XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その4 COP25

続き物&随時アップデート。 11月までのリツイートやコメントも一部残しています。12月1日〜
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FeralX @x_feral

Brazil Amazon deforestation climbs more than 100% in November over same month last year -gov't agency. news.trust.org/item/201912132…

2019-12-16 19:46:59
Kosuke Hatta 八田浩輔 @kskhatta

バイオ燃料として使うパーム油に対するEUの輸入規制が不当として、インドネシアがWTOに提訴。EUはヤシ栽培が環境破壊につながるとして2030年までに使用禁止する方針を打ち出している。 EUの厳しい環境規制が他地域との軋轢を生む事例。今後ますます増えるだろう twitter.com/afp/status/120…

2019-12-16 16:49:38
AFP News Agency @AFP

Indonesia files World Trade Organization lawsuit against the EU over plans to phase out palm oil-based biofuel for cars u.afp.com/Jy9X 📸 A palm oil plantation in the protected Rawa Singkil wildlife reserve in Aceh, Indonesia pic.twitter.com/OlqfOSs4OV

2019-12-16 15:48:13
FeralX @x_feral

Converting coal plants to biomass could fuel climate crisis, scientists warn theguardian.com/environment/20…

2019-12-16 21:06:21


Eric Holthaus @EricHolthaus

Hey, #climatetwitter, I have a request: What’s the single most informative, interesting, powerful graphic or photo you’ve found to humanise the climate emergency? For me, it’s this: The Wheelchair Graph pic.twitter.com/KldbjkK90A

2019-11-07 06:30:53
Paul Eastwood @pauleastwd

@EricHolthaus Without a doubt, the graph from @IPCC_CH #SR15 showing the scale of emissions reductions needed to remain within 1.5C. It jolted me more than any other I have ever seen I also find the #WarmingStripes by @ed_hawkins to be simple, eye-catching, and above all, globally unifying pic.twitter.com/jBrF6YaQa4

2019-11-07 10:10:43
Fabian Hanneforth M. @FhmLynx

@EricHolthaus A variation of this one: pic.twitter.com/htLCb2fDqq Once I understood how difficult non-linear changes make climate projections and which life supporting systems are about to collapse, it became really scary.

2019-11-07 23:35:49
Justin Guay @Guay_JG

If there’s one clear takeaway from the latest ⁦@IEA⁩ data it’s this: Incrementalism is dead. The only sensible approaches to dealing with climate change are radical at this point. Anyone who very seriously tells you otherwise isn’t very serious about facts or data pic.twitter.com/781sMxvM2M

2019-11-13 22:47:18


XR Richmond-upon-Thames @XRRichmondUK

We avoid blaming and shaming and recognise that lifestyle choices will never be enough on their own to address the climate and ecological crisis. A focus on individual behaviour is a key tactic of “soft” climate deniers: 👇🏼 theguardian.com/science/2019/n…

2019-11-10 20:59:28
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

エミリーグロスマン博士 “ニュースです。100%になりました。「研究科学者の人為的地球温暖化に関するコンセンサスは100%になった。2019年の最初の7ケ月間に発表された「気候変動」と「地球温暖化」に関する査読付き論文11602件を調べた結果だ。」“ twitter.com/dremilygrossma…

2019-11-26 20:32:07
Dr Emily Grossman @DrEmilyGrossman

Big news. We’ve reached 100%. “The consensus among research scientists on anthropogenic global warming has grown to 100%, based on a review of 11,602 peer-reviewed articles on “climate change” and “global warming” published in the first 7 months of 2019.” journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.117…

2019-11-26 18:06:43
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan


2019-11-26 20:37:54
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

記事中に出てくる Competitive Enterprise Institute は、石油化学王の億万長者コーク兄弟が出資。科学で反論できないと個人攻撃に出るのは保守派の常套手段です。⇒ 「ホッケースティックに見える気温の急上昇グラフ」を批判された気候学者が裁判で勝訴|GIGAZINE gigazine.net/news/20191127-…

2019-11-27 16:31:31
Geoffrey Supran @GeoffreySupran

In 1977, Exxon scientist James Black warned executives of the "effect of CO2 on an interglacial scale." His knowledge of historical global temps & prediction of a "carbon dioxide induced 'super-interglacial'" (in black) was remarkably consistent w/ today's best models (red). 1/n pic.twitter.com/YQpLELfDCV

2019-12-01 09:00:53
Geoffrey Supran @GeoffreySupran

4/n: Compare Exxon's early, detailed knowledge of climate science above against this pamphlet they published *21 years* later, which conveniently omits their projected CO2-induced "super-interglacial" and instead promotes "debate about climate change" by arguing "it isn't new". pic.twitter.com/NJpSnEG0hA

2019-12-01 09:00:58
Geoffrey Supran @GeoffreySupran

5/n: Or take this ExxonMobil ad in @nytimes, *23 years* after Black's internal warning, which argues: "Against this backdrop of large, poorly understood natural variability, it is *impossible*...to attribute the recent small surface temperature increase to human causes." pic.twitter.com/IBsMi91PtR

2019-12-01 09:01:00
Geoffrey Supran @GeoffreySupran

6/n: It is dichotomies like these, & ExxonMobil's weaponization of its early climate knowledge to promote doubt, that led me & @NaomiOreskes to conclude that ExxonMobil knowingly & systematically misled the public about climate change and its implications: nytimes.com/2017/08/22/opi…

2019-12-01 09:01:01
Geoffrey Supran @GeoffreySupran

7/n: Ref: Exxon's 1998 pamphlet is here: climatefiles.com/exxonmobil/199… Ref: ExxonMobil's 2000 NYT advertorial is here: perma.cc/74BL-KL8A Ref: My & @NaomiOreskes peer-reviewed analysis of ExxonMobil's climate communications: iopscience.iop.org/article/10.108…

2019-12-01 09:01:01
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

エクソンモービル社が、CO2が温暖化の原因であることを知りながら気候変動政策を妨害し続けたのは知られていますが、石炭産業も1966年にはCO2が温暖化を促進することを知っていたという話。 #ExxonKnew に続いて #CoalKnew です。⇒ Coal Knew, Too|HuffPost huffpost.com/entry/coal-ind… #気候正義

2019-12-01 17:00:13
The Real Prof. Katharine Hayhoe @KHayhoe

@ptdnldsn Pat, the next glacial maximum had already been delayed by the development of agriculture and associated deforestation before the dawn of the industrial revolution. If you would like to learn more, I recommend: amazon.com/Plows-Plagues-…

2019-12-02 01:24:27
EUvsDisinfo @EUvsDisinfo

The pro-Kremlin media continue to attack climate activists and peddle "climate hoax" conspiracy theories – even though Russian authorities recognise the threat of climate change. euvsdisinfo.eu/disinformation…

2019-12-05 16:11:44
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

この80万年間もずっと続いてきた気温との相関関係が過去200年間だけ突出しての二酸化炭素だけの急上昇に変わっているのに、どうして(自然の)気温変化が先導してCO2の放出の原因になっているのだ、などという勘違いをする人が出てくるんでしょうね? twitter.com/knjshiraishi/s…

2019-12-07 15:44:38
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

昔の図より。元データは東北大の南極のアイスコアのデータ。古代の温室効果ガスの濃度と気温データを一本のアイスコアから一緒に取り出すことができます。過去35万年前から保たれていた気温と二酸化炭素濃度の相関関係が、最近200年間だけ崩れています。懐疑派の人たちは最近の数十年だけのグラフを… pic.twitter.com/TdK7tKUx4I

2019-12-07 19:08:30
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