10月7日〜国際レベリオンその1 International Rebellion Vol.1

エクスティンクション・レベリオンの秋の行動まとめ @XrXrJapanのツイートより。  同時に起こる出来事が多過ぎて、一つ一つ翻訳できません。もしコメント欄に訳を入れて頂ければアップデートの時に本体側に組込みたいものです。
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Christian Climate Action @CClimateAction

Fr Martin Newell, a Catholic priest from Birmingham "I am here to help raise the alarm, to call for profound ecological conversion. The life of God's creation is under threat, especially the lives of God's poor. I am here to protect our common home." pic.twitter.com/aFIBdTW43T

2019-10-07 21:28:10
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

Important announcement for arrestable rebels. October Rebellion Action Strategy: non-cooperation explained. By not giving your name and address you can help clog up the system and help keep the sites for longer. youtu.be/BXeVG3cXtfM

2019-10-08 00:21:03
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

This is not a protest. This is a rebellion. The inaction of our governments on the climate & ecological crisis has us heading for a nightmare future. There are millions already living that future. Help us make another future: rebellion.earth/international-… bbc.co.uk/news/uk-499575…

2019-10-08 00:49:21
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

The first edition of Extinction Rebellion's newsletter! Please share it with your friends. Who knows? You might change some minds and open some eyes. drive.google.com/file/d/0B8TjvT… #ExtinctionRebellion #RebelForLife #ClimateStrike #ClimateBreakdown

2019-10-08 04:31:12
Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 @XRLondon

Helen, 74, from Manchester “It has always been a great source of unhappiness to see the wildlife of my youth disappear. When I saw XR, and felt really, really inspired - a voice, people saying the same things as me, feeling the same as me, & I wasn’t alone with it anymore." pic.twitter.com/uRL3BX1TFY

2019-10-08 22:37:34
Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 @XRLondon

“Climate change is like bug spray and humans are the bugs.” 🦟 . “Climate change is happening to rebalance something that was out of balance.” 🦋 . Quotes from children around the world on #climatecrisis shared on stage at The Mall. #ExtinctionRebellion @XRebellionUK pic.twitter.com/kWQvHsHoTN

2019-10-08 22:53:03
Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 @XRLondon

"Our planet is on fire. Even if we only have a small chance, we have to do what we can to put out the flames" Tony, 74, from Cambridge, raises the alarm at the London Oil and Money Conference 2019. Their 40th year. #EverybodyNow #ExtinctionRebellion 🛢️💀 🥀@oilandmoney 🥀💀 🛢️ pic.twitter.com/2GxrxlsTcV

2019-10-08 22:54:16
Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 @XRLondon

"I am serving up food for hungry rebels. The Hari Krishna are supporting us, they gave us access to their kitchens. There's a part of me that is quite motherly, I want to see everyone fed & comfortable." Millie, XR Plymouth #EverybodyNow Find your role: rebellionroles.earth pic.twitter.com/aORr7BRE5J

2019-10-08 23:12:22
Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 @XRLondon

"My wife made this banner, she has just been arrested. She has been taken to Brixton police station. When she gets out, I'm sure will be together here again. We know the damage being done to nature, and it's impacts for us. We desperately hope for change." John, 76, South West pic.twitter.com/3o6EwEykQ2

2019-10-08 23:25:40
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

エクスティンクション・レベリオン "「科学者たちは私たちが生活する仕方を変えない限り…恐怖ショーに向かっていると語ってきた。…混乱については非常にすまなく思うが、これが政府に唯一私たちの声を聞かせられる手段なんです。」と介護人で反乱者のテレサは語る。" twitter.com/extinctionr/st…

2019-10-09 11:45:23
Extinction Rebellion : XR Global @ExtinctionR

"Scientists have told us unless we change the way we're living we're heading for... a horror show... We're very sorry [about the disruption] but it's the only way that we can make our government pay attention", Theresa, Carer and rebel. youtube.com/watch?v=iL1FG_…

