10月7日〜国際レベリオンその1 International Rebellion Vol.1

エクスティンクション・レベリオンの秋の行動まとめ @XrXrJapanのツイートより。  同時に起こる出来事が多過ぎて、一つ一つ翻訳できません。もしコメント欄に訳を入れて頂ければアップデートの時に本体側に組込みたいものです。
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより」 togetter.com/li/1410497

2019-10-06 04:26:44


前夜祭 Opening Ceremony

XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

エクスティンクション・レベリオン "今日午後5時からロンドンで #国際叛乱 の再開式が始まるに際して、この機会に私たちの叛乱が何についてのものか、話しておきたい。蛍光ピンクのボートや91歳の人が警察に捕まった、ではない話を。" twitter.com/extinctionr/st…

2019-10-07 02:00:32
Extinction Rebellion : XR Global @ExtinctionR

As the opening ceremony for our #InternationalRebellion - London gets underway from 5 PM today, we wanted to take this moment to tell you what our Rebellion is really about. It is not just about neon pink boats or 91-year-olds in the arms of police. rebellion.earth/2019/10/06/the…

2019-10-07 00:01:54

メッセージ Messages

XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

The World Just Had Another Month of Record Heat. Options a. do nothing and break records every month until the planet is uninhabitable b. rebel #EverybodyNow #InternationalRebellion earther.gizmodo.com/the-world-just…

2019-10-05 16:53:58
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

"The message from @RogerHallamXR inside prison is to everybody who goes to... [our #InternationalRebellion] that's willing to be arrested 'Don't leave... without being arrested'... [The government] cannot arrest their way out of this because there are too many of us", @LarchMaxey pic.twitter.com/yW0uNOxqMi

2019-10-06 05:30:16
XR Writers Rebel @XrRebel

Did you know around 200 species go extinct every day? #TheTimeIsNow #rebel4life #ExtinctionRebellion pic.twitter.com/MY89UwZDbW

2019-10-06 16:34:39
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

YouTubeのXRチャンネルより。3人の英国の元警察官が気候の危機とXRの活動について語る。 Former UK police officers share their views on XR and the climate crisis... youtu.be/B2vh42LfDBs @YouTubeより

2019-10-06 18:42:59
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ロックンロールじゃないねキミたち "前回はピンクのボートが置かれた。この #国際叛乱 週間にはピンクのトラクターがやって来た。農民が叛乱型の人々に加勢をする時、歴史は作られることをあなたは知っている。" twitter.com/thisaintrock/s…

2019-10-06 20:44:04
This Ain’t Rock’n’Roll @thisaintrock

Last time there was a pink boat. This #InternationalRebellion there’s a pink 🚜. When the farmers join forces with ‘protest types’ you know history is being made 👇👇👇 bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-eng…

2019-10-06 04:19:36
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ケイト・ラウォース "今この瞬間に私が経済学者として唯一居るべき場所としてXRとともに街角に居る理由はここにある。7日の月曜には、どこに居ても参加してほしい。" twitter.com/kateraworth/st…

2019-10-07 02:07:39
Kate Raworth @KateRaworth

Here's why I - as an economist - know that the only place to be right now is in the streets with Extinction Rebellion. Join us, from Monday 7th October, wherever you are. @ExtinctionR youtu.be/4D9BSDU3iXk

2019-10-06 21:06:13
Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21

2/2“The authorities are presented with an impossible dilemma...they can allow the daily occupation of city streets...this will encourage greater participation..on the other hand, if they opt to repress the protestors, they risk a backfiring effect” p9 @ExtinctionR @XRLondon

2019-10-07 03:25:08
Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21

1/2”A dilemma action is a type of non-violent civil disobedience designed to create a ‘response dilemma’ for public authorities by forcing them to concede space to protesters or make themselves look heavy-handed by acting against the protest.”p42 #ExtinctionRebellion #EveybodyNow

2019-10-07 03:28:34
Extinction Rebellion Farmers @XRFarmers

Farmers are at the forefront of climate change. We want soil not oil. pic.twitter.com/MILPp7yY4E

2019-10-07 03:56:09
George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

I'm on the train to London to join the most important mobilisation of my lifetime: #ExtinctionRebellion We face the greatest predicament humankind has ever encountered. And we must meet it with the biggest movement there has ever been.

2019-10-07 17:26:29
George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

Throughout my working life, I have known what to say and what to write. But this was never enough. The key question was what to do. My attempts to answer it - in fact everyone's attempts - always fell short. But I believe @ExtinctionR has cracked it.

2019-10-07 17:30:24
Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21

“The Proposal...They maintain a strictly nonviolent discipline even, and especially, under conditions of state repression.” p9 #CommonSenseForThe21stCentury @XRLondon @ExtinctionR #EverybodyNow #ExtinctionRebellion

2019-10-07 18:13:40
Kate Raworth @KateRaworth

@GeorgeMonbiot I think I'm on the same train : ) certainly heading to the same destination.

2019-10-07 18:50:36
Extinction Rebellion Lambeth 🐝 @XRLambeth

Amazing scenes #LambethBridge. The science is clear, we are in the 6th mass extinction. If we dont act now we face food shortages & social collapse. To the #UK Government, you have not done enough, we declared a Climate & Ecological Emergency. #RebelForLife #ExtinctionRebellion. pic.twitter.com/PGV4bS1eAT

2019-10-07 18:59:12
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

エクスティンクション・レベリオンロンドン "最初彼らはボートを取った。次は豆袋を。今じゃ文字通り台所のシンクを取っていった。エクスシンクション〜❤️平和な抗議活動が出来るよう、もっと沢山の資材を持って行くのにご協力をお願いします。" twitter.com/xrlondon/statu…

2019-10-07 21:00:09
Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 @XRLondon

First they took our boat⛵ Then they took our beanbags.🧼 Now they've literally taken the kitchen sink 🛁 Ex-Sinks-On Rebellion💚 Can you help bring more equipment to enable peaceful protest? #RebelForLife #ExtinctionRebellion pic.twitter.com/AMRKV2CaIB twitter.com/XRLondon/statu…

2019-10-07 20:39:19
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