2020/06 CHIPTUNE Vol.23

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とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

fixed: over compression ピクニック (Picnic) from Picnic (Deluxe Edition) by tobokegao | TBKgao tbkgao.bandcamp.com/track/picnic-2

2020-06-24 01:16:49
$ @folmerkelly

i just wrapped up work on this game, i’m p happy w how it came out. and i want to say this: all the bits that look good are due to being inspired by @castpixel pic.twitter.com/uvFWMLzjl6

2020-06-24 08:44:14
redmax.ars @redmax_ars

これの驚きはメディア腐ってることではなく・・・ コメント欄にあった! マジかよ・・・・。 news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/d2ea7…

2020-06-23 16:11:34
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

New arrange優先でsoundcloudにも投稿していくことにしました! J-POP Strings Pulse #1 (full version) by tobokegao on SoundCloud soundcloud.com/tobokegao/j-po… pic.twitter.com/h9vnNNzmGQ

2020-06-20 22:23:37
CaӤdy🍬Syлc @Candy_Sync

Breaking Trap (Breakcore x Trap)流行らすぞ!!!!っていう気持ちで作ってる pic.twitter.com/fP24FnapxA

2020-06-24 01:20:04
🎵R3🎵 🆖 COMMS OPEN @R3tron

Little did yall know, there was supposed to be a port of Persona 4 Golden on DS, but it was put into production for the PSVita instead. soundcloud.com/r3tron/heartbr… #Persona4Golden #PERSONA

2020-06-19 05:40:41
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

deflemaskツイッターアカウントのヘッダ画像も怖い pic.twitter.com/LTFr9JMAUH

2020-06-22 11:09:58
Ben Hickling // MNKY @BenHickling

⚠️WARNING⚠️ A HUGE KICKSTARTER IS APPROACHING FAST The Ex-Zodiac Kickstarter is now live! - bit.ly/exzodiacKS Likes, retweets and shares are very much appreciated 🙏 pic.twitter.com/iYPbIFeIhW

2020-06-24 00:45:27
yukkerom(ユッケロム) @yukkerom

30代超えたら静かな音楽をやっている予定でしたが結局こうなりました。みなさんこれからもよろしくお願いします。 #ピコピコしてやかましい音楽をわざわざ夜中に上げる漢 pic.twitter.com/47xqUbqCMH

2020-06-24 00:17:21
Jeffrey Fernandez @hyperfoofie

#latinchip no. 12 incoming! @am4jrk @zgamu @eme7h @joshquery @viridian_kurisu Nagareboshi Main Match: @nestorovilla vs @console_killermusic directitooo desde Colombia VJ: @curiousflux @caracolv @polar.ist @labregon @rainbowunicorn_chip 😍💥🔥🇲🇽🇨🇴🇵🇪 pic.twitter.com/4F99bq0kEI

2020-06-24 00:17:41
ムメモ心斎橋店 @painepizza1

ひえーこんなのあったんだ Heiankyo Alien [Game Boy] 1990 Promotional Cassette Tape | Full rip youtu.be/bsiVHi22ZgI @YouTubeより

2020-06-24 00:22:19
cyan @cyanidedansen

So since some people either are blinded by optimism (which is good, in a way) or wish to keep intentionally miss the point, i have been asked what makes me mad in this gross scene. Some examples, whether it's general concepts or specific cases. #chiptune

2020-06-23 23:02:05
へびたぬき @gubebesoso

寝ながらロボコップやったら(寝ボコップ)いつの間にか白熱してしもうた pic.twitter.com/q8wZfQkm7T

2020-06-23 23:14:27
asq @asq_de_128

カービィのピンボールはスタッフロールが無い、でも海外サイトだと岩田さんとか下村Dがクレジットされてるけど、いったいどこ情報なんだろう? 画像とかソースが無いと信用できないな。 mobygames.com/game/gameboy/k…

2020-06-23 23:25:15
タマネギ炒め @tamanegi_itame

ヤター、MuseTrackerでフロッガーの曲デキタヨー(ヽ'ω`)ノシ pic.twitter.com/UeaIywyqd3

2020-06-23 22:26:01
Laura Kate Dale - Mastodon "@LauraKBuzz@tech.lgbt" @LaurakBuzz

Spinch. Combat adventure platformer with psychadelic. visuals. Colours have come to life. Rescue your missing babies before the colours eat them up. Babies are used as ammo in boss fights. PC and Switch September 3rd 2020 pic.twitter.com/DfFUp5nGxT

2020-06-23 00:37:20
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