if you have any questions for the Brentano String Quartet, feel free to tweet them in! #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:34:19
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

Well, the Brentanos are here! We're just setting up to record a podcast of the conversation. #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:39:48
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

The Brentano String Quartet consists of Mark Steinberg (MS) & Serena Canin (SC) on violins. #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:46:50
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

And Misha Amory (MA), viola and the Nina Maria Lee (NL) cello. (Poor Nina has had to visit Australia pregnant again!) #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:47:45
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

And all the Musica Viva staff are here in our board room to meet the artists. #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:51:08
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

CV: You're about to celebrate your 20th anniversary as a quartet? Do you feel really ancient? #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:51:29
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

SC: Sometimes I feel ancient, but not from playing in a quartet... #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:51:46
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

SC: I still get a lot of satisfaction from playing. It hasn't gotten old. #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:52:03
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

CV: Having worked together 20 years, it's astonishing that you still get along! You actually talk. #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:52:44
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

CV: When you started, were you all at Juilliard at the time? #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:52:55
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

MS: Yes, we were all there eventually. We were all there for graduate school. #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:53:15
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

NL: It's amazing - the others were all born within a few months of each other. #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:53:32
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

CV: But still, it's an extraordinary achievement. It's normally luck that quartets last a long time. #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:53:50
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

MS: I think there's some luck - and also some brilliance. #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:54:06
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

MS: The advice I give to young quartet players starting out is that you should feel that nothing can go wrong. #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:54:26
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

CV: Have you read your interview in the program guides? It's interesting that Mark says you were going to work really hard... #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:55:11
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

MA: Yes, Mark and I roomed together for 3 or 4 years. But we're out of the poor stage now. #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:55:59
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

MS: It's an extraordinary repertoire. We can play these pieces for the rest of our lives and not run out. #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:56:25
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

CV: Talking about the repertoire, you have a project to record all late Beethoven quartets. Where is that at? #asktheartists

2011-05-20 15:57:06