10月7日〜国際レベリオンその1 International Rebellion Vol.1

エクスティンクション・レベリオンの秋の行動まとめ @XrXrJapanのツイートより。  同時に起こる出来事が多過ぎて、一つ一つ翻訳できません。もしコメント欄に訳を入れて頂ければアップデートの時に本体側に組込みたいものです。
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ドイツ Germany

Extinction Rebellion Berlin @XRBerlin

08:20 - Groups of heroic #ExtinctionRebelion rebels are still locked on in the middle of Potsdamer Platz despite the cold, and huge police presence. Come show support! #ActNow #RebelForLife pic.twitter.com/TpEbstYOQW

2019-10-08 15:23:27
Extinction Rebellion Berlin @XRBerlin

Die Lock-Ons an der #Siegessäule sind gut gelaunt, die Arche liegt noch vor Anker. Kommt vorbei und unterstützt uns! #EverybodyNow #BerlinBlockieren #ActNow #RebelForLife pic.twitter.com/wMAkrQMDa9

2019-10-08 22:33:05
Extinction Rebellion Wimborne @XRWimborne

Don’t let certain media mislead you. Emergency vehicles are getting through twitter.com/poettaxidriver…

2019-10-08 21:42:40

論評/メディアのニュース Thoughts/ In media

Caroline Lucas @CarolineLucas

XR activists will cause some disruption this week But it’ll be nothing compared to the chaos caused by the #ClimateEmergency Governments need to wake up to the crisis. Tell the truth and take effective action now @ExtinctionR #TheTimeIsNow #EverybodyNow #RebelForLife

2019-10-07 17:25:44
Dr Russell Arnott @Russell_Arnott

@XRBristol @ExtinctionR @XRLondon @XRebellionUK Been speaking to officers in the @XRBristol zone; while they admit the #ExtinctionRebellion protest is "challenging", they have never encountered a group so friendly & understanding with a real sense of mutual respect. 👮 Thanks to @metpoliceuk for showing compassion at this time pic.twitter.com/qho9SxdfV2

2019-10-07 21:24:00
Jenny Jones @GreenJennyJones

The @ExtinctionR protests have made my job easier, altho still a long way to go. twitter.com/PeteKennedy/st…

2019-10-07 22:45:15
Pete Kennedy @PeteKennedy

#ExtinctionRebellion @GreenJennyJones telling people the power and inspiration that they give her in Parliament to fight for real action on Climate Emergency. Notes that the last protests led Parliament to change the law to Net Zero by 2050 and declare a Climate Emergency. pic.twitter.com/XnvSJHPft0

2019-10-07 22:08:28
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

正しい主張をする非暴力の市民的不服従運動に反対する理由はありません。⇒ "絶滅への反逆は、トゥンべリさんのほか、気温上昇や海面上昇を研究する科学者らの支持を受けている。" 動画:気候変動対策求める不服従運動、世界各都市で開始 数百人逮捕|AFP afpbb.com/articles/-/324… #気候危機

2019-10-08 16:31:23
BBC Politics @BBCPolitics

“I don’t think these are very seemly comments for a PM to be making” says Rupert Read of Extinction Rebellion, after the PM branded the climate protestors “crusties” “This rebellion is about whether or not we have a future” bbc.in/2IwkAFk #politicslive pic.twitter.com/QFWXN0KYAd

2019-10-08 21:06:00
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

@AndMedh @SkyNews @adamboultonSKY @ExtinctionR @DrKateMarvel @jembendell @DoctorVive @urbanecologist @GeorgeMonbiot @ClimateBen @XRebellionUK @XRLondon @algore @LeoDiCaprio @dwallacewells @UNFCCC @KHayhoe @MichaelEMann Whatever the arguments for or against XR’s actions, their demands for emission cuts more accurately reflect the rates & timeframe of 1.5°C than those proposed by any government. There is no non-extreme future. Extreme 1.5-2°C mitigation or status quo & extreme impacts/adaptation.

2019-10-08 23:27:01
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ルパート・リード "独最大の南ドイツ新聞からXRについてインタビューを受けた全文。メディアは真剣に受け取り始めている。文字通りのニュースを拡げるためにRTしてほしい。" twitter.com/greenrupertrea…

2019-10-09 12:08:04
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

sueddeutsche.de/kultur/extinct… Full interview in Germany’s largest-selling newspaper. The media are starting to take this seriously... #PlanetaryEmergency >Please RT, to literally spread the news!<

2019-10-08 16:56:50
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan


2019-10-09 12:11:34
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