XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その4 COP25

続き物&随時アップデート。 11月までのリツイートやコメントも一部残しています。12月1日〜
前へ 1 ・・ 65 66 68 次へ
Nature Positive @NatureDeal

The world needs bold, transformative action to halt and reverse the unprecedented #biodiversity and ecosystem loss outlined by @IPBES The ambition and urgency seen at this week's #SBSTTA doesn't match the #science. Parties must #StepUp NGO statement: cbd-alliance.org/en/2019/cbda-s… pic.twitter.com/hgBjBBSuDx

2019-11-30 22:39:32
Extinction Rebellion Internationalist Solidarity @XRIntSol

Raid and arrests of four volunteer firefighters were a politically-motivated attack, indigenous associations and campaigners say,: theguardian.com/world/2019/nov… All power and dolidarity with #Brazilian indigenous communities and the volunteer fire-fighters.

2019-11-30 22:40:36
Kosuke Hatta 八田浩輔 @kskhatta

この発言の背景を詳しく知るために。 「クライメートポリティクス」シリーズ初回ではブラジルのアマゾン破壊をめぐる問題をまとめています↓ mainichi.jp/articles/20190… twitter.com/mai_intl/statu…

2019-11-30 23:59:44
毎日新聞国際ニュース @Mai_Intl

「ディカプリオはいいやつだよな。アマゾンに火を放つために金を出している」 ブラジル大統領がディカプリオさんを非難- 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20191…

2019-11-30 15:10:31
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

自身のエゴを満たすために、根拠もなくデマを広げるブラジル大統領のせいで余計な時間と労力を割かれるレオが気の毒。⇒ ディカプリオ氏、アマゾン火災めぐるブラジル大統領の発言に反論|CNN cnn.co.jp/showbiz/351461…

2019-12-01 13:33:55
Ben See @ClimateBen

Welcome to Earth. 🔥 'Between 1°C and 2°C...most species, ecosystems and landscapes will be impacted and adaptive capacity will become limited. With the already ongoing high rate of climate change, the decline in biodiversity will therefore accelerate'.sciencedirect.com/science/articl… pic.twitter.com/4aRXldnIi6

2019-12-01 23:47:43
ウータン・森と生活を考える会 @HUTANGroupJAPAN

先日、「パーム油の問題やオランウータンが直面してる問題をどうやって子どもに伝えたらいい?」という質問をもらいました。今の所、日本語の素材のうち一番子ども向けなのってこれかなぁ? 日本語吹替→youtube.com/watch?v=xD7IbQ… オリジナル版(英語・日本語字幕)→youtube.com/watch?v=eQCKD_…

2019-12-02 18:43:23
京都大学 @univkyoto

生物多様性保全と温暖化対策は両立できることが判明 -生物多様性の損失は気候安定化の努力で抑えられる- dlvr.it/RKdcHN

2019-12-04 18:05:02
Extinction Symbol @extinctsymbol

"The UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, with over 1,000 species currently at risk of extinction, and more than 130 species already extinct." london-post.co.uk/londoners-rank…

2019-12-05 03:40:28
Ben See @ClimateBen

We've got 11 months to 'thrash out a new deal for nature...or humanity could be the first species to document our own extinction'. But just thrashing out a phoney deal isn't enough. Look at the Paris Agreement. We must transform this economic system, now.theguardian.com/environment/20…

2019-12-05 05:49:28
FAO Forestry @FAOForestry

"Afforestation, #forest fire management, reduced #deforestation, and #biodiversity management are also key adaptation commitments," says #FAO's Tiina Vähänen #COP25 pic.twitter.com/KkeEkFk9tt

2019-12-06 18:20:18
FAO Forestry @FAOForestry

"Afforestation, #forest fire management, reduced #deforestation, and #biodiversity management are also key adaptation commitments," says #FAO's Tiina Vähänen #COP25 pic.twitter.com/KkeEkFk9tt

2019-12-06 18:20:18

Palm oil is used in half of all supermarket products, from chocolate to shampoo. And the demand for it is driving deforestation in Indonesia. Experts say it's a climate bomb with disastrous consequences for the world in years to come. cnn.it/2RwgUZw

2019-12-07 20:45:03
Eco Planet News @EcoPlanetNews1

The loss of oxygen from the ocean due to climate change risks "dire effects" on sea life, fisheries and coastal communities, a global conservation body has said. #marine #threat bit.ly/2rrB4Jp pic.twitter.com/F8Scv0CrBl

