
世界最高峰の格闘技団体と雖も、ネズミ帝国には敵わなかったのだな…🐙💥🤛🐭💰💵 ディズニーでさえも従業員をリストラするのだし、UFCだけ特別という訳にもいかんのだな…。 カリフォルニア州知事がディズニーに連絡して圧力を加えさせたようである…。 ※無人島の計画からインディアン居留地(先住民居留地)で開催も検討していたがそれも叶わなかった。
MizOrMukhtar @WooskiFrmDaO

Fuck @Disney fuck @espn u guys g4y asf for cancelling UFC events fucking f4gs

2020-04-10 07:54:37
Chizz! @Chris28836443

@disneyplus @Disney Fuck you I was so happy & a lot of people where too for @ufc #249 #canceldisney+ #boycott @Disney !!

2020-04-10 08:05:06
John Glob @olajuwon4204

Fuck Disney you fuckin fucks got ufc cancelled. You illuminati fucks.

2020-04-10 08:08:20
Tanner Martin @tmart1993

Fuck @espn and @Disney. People wanted to fight at #UFC249 the fans were dying to watch, and @ufc was willing to test rigorously to ensure safety. Thanks for perpetuating the fear mongering surrounding covid-19.

2020-04-10 08:12:12
Jonny @TheUFCWarden

@Thebeast_ufc ESPN are such wet wipes! Lets make it happen!

2020-04-10 08:12:17
Jaron Stewart @JaronStewart3

Fuck @Disney Fuck @espn @espnmma . The @ufc should have nothing to do with them. Liberals are fucking scum. #UFC249

2020-04-10 08:28:21
The Funk @yondered89

Fuck @Disney fuck @espn they will not be getting anymore of my money @ufc were trying to give everyone new live content but them pussies wouldnt air it seems like its time to find a way out of tht deal pic.twitter.com/twAHZEDASR

2020-04-10 08:42:38
Chapeltown Rag Editor @Bartzabel6

Fuck @Disney and fuck @ESPN you goddamn sons of bitches I just wanted to be happy and enjoy ufc 249 but goddamn Mickey Mouse said no

2020-04-10 08:59:26
🇺🇸🇺🇸Kirk Lazarus!🦁🇺🇸 @jose8a3

Fuck @Disney and fuck @espn @espnmma !!! @danawhite bring the UFC back to spike tv haha twitter.com/CombatOverload…

2020-04-10 09:17:45
Combat Overload @CombatOverload

Here is a video interview between Brett Okamoto and Dana White saying why UFC 249 is no longer going ahead. White says that he has been asked by the people at the top of Disney and ESPN to stop pursuing the event so they have pulled the plug. pic.twitter.com/Z0ibhyihwJ

2020-04-10 07:24:43
Jay aka Daytona @yaleufc

@mmagenius05 Disney Boss calls Espn boss -“what the fuck you guys doing putting on ufc fights” . Espn boss - “we didn’t think dana cud pull it off “!

2020-04-10 09:18:37
ジャン斉藤 @majan_saitou

UFC249中止!!!!!!!!!! UFCの生命線である放送局のESPNとその親会社ディズニーからの要請があったとのこと。アメリカは無観客だから許されるという状況ではなくなっています。 twitter.com/bokamotoESPN/s…

2020-04-10 09:21:54
Brett Okamoto @bokamotoESPN

BREAKING: UFC 249 has been canceled. All UFC events postponed indefinitely, due to COVID-19. Dana White says he was ready to promote the event but things were taken out of his control. Much, much more on this to come.

2020-04-10 06:57:57
ケニー @dw61431

@majan_saitou ファイターがかわいそうです

2020-04-10 09:26:00
Fried @FriedWillBarton

Fuck you @Disney !! Thanks for ruining UFC 249.

2020-04-10 09:31:24
Lando Tha kid @LandenWee

Just wanted to give a BIG FUCK YOU TO @Disney and @espn for making the UFC postpone all events. Y’all a buncha bitches and Disney ain’t had a banger since Frozen 😤😤 🖕🏼

2020-04-10 09:58:15
とし(ハイローザワ続編) @mma_live_shit


2020-04-10 10:06:25
Louie @Louie_Arizona

Hey @espn and @Disney fuck you. Ufc needs to be their own shit. So they don’t have to rely on a company to air their product.

2020-04-10 10:40:50
コニーさん @systans

@majan_saitou efight.jp/news-20200409_… コロナの影でアンソニースミスが人生最大のファイトをしてました。

2020-04-10 10:50:37
Yūgen @WhySoSrss

@ufc Fuck that shit. Take espn and Disney to WAR!!! #fuckemintheass

2020-04-10 11:05:32