
James Felton @JimMFelton

Everything is terrible. Here's a football match last weekend that was ruined after the AI cameraman kept mistaking the linesman's bald head for a football.…

2020-10-30 01:11:30
攻劇@23年12月3日で運用終了 @kogekidogso

スコットランド2部での出来事 無観客試合のため、AIカメラで撮影された映像が年間チケット保有者に配信された。このAIカメラはボールを検知し追尾する仕組み しかしAIは副審の“スキンヘッド”をボールと勘違いし、ボールと副審の頭を行ったり来たりする映像がずっと続くことに。現代ならではの事件だ…

2020-10-30 06:26:18
James Felton @JimMFelton

I love it so much, the camera is like "ball ball ball bald head, there's a bald head, zoom in on the bald head"

2020-10-30 01:12:35
James Felton @JimMFelton

God imagine having to live the rest of your life in the knowledge that, to an objective AI observer, your head looks more like a football than an actual football

2020-10-30 19:16:25
James Felton @JimMFelton

I don’t have a sound cloud, but my book is currently heavily reduced on Amazon and 33 in the charts if you fancy getting an easy Xmas / Secret Santa gift.…

2020-10-30 01:35:46
Michael Taylor @mikeyt68

@JimMFelton AI has a long way to go…

2020-10-30 04:02:22
Ryan @dogryan100

Roborace is the world first driver-less/autonomous motorsports category. This is one of their first live-broadcasted events. This was the second run. It drove straight into a wall.

2020-10-29 22:05:43
Ryan @dogryan100

Roborace is the world first driver-less/autonomous motorsports category. This is one of their first live-broadcasted events. This was the second run. It drove straight into a wall.

2020-10-29 22:05:43
Engadget 日本版 @engadgetjp

AI自動運転レース「Roborace」、サーキット走行でマシンが壁に直行 #エンガジェット

2020-10-30 12:24:29
もると @minasemoruto

@unagira スキンヘッドになるとAIカメラがボールと勘違いして追ってくれるから注目度アップよ!(

2020-10-31 14:47:17