
二次まとめ  今年1月以降の投資撤退分類の記事を並べました。
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XR Money Rebellion 🌍🌱🏳️‍⚧️ @money_rebellion

This system is destroying life on Earth 🔥🌍☠️ The rules of our #economy are killing us – so join us in breaking them 💸 🔎 Find out how: moneyrebellion.earth pic.twitter.com/LvYi9Ni0Nr

2020-11-19 23:17:58
XR Money Rebellion 🌍🌱🏳️‍⚧️ @money_rebellion

@GailBradbrook has indeed “shaken up the climate conversation”. Now she’s shaking up the political economy with #MoneyRebellion 👊 But “controversial”? Wait until they find out about the $118 billion @Barclays pumped into fossil fuels since 2016. Join us. #StrikeForLife twitter.com/BBCWomansHour/…

2020-11-17 04:06:36
BBC Woman's Hour @BBCWomansHour

No. 11 is Gail Bradbrook 🌍 @GailBradbrook is the co-founder of @ExtinctionR who have shaken up the climate conversation through peaceful protest. She's put climate change on the front page 🌿 #WHPowerList bbc.in/2Uwpfgg pic.twitter.com/x4UDcF8uk2

2020-11-16 19:21:08
Extinction Rebellion Forres @xr_forres

@Barclays believes it "should take a leading role in tackling climate change". But from 2016-19 it pumped £91 billion into fossil fuel financing, 12 times what it invested in 'green financing'! Today, we joined @XRHighlands to call on Europe's No 1 Fossil Bank to #CleanUpYourAct! pic.twitter.com/UQxSGhkPW1

2020-10-17 03:27:03
XR Money Rebellion 🌍🌱🏳️‍⚧️ @money_rebellion

Don't miss out on important actions, updates, and events. Sign up to join #MoneyRebellion and help fight the corrupt political economy that prioritises profits over life. #WeWantToLive actionnetwork.org/forms/xr-money…

2020-11-14 23:24:47
XR Money Rebellion 🌍🌱🏳️‍⚧️ @money_rebellion

Read the excellent full report by @RAN on which banks finance fossil fuels, broken down by investments per year and various sectors. Thank you for this, Rainforest Action Network & collaborators. Stellar job. ran.org/bankingonclima…

2020-11-14 19:23:14

 コロナと気候危機 COVID and Climate Crisis

Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Let's be clear: The top 1% & large corporations did NOT need a $1 trillion tax break. The U.S. did NOT need to spend $6 trillion on endless wars. The billionaire class does NOT need to pay a lower tax rate than the bottom 90%. The working class NEEDS a $2,000 survival check.

2020-12-27 10:10:14
International Energy Agency @IEA

The #Covid19 pandemic has delivered a shock to the global energy system, and energy investment has suffered the hardest hit. Capital spending in 2020 is now on track for the largest drop in global energy investment in history. More in #WEO20 ➡️ iea.li/3gWjiDx pic.twitter.com/YAJuEEZ9ZM

2020-12-27 00:45:05
Carbon Tracker @CarbonBubble

A year ago, if anyone in the petroleum business had suggested that the moment of Peak #Oil had already passed, they would have been laughed right off the drilling rig. Then 2020 happened bloomberg.com/graphics/2020-… #PeakOilDemand #OOTT

2020-12-26 23:02:00
Jamie Henn @jamieclimate

Marathon Petroleum got a $1 billion tax refund from the CARES act. You get another $600. This bailout has put polluters over people from the very start. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…

2020-12-22 00:57:34

Over 100 leading #renewableenergy players under @IRENA #CoalitionforAction urge governments to act now to meet #ParisAgreement & achieve sustainable, resilient economy by revisiting their #COVID19 measures. Read our recommendations for a #GreenRecovery: bit.ly/2L5s32a pic.twitter.com/KM35nW7Ifq

2020-12-27 14:59:41
Johan Rockström @jrockstrom

This may be the pivotal point. If we fail to tip the balance with the 10 trillion US$ in COVID recovery towards zero-carbon resilience building, then we are in deep deep trouble... theguardian.com/environment/20…