2019-10-09 04:15:11

予告 Announcement

Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

This is going to be huge, Thursday on. Hong-Kong style mass occupation of this terrible airport, which makes the lives of so many Londoners a misery just so that private jets & financiers can fly into the City easier. Calling all rebels! #ClimateEmergency #ExtinctionRebellion twitter.com/stopcityairpor…

2019-10-06 22:41:11
Stop City Airport + @StopCityAirport

Breaking : Extinction Rebellion aims to stage a sit in at London City Airport next week! @ExtinctionR standard.co.uk/news/london/ex…

2019-10-04 21:03:33
Extinction Rebellion NYC 🌎 @XR_NYC

Monday schedule here! For full schedule & updates see here bit.ly/2m85lu9 pic.twitter.com/L1R3SWCern

2019-10-07 09:42:39
Extinction Rebellion Belgium @XR_Belgium

Rebels from @XR_Belgium are in London, Paris, and Amsterdam for the #InternationalRebellion! This Saturday 12th October it will be Brussels’ turn: bring a chair and join us at the Royal Palace for the #RoyalRebellion! #RebelWithoutBorders #ExtinctionRebellion pic.twitter.com/tsLBdPlp2h

2019-10-08 05:07:52
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

I’ll be on BBC Politics Live (with Jess Phillips MP and others) for the whole show, starting at 12.15 today [Tuesday], on BBC2. Do tune in! The media are starting to take us seriously... We are #ExtinctionRebellion. !Join us!

2019-10-08 17:01:11
Rob Perillo @robperillo

Meanwhile on the other side of the globe, Super Typhoon #Hagibis in tropical Western Pacific is sporting 160 mph Cat 5 winds & raked N'rn Mariana Islands today, but well north of Guam. This storm is expected to impact Japan Friday into the weekend as a category 2 or 3 storm. pic.twitter.com/DvjqeRn0b3

2019-10-08 07:58:29
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ロブ ”地球の裏側西太平洋では、巨大な台風ハギビスがカテゴリー5の台風に成長してグアムの北にいる。この台風は週末の金曜にはカテゴリー2か3の台風として日本を襲うと予測される。” twitter.com/robperillo/sta…

2019-10-09 15:23:37
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ジョージ・モンビオ ”XRのところへまた戻ってきた。11時にはモールでの民衆議会を開会する。そのあと(おそらく)議会広場で植樹し、1時にはトラファルガー広場で、2時にはグローバル法廷でスピーチする予定だ。そこで会おう。” twitter.com/GeorgeMonbiot/…

2019-10-09 15:38:49
George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

Back to London for another day with #ExtinctionRebellion. At 11, I'll be opening the People's Assembly on the Mall. After that (possibly) planting trees in Parliament Square, then speaking in Trafalgar Square at 1, then XR Global Justice at 2. See you there! pic.twitter.com/td2tmfc9IK

2019-10-09 14:59:19
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XRスコットランド ジョージモンビオへの返事”ウエストミンスター寺院に来られませんか?朝8時から夕方6時まで、IPCCの1.5℃レポートの10時間朗読があります。あなたが参加してくれると嬉しいです。” twitter.com/ScotlandXr/sta…

2019-10-09 15:43:10
XRScotland Mastodon @xrscotland@kolektiva.social @ScotlandXr

@GeorgeMonbiot Any chance of you joining us at the site at Westminster Abbey? There's 10hr reading of IPCC report @1point5degrees1 from 8am to 6pm and we'd love to have you join us!

2019-10-09 15:38:34

各地/各団体の行動 by Area, by Orgs

気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

南米ボリビア最大の都市サンタ・クルスで、森林保護を求めて抗議デモを行う市民たち。圧巻。人口1000万人の国で、150万人が集まって声をあげたそうです。環境保護や人権擁護のために、世界中で多くの人々が立ち上がっています。 #環境正義 twitter.com/JoshuaPotash/s…

2019-10-06 12:51:44

フランス France

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