
@someru @someru

文筆業/漫画原作『ヘルマンさんかく語りき』『永守くんが一途すぎて困る。』『キューティーミューティー』ストーリー協力『アリスと蔵六』/脚本『スター・ウォーズ:ビジョンズ・のらうさロップと緋桜お蝶』/著書『世界を物語として生きるために』『僕たちのゲーム史』『文学の読み方』他多数/メールはrhyme + https://t.co/jczKb8flmT


@someru @someru

新型コロナで休館中のヨークシャー博物館がテーマに沿った収蔵物の持ち寄ってSNSで戦う「キュレーターバトル」を提案。最初のテーマが「一番不気味なもの」で、これがウケてドイツ、フランス、カナダ、アメリカなどの博物館が参加。ハッシュタグ#curatorbattle で見れます theguardian.com/culture/2020/a…

2020-04-21 05:28:32
E.. @DhidaEoo

@someru これいきなりインパクト大なの持って来て大丈夫か?

2020-04-21 11:46:13
Yorkshire Museum @YorkshireMuseum

MUSEUMS ASSEMBLE! It's time for #CURATORBATTLE! 💥 Today's theme, chosen by you, is #CreepiestObject! We're kicking things off with this 3rd/4th century hair bun from the burial of a #Roman lady, still with the jet pins in place... CAN YOU BEAT IT? 💥 pic.twitter.com/ntPiXDuM6v

2020-04-17 18:07:11
Deutsches Historisches Museum @DHMBerlin

@YorkshireMuseum Thanks for thinking of us @HottyCouture and wow, will we be having nightmares tonight with all these #CreepiestObject|s ! Here is the one we just can't hide from you, one of our many creepy gems – our Plague Mask (1650/1750)! #curatorbattle pic.twitter.com/JrMjqAJSIM

2020-04-17 23:51:40
Dan Hicks @profdanhicks

@YorkshireMuseum Sheep's heart stuck with pins and nails and strung on a loop of cord. Made in South Devon, circa 1911, "for breaking evil spells", @Pitt_Rivers collections #CreepiestObject #CuratorBattle pic.twitter.com/z5vdCFCU4S

2020-04-17 23:39:39
Skipton Town Hall @SkiptonTownHall

@YorkshireMuseum We would like to inject a bit of romance into this thread... With the creepiest valentines card ever 😬 #CuratorBattle #CreepiestObject pic.twitter.com/mlPvtZfPOw

2020-04-17 22:49:22
PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation @heritagePEI

@YorkshireMuseum Bringin’ our A-game for this #CURATORBATTLE! What is it? Just a CURSED CHILDREN’S TOY that we found inside the walls of a 155-year-old mansion. We call it “Wheelie” - and it MOVES ON ITS OWN: Staff put it in one place and find it in another spot later on…. #Creepiestobject pic.twitter.com/FQzMzacr8a

2020-04-17 20:20:11
Fairfax House @fairfax_house

@YorkshireMuseum Just had a thought. Not our object but we did once borrow a silver snuffbox from @MuseumsUniStA that is said to contain the pubic hair of one of George IV's mistresses. Yes that's right a pubic hair snuffbox. #CURATORBATTLE #creepiestobject pic.twitter.com/ePGY8eJ22R

2020-04-17 19:33:36
Penshurst Place @PenshurstPlace

@YorkshireMuseum @LucyclaytonLucy Live from the Toy Museum of Penshurst Place, we present the Drinking Bear. Feed it a 2 pence piece and it'll pretend to drink from its cup as it stares into your soul. #CuratorBattle #CreepiestObject pic.twitter.com/ohNl2974UJ

2020-04-17 18:27:43
Norwich Castle @NorwichCastle

@YorkshireMuseum @RedHeadedAli how can we ignore such a call to arms? This particular item has caused a few nightmares for our followers this week. Our #CreepiestObject is...this pincushion! Complete with tiny children's heads. You're welcome, Twitter. #CURATORBATTLE pic.twitter.com/0YdmCE5dYD

2020-04-17 23:28:08