read magazines on weekends 13 Sept 2020

Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Kiki-chan was surprised when she heard that ReiRei got into Juice=Juice, but agrees that it was a good fit Yuhane-chan had speculated that ReiRei would get into Juice=Juice She's looking forward to hearing ReiRei's voice in Juice=Juice's songs.

2020-09-07 22:57:59
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

ReiRei has uploaded YouTube videos of her performing Juice=Juice songs and the response was surprisingly overwhelming to ReiRei

2020-09-07 22:57:59
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

The response to the videos of ReiRei performing J=J songs left her feeling a complicated mix of joy and panic She feels like she still has to work hard to catch up to the level of the impressive Hello! senpai & expects that there'll be plenty of challenges she'll have to overcome

2020-09-07 22:58:00
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

While Tsubaki Factory is the second-most junior group, age-wise, the members are as a whole on the older side Kiki-chan wants Tsubaki to quickly find their own forte Their goal is to become a group that can fight on its own merits.

2020-09-07 22:58:00
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

While at home, ReiRei has been keeping in touch with the other members, which has also served as a reminder of the warmth of the H!P members Even the fans have been leaving comments Reading their comments makes ReiRei feel linked to the fans

2020-09-07 22:58:01
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Yuhane seems the members as friendly rivals - their presence drives one another to greater heights Being alone at home made her think about how she should improve herself She's been spending her time at home watching H!P videos, using them to raise her motivation and for practise

2020-09-07 22:58:01
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Kiki-chan was surprised at how the other members express themselves on Instagram She feels that her ability at self-producing is lacking So she's been using her time at home to take another look at herself

2020-09-07 22:58:02
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

So let's wrap this up with some Cookie - Sasaki Rikako and Makino Maria, who adorn the back cover

2020-09-09 23:17:18
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Sasaki and Maria have known each other since they were in primary school, encountering one another at the 3rd stage of the MM 11ki auditions - later joining the Kenshuusei While Maria recognises Rikako as an energetic girl, Rikako suspects that she was just a brat

2020-09-09 23:26:16
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Maria ended up being the first KSS that Rikako grew close to While Maria was only slightly more senior than Rikako, she acted like an older sister, wanting to teach Rikako everything she knew

2020-09-09 23:26:17
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

During summer break, Maria stayed over at Rikako's - the first friend Rikako ever invited to her home - and they went to lessons together the next day Rikako remembers Maria teaching her Maji Bomber in front of her house Maria remembers getting bit by mosquitoes

2020-09-09 23:26:17
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

They've had fewer chances to meet now they're in groups proper Rikako was stunned at what a beauty Maria has become and envies how feminine Maria is Height-wise, they've both grown about 20 cm... and the both HOPE that they've grown on the inside as well

2020-09-09 23:26:18
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Rikako's now the second most senior in the group The graduations have made her think a bit about her future as well She's a bit at a loss with Muro's graduation as Muro was someone who motivated her a lot

2020-09-09 23:26:18
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Meanwhile, Maria doesn't feel like her position in the group's changed much She hasn't really thought much about the future She passes the days strengthened by her desire to uphold the history of Morning Musume。, hoping to contribute to the link that connects H!P past and future

2020-09-09 23:26:18
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

While that technically finishes up the magazine, it also came with this insert: the 2020 HP Kenshuusei directory Will work through this at my own pace, though disappointed that none of the current crop of Kenshuusei have Momochi as their admired senpai

2020-09-09 23:29:58
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

There's a special solo interview with the most senior Kenshuusei, Yonemura Kirara-chan It starts off asking about HaroDori Kirara-chan was really surprised that the KSS would be getting a show to themselves She couldn't believe it until the actual broadcast

2020-09-12 00:49:48
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Thanks to HaroDori and the new Kenshuusei unit, Kirara-chan hopes that there'll be more attention given to the KSS Being part of the unit has changed the way Kirara-chan thinks - As an individual KSS, everyone was a rival But for the unit, she thinks about it as a whole

2020-09-12 00:49:49
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Being in the KSS unit has also given Kirara-chan more opportunities to perform live - particularly memorable was getting to be part of the Tokyo Idol Festival last year She enjoyed the sense of unity they had with the audience during their performance

2020-09-12 00:49:49
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Being the most senior KSS, Kirara-chan feels that she has the responsibility to spread messages or criticism to the rest That was something that the senpai were attentive to when she joined the KSS, so she'd like to convey that to the kouhai

2020-09-12 00:49:50
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Kirara-chan's goal is, of course, to debut Having been given the chance to take part in the KSS unit, she'd like to brush up on her charms and grow She'd also like to improve their performances so that the KSS unit is seen to be on par with the actual H!P groups

2020-09-12 00:49:50
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Yonemura Kirara Q&A Fav food: Watermelon Charm point: Eyelashes Senpai she admires: Suzuki Airi - good at singing and dancing, is cute, is charming Fav H!P Song: Ayaya's The Bigaku Future goal: To perform at huge venues!!

2020-09-12 00:49:51
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Yamada Ichigo Q&A Fav food: 🥒🌽🍄 Charm point: Height Senpai she admires: Sayashi (likes the contrast between when she's dancing & when she's normal) & Hama-chan (uses her as singing reference) Fav H!P song: KF's Ashita Tenki ni Naare - listens to it when she feels frustrated

2020-09-13 00:24:05
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Nakayama Natsume Q&A Senpai she admires: Makino Maria - Natsume wants to dance as powerfully as Maria-chan does Fav H!P son: ℃‑ute's Momoiro Sparkling - the song that made her learn about H!P Future goal: To perform in a way that moves the hearts of those watching her

2020-09-13 00:24:06
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Tamenaga Shion Q&A Senpai she admires: Sayashi Riho - charmed by her high-level singing and dancing and her seriousness in performing Fav H!P song: MM's Majidesuka Ska - lifts her spirit and brightens up her day Future goal: Improve her skills & become an official H!P member

2020-09-13 00:49:13
Skoban スコーバン @realskoban

Kubota Nanami Q&A Fav food: 🦐 Charm point: Smile Senpai she admires: Sato Masaki & Murota Mizuki Fav H!P song: MM's Shabondama - That was the first time she realised that there were other ways to sing besides just singing clearly

2020-09-13 00:49:13