
軍事板常見問題に使うかもしれないデータを集積しているだけの倉庫です 軍事板常見問題本館: http://mltr.ganriki.net/index02.html  エンコードはunicord
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Dr Alexander Clarke @AC_NavalHistory

There is a lot to agree with in this #Thread, but what it misses is that the £1billion price tag includes the development costs, the actual build costs of the ships are much lower than that; so if 12 type 45 had been built we would probably be talking about £700million destroyers twitter.com/nicholadrummon…

2019-07-27 06:46:54
Nicholas Drummond @nicholadrummond

Royal Navy ships have never been more capable than they are today. Type 45 Destroyers and Type 23 Frigates are undoubtedly world class. The Type 26 Frigate / Global Combat Ship will raise the bar even higher. The trouble is these ships are approaching £1 billion each. 1/10 pic.twitter.com/W1vUlqL8Gp

2019-07-27 00:16:50
Nicholas Drummond @nicholadrummond

Royal Navy ships have never been more capable than they are today. Type 45 Destroyers and Type 23 Frigates are undoubtedly world class. The Type 26 Frigate / Global Combat Ship will raise the bar even higher. The trouble is these ships are approaching £1 billion each. 1/10 pic.twitter.com/W1vUlqL8Gp

2019-07-27 00:16:50
Naval Analyses @D__Mitch

@WilcoAK You are right. Usually a DF antenna is installed at the top of the main mast or there are two systems. No, it doesn't seem to have a 2nd system... youtube.com/watch?v=3FurzC…

2019-07-27 06:16:13
Naval Analyses @D__Mitch

This is definitely a new system aboard #RussianNavy Slava-class cruiser Marshal Ustinov and more likely it is a COMINT/DF antenna. Any idea what's the name of the system? pic.twitter.com/JlDgrE53IX

2019-07-27 05:37:38
DeuNavyBlog @GermanNavyBlog

#Flottentanker Neue zivilbesetzte Doppelhüllentanker des Typs 707 stehen ab 2024 der deutschen Flotte zur Verfügung stehen. Operativ-logistisch mehr Fähigkeiten als Vorgänger der RHÖN-Klasse. #DeutscheMarine @D__Mitch pic.twitter.com/gIuEdqAr6h

2019-07-26 19:37:23
Eric Moreno @KingNeptune767

Take a good look at this photo. This is Laura Palmese. She is a Cunt. Along w/ Edward Johnson, Stacey Bouley, Robb Hemberger and Jon Stevens they flooded/destroyed the USS Ling to steal artifacts from the boat. This is a screengrab from a video they recorded during the theft. pic.twitter.com/wpHK1pvJCy

2019-07-26 09:12:31
Владимир З. @VladZinen

Крейсер "Маршал Устинов", Фрегат "Адмирал Горшков", Подводная лодка "Смоленск" военные корабли в акватории pic.twitter.com/QTLbwjN9qN

2019-07-25 20:41:36
Matt Nixson @MattNixson

Terrific piece by @IBallantyn on the MoD's great ships sell-off... and how it's affected the ability of @RoyalNavy to protect our interests at home and abroad. Thanks to @DrChrisParry for advice on this and other RN-related issues. In @Daily_Express today. #SavetheRoyalNavy pic.twitter.com/vJDRjJBgeQ

2019-07-25 17:52:48
Duffel Blog @DuffelBlog

MILFaceApp allows civilians to see how they would look had they served theduffel.co/2JYLAgL

2019-07-24 20:01:12
Naval Analyses @D__Mitch

By 2024, two modern 20,000t double hull tankers will replace the old Type 704A Rhön-class tankers of the #GermanNavy. twitter.com/chiefdeunavy/s…

2019-07-25 19:08:01
chiefdeunavy @chiefdeunavy

Nachfolge für #RHOEN und #SPESSART nimmt Gestalt an. Die Auswahlentscheidung ist getroffen. Ab 2024 sollen 2 neue Doppelhüllentanker (ca. 20.000 t) die dann 50 Jahre alten Tanker ersetzen. #Marine unterstützt das #BAAINBw massiv mit Personal. Es geht voran. #WIRSINDMARINE