2020-12-13 15:49:43
Eric Holthaus @EricHolthaus

NOW IS A SUPER IMPORTANT TIME. If we return to business as usual post-Covid, it will be a disaster. Climate change and a Just Recovery needs to be at the heart of every country's plans in 2021. news.un.org/en/story/2020/…

2020-12-11 11:52:21
Claudia Kemfert @CKemfert

2020 will go down in history, the year of tipping points: the beginning of irreversible climate protection and the beginning of the fossil fuel sell-off: coal will become history, peak oil has begun (demand not supply-driven) #climatechange #ClimateCrisis bloomberg.com/graphics/2020-… pic.twitter.com/KEfbOEORey

2020-12-06 18:37:34
Matthias Schmelzer @MGSchmelzer

Fossil capitalism thrives: G20 governments have committed more than $230bn in Covid-19-related funding to fossil fuel production and consumption to date, far more than the $150bn to clean energy. theguardian.com/environment/20…

2020-12-03 17:04:36
Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders

Mitch McConnell's "new" COVID relief bill gives CEOs a 100% tax deduction for a 3-martini lunch, but ZERO to the 26 million who don't have enough food to eat. Yes. The Republicans l-o-v-e corporate socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the rest. Ain't gonna happen.

2020-12-03 04:12:26
チーム宇都宮けんじ|市民の力で社会を変える @TeamUtsuken

グリーンピース・ジャパン(@GreenpeaceJP)が10月に発表したレポートで、グリーンリカバリーへの高い関心が示されていますね。 「欧州等で進むグリーンリカバリーなどの施策を推進すべきと思う人は74.3%を占めた」 greenpeace.org/japan/sustaina… どう実現するか、ぜひ岸本さんと一緒に考えましょう。 twitter.com/TeamUtsuken/st…

2020-12-02 20:00:01
チーム宇都宮けんじ|市民の力で社会を変える @TeamUtsuken

【告知開始!】 話題書『水道、再び公営化!』(集英社新書)の著者、岸本聡子さんをお招きし、地方自治体からグリーン・リカバリーを実現する方法を考えます。 「欧州のグリーン・リカバリー政策に学ぶ」 ・日時|2020年12月15日(火)19時〜20時半 ・場所|YouTubeライブ youtube.com/watch?v=YwOwO9… pic.twitter.com/JcQ6Ue0NXD

2020-11-25 22:00:46
Svein Tveitdal @tveitdal

Humanity’s thirst for oil may never return to pre-pandemic levels bloomberg.com/graphics/2020-… via @bbgvisualdata

2020-12-01 18:51:50
志位和夫 @shiikazuo

資産1000億円以上の超富裕層の資産推移(兆円) 19年―14・1 20年3月―12・2 20年6月―16・9 20年9月―18・7 20年11月―21・0! 多くの国民がコロナで困窮するなか、超富裕層は資産を7兆円も増やしている。 #富裕層に増税を #消費税は減税を

2020-12-01 11:50:14
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

World Oil Outlook: Pandemic brings forward predictions for peak oil demand, ET Auto 機関ごとの需要側ピークオイル予測年は新型コロナで前倒しに。 auto.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/oil-and-l…

2020-11-29 21:10:52
Christine Milne AO @ChristineMilne

Green Recovery Funds are once in lifetime opportunity says @CFigueres but they won't be if Aust secures @OECD Sec Gen. @UNFCCC

2020-11-26 04:54:57
Elexity @ElexityIO

Paris accord leader, Christiana Figueres: Green Recovery Funds Are a ‘Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity. hubs.ly/H0BrDb90 #solar #energystorage #microgrids #loadflexibility #demandresponse #energytwitter

2020-11-25 09:51:59
Kosuke Hatta 八田浩輔 @kskhatta

コロナ後の各国の経済再生政策で、EU以外は気候変動にマイナス評価。ガーディアンまとめ Revealed: Covid recovery plans threaten global climate hopes theguardian.com/environment/20…

2020-11-20 20:41:00
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