日本の新目標ー2050年実質ゼロについて または 炭素予算のすすめ

菅首相の初心表明演説での脱炭素社会を目指すとの発言を期に。 ”サクッと言えば … 最後にどれだけ炭素を削減できるか、は、危険な気候変動を避ける目的(つまり 2℃)との関連がほとんどない  重要なのは 累積の炭素排出量だ” XR日本のツイートより からの二次まとめ。
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Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

4/ If all nations were similarly to exceed their fair Paris-compliant carbon budget, total global emissions would align with warming closer to 3°C than 2°C. theecologist.org/2020/jun/08/be…

2020-12-10 03:42:02
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

3/ In a recent paper we estimated the cumulative emissions implied by @theCCCuk ‘net-zero’ pathway as being around 9GtCO2 (not GHGs). This is 2 to 3 times larger than our estimate of the UK’s fair Paris-compliant carbon budget (2.7-3.8GtCO2 from 2020). tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.108…

2020-12-10 03:42:01
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

2/I find it disturbing @theCCCuk has adopted the climate sceptic ruse of "it’s too uncertain" (Ch8/3/c) as an excuse for not aligning its advice with the Paris 1.5-2°C commitments. Another “discourse of delay” – i.e. “push non-transformative solutions”? cambridge.org/core/journals/…

2020-12-10 03:42:01
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

1/ The Govt's committee on climate change has added its 6th budget period on the pathway to ‘net-zero’ by 2050. But @theCCCuk suggests it's not possible to convert Paris 1.5-2°C into UK mitigation, as the minister asked for: assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl… & planb.earth/wp-content/upl…

2020-12-10 03:42:00
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