2019-07-25 17:48:18
chiefdeunavy @chiefdeunavy

Nachfolge für #RHOEN und #SPESSART nimmt Gestalt an. Die Auswahlentscheidung ist getroffen. Ab 2024 sollen 2 neue Doppelhüllentanker (ca. 20.000 t) die dann 50 Jahre alten Tanker ersetzen. #Marine unterstützt das #BAAINBw massiv mit Personal. Es geht voran. #WIRSINDMARINE

2019-07-25 17:48:18
Naval Analyses @D__Mitch

Vasily Bykov, the first #RussianNavy Project 22160 1,700-ton offshore patrol vessel, launching a Project 02800 assault landing boat from the stern ramp. Photos via Eugene 11 | forums.airbase.ru. pic.twitter.com/SbwZbXhFx9

2018-07-05 04:12:38
Capt(N) @Capt_Navy

#ВМФ #ЧФ🇷🇺#Russian #Navy The disembarking of the fast assault craft of project 02800 from the RFS 375 'Dmitriy Rogachev',a patrol ship of project 22160. #Sevastopol, July 2019. pic.twitter.com/3pajQ5ve9F

2019-07-24 22:30:22
Naval Analyses @D__Mitch

No way! Finally, after +10 years (!) we are about to receive the 6th Roussen-class FACM (P78)! 😁 pic.twitter.com/07K57zAlaz

2019-07-24 21:42:36
まとめ管理人 @1059kanri


2019-07-26 23:28:25
カイカイ反応通信 @kaikaihanno

トランプ、韓国・中国に対するWTOの「途上国優遇」見直し求める=韓国の反応 #トランプ #韓国 #中国 blog.livedoor.jp/kaikaihanno/ar…

2019-07-28 00:01:04
カイカイ反応通信 @kaikaihanno

韓国人医師「放射能の悪夢はこれから始まる、日本に行ってはならない」=韓国の反応 #日本旅行 #放射能 blog.livedoor.jp/kaikaihanno/ar…

2019-07-27 20:01:12
カイカイ反応通信 @kaikaihanno

韓国人「韓国人に言いがかりをつけられて謝罪する羽目になったフランス人ユーチューバー」 #旭日旗 #炎上 blog.livedoor.jp/kaikaihanno/ar…

2019-07-27 15:01:11
カイカイ反応通信 @kaikaihanno

日本の大学で働く韓国人教授「日本行きの飛行機は満席、彼らに愛国心はないのでしょうか?」日本不買に苦言=韓国の反応 #不買運動 blog.livedoor.jp/kaikaihanno/ar…

2019-07-27 12:01:15
カイカイ反応通信 @kaikaihanno

少女像に唾を吐き日本語で「天皇陛下万歳」と叫んだ若者たち、結局、慰安婦おばあさんにひざまずいて謝罪=韓国の反応 #少女像 blog.livedoor.jp/kaikaihanno/ar…

2019-07-27 07:01:25
カイカイ反応通信 @kaikaihanno

韓国世論調査「韓日紛争で被害がより大きい国は?」…韓国54%、日本27%=韓国の反応 #世論調査 #対韓輸出規制 blog.livedoor.jp/kaikaihanno/ar…

2019-07-26 23:56:05
カイカイ反応通信 @kaikaihanno

米国CNN、独島を単独表記するもわずか1日で竹島を併記して物議=韓国の反応 #ソ・ギョンドク #独島 blog.livedoor.jp/kaikaihanno/ar…

2019-07-26 20:01:18
カイカイ反応通信 @kaikaihanno

輸出制限措置後、初となる韓日外相通話…「ホワイト国除外撤回要求」=韓国の反応 #日韓外相会談 #対韓輸出規制 blog.livedoor.jp/kaikaihanno/ar…

2019-07-26 18:00:13
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