
味噌煮込みビーフン @UHisayuki

@verybodoh @CGTNOfficial Is there a problem for me to follow the textbooks made by my government?

2019-08-29 16:57:31


bodoh @verybodoh

@UHisayuki @CGTNOfficial The atrocities of the jap against people are an act of war that was not provoked by any of the countries. Japan during the imperial system decided to attack. No one provoked the japs. The murders committed were not justified as a defence but an aggression.

2019-08-29 18:58:27


bodoh @verybodoh

@UHisayuki @CGTNOfficial In your eyes, the CCP was committing atrocities against the citizen. My point to you is that CCP as gov must uphold law and order. Is there a better way? Perhaps. It is biblical for CCP to maintain order. Yes definitively.

2019-08-29 19:04:25


bodoh @verybodoh

@UHisayuki @CGTNOfficial If your gov pervert the truth, and deny there was nothing wrong in murdering innocent lives, then if you choose to go with your gov, then you are answerable to God. Because when bible tells us to obey authorities, we cannot disobey God and obey gov. That is wrong.

2019-08-29 19:10:18


bodoh @verybodoh

@UHisayuki @CGTNOfficial The bible says thou shall not worship other god besides ME. If your gov tells you that you must go to the temple and pray to buddha , then you have to disobey your gov and obey God. There is the order that you have to follow. God's law first then human laws

2019-08-29 19:13:49



味噌煮込みビーフン @UHisayuki

@verybodoh @CGTNOfficial Do you think that the authority of "Emperor system" is not derived from Christ? Is there no problem if the action of Japan is to protect "law and order"?

2019-08-29 19:23:34


bodoh @verybodoh

@UHisayuki @CGTNOfficial The authority of the emperor is also from Christ. No doubt about that. But if you want to argue that to ww2 attacks are justified , you have every right. It is just like I need to rape the girl because she dress in such a way. So not my fault. It's her fault.

2019-08-29 19:29:13


味噌煮込みビーフン @UHisayuki

@verybodoh @CGTNOfficial I acknowledge that you have the right to claim that the atrocities of the CCP are justified. "It is just like I need to rape the girl because she dress in such a way. So not my fault. It's her fault.

2019-08-29 19:34:13


bodoh @verybodoh

@UHisayuki @CGTNOfficial There is this thing call conscience. You can suppress it, you can deny it. It is your right. After committing wrongs, if you choose not to go the way the Germans did, then perhaps at the national level the afflictions and troubles may be much much higher.

2019-08-29 19:37:22


味噌煮込みビーフン @UHisayuki

@verybodoh @CGTNOfficial Whose conscience determines CCP? Chinese people under oppression? Or Deng Xiaoping?

2019-08-29 19:46:30


bodoh @verybodoh

@UHisayuki @CGTNOfficial I do not condoned any "atrocities" by ccp. I only said ccp as the authority has the right to uphold law and order. Please do not twist my words. Otherwise you leave me no choice but to treat you as a fool.

2019-08-29 19:46:18


味噌煮込みビーフン @UHisayuki

@verybodoh @CGTNOfficial The right to atrocities? Don't you have the same right in Japan?

2019-08-29 19:49:39
