2020/07 CHIPTUNE Vol.26

Chip Tanaka / たなかひろかず @tanac2e

DAOKOさん👸「anima」中の コラボ曲(✖️Chip Tanaka👨‍🦳) 「帰りたい!」配信中 Chip Tanaka 2nd album "Domingo" releasing on July 15, 2020! 下で全曲チョイ聞き👂♫ soundcloud.com/hip_tanaka/dom… 1st “Django”もよろしく! pic.twitter.com/ZKNoaZhfyA

2020-07-08 14:12:57
Chip Tanaka / たなかひろかず @tanac2e

⚡️👨‍🦳💥 🔥Chip Tanaka 2nd Album🔥 “Domingo” 明日7/15発売🎊 夜と海、消え去った場所とか人へのノスタルジアをテーマに作りました。ぜひ、聴いてください! 〔⚡️🌃本日24:00〜〕 こちらで買えます! ultravybe.lnk.to/domingo pic.twitter.com/IpxdsoGWS4

2020-07-14 20:03:17
tobyfox @tobyfox

I directed a music video for Chip Tanaka's ( @tanac2e ) new album, Domingo. Long ago he composed tracks for Metroid, Kid Icarus, and MOTHER/MOTHER 2. He's still creating great, inspiring music. I was really happy to pay back that inspiration! youtu.be/EWyFwDxgj04

2020-07-15 20:42:33
tobyfox @tobyfox

I made a lot of the scenes through programming them in GameMaker. So actually a lot of what you see is "playable" kind of like a microgame or toy. Strange to make a video, but because I'm working on DR every day, I had to come up with some way to make it on the weekends

2020-07-15 20:49:28
tobyfox @tobyfox

BTW, I say "directed" but it was really like a big collaboration between some friends. @everdraed did the video editing, @tuyoki and @splendidland did visuals, and @brianleewow @voxeledphoton @ghxyk2 & kitty helped out with different scenes

2020-07-15 20:46:31
Chip Tanaka / たなかひろかず @tanac2e

✨✨✨✨✨✨ Presenting the promo video for Hammerhead Shark Song, the first single off of my second album, Domingo! Directed by @tobyfox and edited by @Everdraed with support from @Fangamer and several of Toby’s friends! youtube.com/watch?v=EWyFwD…

2020-07-15 20:29:59
Chip Tanaka / たなかひろかず @tanac2e

By the way, Toby and co. came up with this video based off of a single sketch I sent over for inspiration. Thank you Toby and everyone who contributed! youtube.com/watch?v=EWyFwD… pic.twitter.com/hfZiSi1pRu

2020-07-15 20:31:58
Mikiki タワーレコードの音楽ガイドメディア @mikiki_tokyo_jp

【インタビュー】 Chip Tanaka『Domingo』ゲーム・ミュージック大家のどこまでもピュアで飽くなき音楽愛 #ChipTanaka #田中宏和 mikiki.tokyo.jp/articles/-/256… pic.twitter.com/mJDtNoqKP0

2020-07-15 20:05:37
Impact Soundworks @isoundworks

IT'S HERE! inSIDious, the definitive SID chip plugin, has arrived. Now you can harness the iconic sound of the Commodore 64 in any DAW. Easy-to-use interface, hundreds of snapshots, with sounds & endorsements from legendary SID users. Intro price: $49! impactsoundworks.com/product/insidi… pic.twitter.com/dyCSCN9NH4

2020-07-16 01:04:31
超DTM速報 @superdtmbot

Mike Clarkeによる恐ろしいSIDチップ仮想シンセサイザーが利用可能に ≪rekkerd.orgrekkerd.org/insidious-sid-…

2020-07-16 01:00:58
+TEK @plrusek

I made two new tracks and provided 4 existing ones for HEPTAGON, rhythm game inspired heavily by Super Hexagon. Available on Steam. soundcloud.com/plrusek-chan/s…

2020-07-16 01:22:04
MIDIs on Display @OnlyMIDIs

_MGC_819.RCP 12.03.95 / 42 KB Magical Chase - Waltz of Meditation Part 1 Roland SC-88 「AN」 pic.twitter.com/qOfaJxJ4DA

2020-07-16 01:39:12

【ニュース】見習い魔女っ子のスローライフRPG『Little Witch in the Woods』最新映像公開。森を探索し、ポーション作って魔女修行 automaton-media.com/articles/newsj… pic.twitter.com/aihIO3iXpn

2020-07-15 18:15:32
CodeManu @CodeManuPro

This is the final step on the road, we are SO close to the finish line💪 @GutsAndGoals will be on Kickstarter this July 30th to get the funds to finish the game and release it THIS YEAR!🔥 ➡ kickstarter.com/projects/codem… Please, please share this and help me finish my dream game 🥰 pic.twitter.com/OL11rbirmq

2020-07-15 02:00:01
MIDIs on Display @OnlyMIDIs

VIP06M8Z.MID ??.??.96 / 35 KB Viewpoint - Physical Dream Yamaha MU-80 「N.Tsukai」 pic.twitter.com/lbWmmICNbv

2020-07-15 07:00:00
へびたぬき @gubebesoso

ボンバーキングシナリオ2のエンディングBGMがよい。 pic.twitter.com/MX7J6yK5b5

2020-05-11 01:30:03
へびたぬき @gubebesoso

白バックのでかい美しい絵がBGMと同期してよい。 pic.twitter.com/lV6tYwHt3e

2020-06-28 15:31:57
へびたぬき @gubebesoso

けろっぴとけろりーぬのスプラッシュボム!のエンディングBGMがよい。 pic.twitter.com/WQBuBgxw6n

2020-06-14 12:11:41
へびたぬき @gubebesoso

良移植の機会を奪ったらしい罪深い移植のAFFECTIONがビジュアル込みですこぶるよい。 pic.twitter.com/73nr1bTaTr

2020-07-12 21:38:05
へびたぬき @gubebesoso

P-マンGBの2面も⁽⁽₍₍ ◝( ;ᯅ; )◟ ⁾⁾₎₎よい。 pic.twitter.com/dDlpwwWcGo

2020-07-12 23:40:49