CNNに旭日旗が「悪魔の象徴」'Symbol of the devil'であると韓国の言い分が掲載されてしまう

くろやす @kuroyasu17

もう始まっている。 ニュージーランドの記事でも、「Rising Sunは止めろ」だってよ。 アジア全体に波及すれば大変なことになる。 The rising sun flag is a symbol of hate. Please don’t use it as your logo…

2019-09-04 20:37:19
リンク The Spinoff The rising sun flag is a symbol of hate. Please don't use it as your logo The widespread use of the imperial flag suggests that New Zealanders' knowledge of the second world war is incomplete, writes Rebekah Jaung. For many people from Asian countries it is a symbol of hate akin to a swastika, yet every couple of months I see a 2 users 1390

South Korean Olympic officials have called on Japan to ban its “rising sun” flag at the 2020 Tokyo Games after claiming it represents a “militaristic and imperial past.”…

2019-09-05 21:00:59
リンク South Korea calls for ban of ‘rising sun’ flag at 2020 Games TOKYO — South Korean Olympic officials have called on Japan to ban its "rising sun" flag at the 2020 Tokyo Games after claiming it represents a "militaristic and imperial 106