
【公式】IdentityV 第五人格 @IdentityVJP

第五遊園地の設営が完了致しました! 明日はいよいよコミックマーケット97なの♪ 【青海展示棟Bホール・企業ブース2132】で 皆様をお待ちしておりますので、 お気を付けてお越しくださいなの! なんだかソワソワしちゃうの…! identityv.jp/c97/ #C97 #IdentityV #第五人格 pic.twitter.com/5HMwmeKsV8

2019-12-27 21:20:14
【公式】IdentityV 第五人格 @IdentityVJP

数に限りはございますが、皆様にお配りする使い捨てカイロをご用意してますの! 会場は冷えますので、暖かい格好でお越しくださいなの! pic.twitter.com/y5vgZ24QV9

2019-12-27 21:21:04


黄昏(餅) @mochi_tkg

@IdentityVJP ありがとうございます! その言葉を聞いただけで心が暖かくなります……(*´ω`*)

2019-12-27 21:26:10
소남 (선팔 아니고 트친소 찾아왔어요😚) @CWB11086817

@IdentityVJP So, what is this? Please explain it to us. This game is played by Korean users. Are you proud? pic.twitter.com/wOBXzCY7UI

2019-12-27 22:29:53
소남 (선팔 아니고 트친소 찾아왔어요😚) @CWB11086817

@IdentityVJP As a Korean, I hate to act as if I were proud of what my country suffered. (All Koreans do.)

2019-12-27 22:35:11
소남 (선팔 아니고 트친소 찾아왔어요😚) @CWB11086817

@IdentityVJP Are you doing this because you are so proud that you put up the national flag that ridicules our country?

2019-12-27 22:38:52
소남 (선팔 아니고 트친소 찾아왔어요😚) @CWB11086817

@IdentityVJP In my eyes, and in the eyes of Korean users, this behavior just seems to be a blatant disregard for our Koreans.

2019-12-27 22:42:55
소남 (선팔 아니고 트친소 찾아왔어요😚) @CWB11086817

@IdentityVJP I'll clean up my opinion. Japanese users who are just as a symbol, but the Second World War, or be clearly know is that he had used 'The rising sun flag' is jaegangjeom. If you don't know much about the Japanese occupation, I will post a link for the job.

2019-12-27 23:46:19
소남 (선팔 아니고 트친소 찾아왔어요😚) @CWB11086817

@IdentityVJP If you think that the Rising Sun Flag and the War are not related to each other until the end, please take a look at this picture. This is the Japanese occupation. At that time, Korean students were assaulted by the Japanese when they spoke their native language. pic.twitter.com/W1svth79sN

2019-12-27 23:55:21
소남 (선팔 아니고 트친소 찾아왔어요😚) @CWB11086817

@IdentityVJP Since the Japanese ruled Korea, Korean students were forced to learn Japanese. Because of the way Korean students were forced to learn Japanese, we are still receiving Japanese style education in Korea.

2019-12-28 00:00:08
소남 (선팔 아니고 트친소 찾아왔어요😚) @CWB11086817

@IdentityVJP I never said that the Japanese snack bag is the Rising Sun Flag. I said this. (Picture note) pic.twitter.com/POdOEFQRbe

2019-12-28 08:54:44
츠키🌕 @tski_original

@IdentityVJP Are you crazy, japanese official???? Will you guys still ignore our Korean users and Korean history that suffered from you Japan????

2019-12-27 23:04:24
[❄플필 마감중임 반❄]하리⊙.⊙ @hari_identity_

@IdentityVJP 아니 이 미췐놈듦이 또 옘병쥐뢀을 떠눼 쉬발쉐끼들아 진쨔 도랏맨? 뒈지고싶맨? 욱일궤 좇까롸 ㅗ^ㅅ^ㅗ

2019-12-27 23:08:17
[메인 투표해주세요 ~ ] 문묘 @Door_Tomb

@IdentityVJP 本当に良いイラストです!! 얇 읿 갧샓긻 듦앏 뒯짋곮 싪냙 씺샗낋듫 핧줋 않늖겛 없엂 ! ^ - ^ 💖💝💟💓💗💞💕❣️❤💘🥰🥰🥰

2019-12-27 23:12:12

「死!ね イルボンノムど$も くそはら¥たつ」

냥코챤_ @hanyulle

@IdentityVJP 大正参りに続いて旭日旗を描き入れるとはどういう状況でしょうか。 旭日旗ではないと見るにはとても似ていて旭日旗の現象させますね。 「胸の痛む歴史をこのようなイベントに引き出すなんて、かなり不愉快で、また腹が立ちますね。その時は多くの女性や男性たちが犠牲をされました。また失望させますね

2019-12-27 23:34:10
냥코챤_ @hanyulle

@IdentityVJP どうか旭日旗は出さないでほしいです。

2019-12-27 23:34:31
츠키🌕 @tski_original

@IdentityVJP 야 일본 공식 대답해 보라고요 너네 멘션 골라서 잘도 대답해 주더만 왜 우리는 무시하세요? 욱일기 쓰는 게 그렇게 자랑이냐 미친놈들아 너네는 욱일기밖에 자랑할 거리가 없냐????

2019-12-27 23:37:40
특필 메인트 서디페플조중,rt=♡ @identityv_ddong

@IdentityVJP 닭익쇽롱망엙 읽엃섣 입벍엙 욹읽긷냟??!??? 갥값은 걼들

2019-12-28 00:20:02