2020/07 CHIPTUNE Vol.26

Anton Corazza (he/him) 🔜 GDC @AntonMCorazza

#NobodyArtistClub #NobodyArtistsClub Actually everybody is somebody even if we don't got 10000+ followers. Can we change it to #ImJustTrynaGetMyBuzzUpArtistClub? I'm Anton and I compose music with an AE-10, which I sometimes call the NESophone twitter.com/i/events/10023…

2020-07-14 02:50:13
CHEMOOL @chemool

80~90年代に人気を博した伝説のゲームが蘇る!あの名作をスマートフォンでもう一度!「auスマートパスプレミアム クラシックゲーム」提供開始|KDDI株式会社のプレスリリース prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p…

2020-07-14 00:52:15
タマネギ炒め @tamanegi_itame

>RT >いっき、かんしゃく玉なげカン太郎の東海道五十三次、マドゥーラの翼、上海、リップルアイランド、マハラジャ、へべれけ、バトルフォーミュラ、ギミック! サンソフトもの入っとるやんけ!村亀氏@youarehoehoe向けやがな!

2020-07-14 06:11:27
AL82 @Al82_Retro

The results are in, and it was closer than I expected. Fire & Ice and Superfrog did well, but James Pond II: Robocod won the #amiga platformer showdown this time around! With beautiful artwork, vibrant colours and some tip-top gameplay, who am I to argue?? #RETROGAMING pic.twitter.com/OvVwvzCiR9

2020-07-14 03:32:05
vince kaichan @VinceKaichan

tonight, shaking out the worries and the dread at the computer speakers pic.twitter.com/0cbDmlag77

2020-07-14 11:51:16
Tony Manfredonia 🎹 @TonyManfredonia

☁️FRIENDS IN THE SKY☁️ Last week I had the joy of creating a short, SNES-like tune for a #pixelart friend on Instagram, who goes by @quietostrich! He just hit 1,000 followers! Always fun to make something short-and-sweet 🎵 #gamedev | #gameaudio | #chiptune | #RETROGAMING pic.twitter.com/iNajcw4gM0

2020-07-14 23:11:57