2019-12-08 18:14:57
メコン・ウォッチ/Mekong Watch @MekongWatch

#地球温暖化 による #海の酸素不足 で生態系に大打撃。 国際自然保護連合(#IUCN)が報告書。 温暖化により海洋生態系に複雑な変化が既に起きており、すぐに対応が必要と。 bit.ly/2rvHSWD

2019-12-09 12:02:26
Extinction Symbol @extinctsymbol

“Dead zones are rapidly appearing in the world’s oceans as they lose oxygen at an unprecedented rate due to climate change, sewage pollution and farming practices, presenting an existential threat to marine life and ecosystems." independent.co.uk/environment/cl…

2019-12-09 19:45:27
Yeşil Gazete @yesilgazete

Okyanustaki oksijen azalması su altı yaşamını tehdit ediyor COP25 devam ederken yayınlanan okyanusların kritik durumuna ilişkin rapora dikkat çekmek isteyen Yokoluş İsyancıları Madrid'de yas töreni düzenledi. @IUCN yesilgazete.org/blog/2019/12/0… pic.twitter.com/JhUvKnTxVC

2019-12-09 21:22:39
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

IUCNのレッドリスト更新版公開、気候変動で野生生物への脅威増大 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News afpbb.com/articles/-/325…

2019-12-12 02:41:10
🐓カッチ🐔 @kacchan_chikin

米食品医薬品局によると、米国で2017年に販売された家畜用抗菌薬(抗生物質や抗寄生虫薬を含む)は、1万トンを上回。 世界全体で10億頭のウシが飼育されていることを考えると(ニワトリやブタ、ヒツジ、ウマなどもいる)、恐ろしい量の家畜用の薬剤が海や川に入り込んでいる natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl/news/19/1…

2019-12-12 08:16:12
🐓カッチ🐔 @kacchan_chikin

昆虫が減ったのは遺伝子組み換え作物や農薬のせいばかりだと思ってたけど家畜に与える駆虫薬も考えられるのか イベルメクチンはハエにも効く

2019-12-12 08:19:46
Cycle Changer 🚲🔄💜 共著『世界に学ぶ自転車都市のつくりかた』発売中 @cycle_changer

2020年までに、野生動物の3分の2が失われる恐れ!?大量絶滅を回避するため、私たちにもできることがあります。ご署名&RTお願いします。 fb.avaaz.org/campaign/jp/pr…

2019-12-12 16:25:43
Clare Matterson @CEMatterson

This should be the top story today twitter.com/ipbes/status/1…

2019-12-13 18:40:07
ipbes @IPBES

New article in @sciencemagazine by 28 authors of the @IPBES #GlobalAssessment The evidence is clear: Transformative change is needed now to address the #NatureCrisis and protect human well-being 📱➡️ bit.ly/GAScienceArtic… pic.twitter.com/2OX06nlj6o

2019-12-13 04:15:00
Stuart Butchart @stubutchart

Will we meet the commitments governments made 10 yrs ago to tackle the loss and degradation of nature by 2020? Not according to our analysis published in @Sciencemag today synthesising results from @IPBES #GlobalAssessment #aichitargets science.sciencemag.org/content/early/…pic.twitter.com/5D9Y4yZlfC

2019-12-13 18:54:58
Dr Sharon Redrobe OBE 🏳️‍🌈 @SharonRedrobe

Science has spoken and no one can say they didn’t know. These are the real issues facing us. We need to address the urgent #NatureCrisis and #ClimateEmergency says leading scientists and Govs. #GlobalAssessment 🌍 🤞🏻 twitter.com/ipbes/status/1…

2019-12-13 19:00:36
Sandra Diaz @sdiazecology

You were wondering how the nubmers of threatened species relate to the total number of species knowon to science? Check out our new infographics at bit.ly/GAScienceArtic… @IPBES #GlobalAssessment @AndyPurvisNHM @IAI_news twitter.com/stubutchart/st…

2019-12-13 21:29:06
Stuart Butchart @stubutchart

How many species are threatened with extinction according to the @IUCNRedList ? See our new infographic from a review out in @Sciencemag today synthesising results from @IPBES #GlobalAssessment science.sciencemag.org/content/early/… pic.twitter.com/Hjh7lowlgS

2019-12-13 18:00:35
ipbes @IPBES

1 million species are threatened w/ #extinction@IPBES #GlobalAssessment What are the main contributing factors to the #biodiversity crisis? "We can still act. We know the causes of the crisis. And we know solutions that can work" vox.com/energy-and-env…

2019-12-15 01:10:00
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